A review of Afrotropical Trichardis Hermann, 1906, and the description of the first Oriental representative of the genus (Diptera: Asilidae: Laphriinae) Author Londt, Jason G. H. text African Invertebrates 2008 2008-12-31 49 2 171 171 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5733/afin.049.0210 journal article 10.5733/afin.049.0210 2305-2562 7917381 Trichardis similis sp. n. Figs 43, 44 Etymology: From Latin similis (similar). Refers to the similarity between the male genitalia of this species and crassipala . Description (based on holotype in excellent condition): Head : Black, silver pruinose except for strip between ocellar tubercle and epistomal margin, setae black, white and pale yellow. Antenna dark red-brown to black, black setose; postpedicel elongate spindle-shaped (L:D=4.3:1). Mystax shiny yellow-white with black macrosetae along epistomal margin. Ocellar tubercle with 2 macrosetae. Proboscis and palpi dark red-brown to black. Thorax : Dark red-brown to black, silver pruinose except where apruinose, shiny yellowish setose. Postpronotum extensively apruinose except for narrow band medially, mesonotum apruinose except for narrow lateral and posterior margins, yellowish setose. Scutellum apruinose except for narrow anterior margin. Anepisternum with pale yellowish posterior macroseta, pruinose except for large area anteroventrally. Proepimeron pruinose anteriorly, apruinose posteriorly; katepisternum pruinose posteriorly, apruinose anteriorly; anepisternum pruinose except for small central spot. Legs: Dark red-brown, pulvilli and empodium of similar length. Hind femur dark red-brown, length:height ratio 3.9:1, ventral tubercles well-developed. Hind tibia lacking ventrodistal spur. Wing: 4.3× 1.7 mm . Costal vein strongly developed as far as wing tip, then very weakly developed along posterior margin of wing and absent from alula. Membrane extensively microtrichose—discal and r 5 cells entirely microtrichose. Abdomen : Dark red-brown proximally becoming red-brown distally, apruinose, pale yellow setose. T2 dark red-brown, apruinose. ơ genitalia ( Figs 43, 44 ): Epandrium in lateral view slightly longer than basal part of gonocoxite (i.e. excluding distal projection of gonocoxite and gonostylus). Proctiger long, strongly dorsoventrally compressed. Hypandrium moderately well developed with two pairs of lobes distally. Gonocoxites in ventral view with medially directed dorsal projections and lacking macrosetae; mediodistal projection well-developed, strongly sclerotised, broad with characteristic shape. Gonostylus short, slender, poorly developed, straight. Aedeagal prongs more or less straight, small, tapering to small terminal filamentous tubules. Holotype : MALAWI : ơMalawi Kasungu Nat. / Park Lifupa Camp / 1333 Aa 9–10.xii.1980 / 1000 m Stuckenberg & / Londt , Brachystegia’ ( NMSA ). Paratypes : 1 ơ same data as holotype; 1^‘ Malawi Chimaliro / forest reserve 1200 m / 1233 Bc Stuckenberg & / Londt 9.xii.1980 / Brachystegia woodland’ ( NMSA ) . Distribution and biology: The species is recorded from two localities in Malawi .Adults are known to fly in December (Table 1), midsummer in the southern hemisphere. The type material was collected on the ground in Brachystegia woodland. Similar species: A member of what is here called the ‘ cribrata species group’ which consists of crassipala , cribrata , eburacta , hesperia , malawi , similis , spicata and indica . These species are superficially similar, but can be easily separated on characters of the male genitalia. T. similis is most similar to crassipala in that both species have well-developed hypandria.