Systematic revision of American Glaresidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Author Gordon, Robert D. Author Hanley, Guy A. text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-01-10 2014 333 1 91 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4645613 1942-1354 4645613 112A1F0B-1A82-4672-842B-A79A21F251D6 Glaresis california Gordon and Hanley , new species Description . Male . Length 2.7, width 1.3 mm ; body form elongate, nearly parallel-sided, slightly widened from elytral base to apical 1/3 ( Fig. 19A ). Color yellowish brown. Head with clypeal surface and frons densely rugose, impunctate, with large, dense, irregular tubercles, setae short, barely evident; vertex sparsely tuberculate, with faint trace of basal carina, surface rugose. Clypeal apex weakly emarginate, with large, irregular tubercles, appearing dentate, lateral angles feebly oblique, acute ( Fig. 19B ). Mandible pair symmetrical; mesal tooth strong; lateral prominence strong, pronounced; outer margin rounded. Pronotum with deep, long, transverse fovea in anterior 1/4 extended completely across pronotum, small slightly transverse fovea on each side of middle in anterior 1/2, wide, deep fovea on each side medially near lateral margin, deep central furrow extended from base to transverse furrow; surface densely rugose, with irregular, mostly vertical, dense setae-bearing carinae, setae decumbent, about 1/2 length of carina. Anterior and lateral pronotal margins not bordered, all margins crenulate. Elytra with surface feebly shiny, densely microreticulate; all striae distinctly, weakly carinate, carinae widely interrupted adjacent to space between interval punctures, each carinal segment bearing an apical seta about 2/3 length of segment; intervals with deep round punctures. Metasternum long, feebly shiny, finely, densely microreticulate, surface not tuberculate medially, laterally with some elongate, oblique, setabearing ridges, median area slightly depressed, with faint trace of carina extended anteriorly from apical keel; metasternal groove weak, distinct, inner margin not ridged, outer margin not ridged ( Fig. 19D ). Lateral protibial teeth unevenly spaced, basal two teeth close together. Mesotibia with 4 short, widely spaced spines laterally, tibia slightly projecting at apex ( Fig. 19D ). Posterior metatrochanteral margin lacking teeth, feebly serrate, posterosuperior metatrochanteral surface with 2 large teeth ( Fig. 19C ). Metafemoral surface with widely scattered, elongate, setae-bearing tubercles, microreticulate, shiny throughout; width to length ratio 1.0:1.5, with narrow flange on anterior margin; posterosuperior margin without teeth ( Fig. 19G ). Metatibia broadly triangular, surface entirely microreticulate, with large, bifid, posteromedian lateral projection, medially with irregular row of coarse tubercles extended from base nearly to apex, inner margin smooth, pubescent ( Fig. 19F ). Apical margin of 5th ventrite broadly, weakly emarginate. Genitalia long, basal piece longer than parameres, proximal end curved; median lobe shorter than parameres, wider at middle than a paramere, slightly curved upward in apical 1/3, apex somewhat acute in ventral view; paramere straight in lateral view, slightly sinuate on inner margin, apex bluntly rounded ( Fig. 19E ). Female . Apex of 5th abdominal ventrite with wide, shallow emargination. Variation . Length 3.0 to 3.4 mm , width 1.7 to 1.9 mm . Size and spacing of apical clypeal tubercles varies slightly from the typical; tubercles on surface of clypeus and frons vary from large, dense, to smaller, more widely spaced; number of tubercles in median row of metatibia vary from 4 to 5. Type material . Holotype male: California : CALIF: Inyo Co, 2.5 mi. NNE Big Pine , VIII-27-81/XIXI- 22-81, D. Giuliani 3940' ( USNM ) . Paratypes , 3: (1) CALIF: Calaveras Co. , 2.7 mi. N. Camp Connell , VI- 22-1975 , Fred G. Andrews ; (1) CALIF: Mono Col , Mono Lake , Sulfur Pond , VIII-2 to VII-25-1981 , J. Harris coll; (1) CALIF: Mono Co. , Tom’s Place , VI-14 to VII-7-1979 , D. Giuliani , antifreeze it trap . ( CASC ) ( USNM ) . Remarks . This species differs from other subgroup A members by the presence of 2 teeth on the posterosuperor metatrochanteral margin. It and G . howdeni are also the least roughly sculptured members of the subgroup. Glaresis california has a distinctive, densely, strongly tuberculate head surface; apex of mesotibia apically rounded, not strongly projecting; and unique male genitalia. Etymology . The species is named for the state in which it occurs, name used as a noun in apposition.