DNA barcodes for Cladocera and Copepoda from Mexico and Guatemala, highlights and new discoveries Author Elías-Gutiérrez, Manuel El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Av. Centenario km 5.5, Chetumal 77014, Quintana Roo, México. Author Jerónimo, Fernando Martínez Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ENCB-IPN). Apdo. Postal CON- 252, Mexico, D. F. 0640, Mexico. E-mail: fjeroni @ ipn. mx Author Ivanova, Natalia V. Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Guelph N 1 G 2 W 1, Ontario, Canada. Author Valdez-Moreno, Martha El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Av. Centenario km 5.5, Chetumal 77014, Quintana Roo, México. Author Hebert, Paul D. N. Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph, Guelph N 1 G 2 W 1, Ontario, Canada. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-08-01 1839 1 1 42 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.1839.1.1 journal article 3558 10.11646/zootaxa.1839.1.1 a72fd664-1962-4232-ba28-38a36b167704 1175­5334 5127614 Genus Bosmina Baird, 1845 The taxonomic status of the genus Bosmina remains unsettled. De Melo & Hebert (1994) and Taylor et al. (2002) studied populations of this genus in the northern half of the American continent using both molecular and morphological approaches, but populations in the south have only seen morphological analysis ( Paggi 1979 ). The genus was represented in this study by three species, but Bosmina tubicen Brehm was only recorded from Lake Peten . Bosmina huaronensis Delachaux was widespread from the Central Plateau to the north, while B. longirostris (O.F. Müller) was restricted to one locality on the Central plateau.