New Records Of Hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) From Ukraine. Ii. Brachyopini And Merodontini Author Prokhorov, A. V. Author Popov, G. V. Author Zaika, M. I. text Vestnik Zoologii 2018 2018-04-01 52 2 125 136 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2018-0014 2073-2333 6454606 Brachyopa plena Collin, 1939 ( FIgs 3–5 ) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Ukraine . Zakarpattia Region: Kamianytsia env., Uzh River valley (left bank), 48.70 N 22.43 E , road in deciduous forest, 10.05.2017 , 1 ♀ (G. Popov). D i s t r i b u t i o n. Austria , Serbia , Northern Greece ( Vujić, 1991 ; Holinka & Mazánek, 1997 ; Speight, 2013 , 2017), “Central European territory” of the former USSR ( Peck, 1988 ), Ukraine ( first record ). Record from Czech Republic ( Collin, 1939 ) actually refers to the locatity in Austria (Speight, 2017). Diagnosis. Female differs from similar B. pilosa Collin, 1939 ( FIgs 6–8 ) by the larger and more ventral sensory pit on the basoflagellomere (distance between ventral edge of the pit and ventral edge of the basoflagellomere less than the diameter of the pit, as on FIg. 5 ) (in B. pilosa , distance between ventral edge of the pit and ventral edge of the basoflagellomere exceeds the diameter of the pit, as on FIg. 8 ), and numerous black hairs on the lateral margin of the second tergite (in B. pilosa all hairs pale, but the males have some black hairs and its quantity is rather variable) ( Collin, 1939 ; Speight, 2017). Brachyopa plena is similar to B. scutellaris Robineau-Desvoidy, 1844 in having basoflagellomere with ventral location of the sensory pit (distance between ventral edge of pit and ventral edge of antennal seg- Figs 3–8. Females of Brachyopa plena (FIgs 3–5) and B. pilosa (from Kyiv Region) (FIgs 6–8): 3, 6 — habitus, dorsal view; 4, 7 — head, frontal view; 5, 8 — head, anterolateral view (arrow shows the sensory pit on the basoflagellomere). ment less than the diameter of the pit), differing by the rounded and smaller sensory pit (in B. scutellaris , basoflagellomere with normally kidney-shaped or c-shaped and larger sensory pit), and notopleuron with black and pale pile (in B. scutellaris usually with pale pile only) ( Collin, 1939 ; Speight & Sarthou, 2017 ). Specimens from Ukraine have the notopleu- Fig. 9. Male of Brachyopa vittata , dorsal view. ron with a few black hairs. Additional features. Brachyopa plena from Zakarpattia have vertex as wide as width of the basoflagellomere ( FIg. 4 ), whereas in B. pilosa (from Kyiv Region ), vertex is 1.33 times as wide as basoflagellomere width ( FIg. 7 ). The specimen from Zakarpattia has the postpronotum yellowish-brown, whereas in B. pilosa it is at least dorsally black. N o t e. Speight (2017) remarks that “…the shape of this pit varies, and occasional specimens may be found, among series of specimens of B. scutellaris from Western Europe, in which this pit is either oval or round, or of indeterminate shape”. We still admit that the specimen on hand can be an aberrant B. scutellaris with rounded sensory pit (that species has not been recorded from Ukraine either).