An updated catalogue of the Histeridae (Coleoptera) of Sardinia, with faunistic, zoogeographical, ecological and conservation remarks * Author Penati, Fabio text Zootaxa 2009 2009-12-22 2318 197 280 journal article 1175-5326 2. Epierus comptus Erichson Epierus comptus Illig. : Bargagli 1871: 41 ; Bertolini 1872 –1878: 83, 1904: 48; Luigioni 1929: 364 ? Epierus nitidifrons Gené : Giachino 1982: 351 (nomen nudum) Literature data.Sardinia ” ( Bargagli 1871 ; Bertolini 1872 –1878, 1904; Porta 1926 ; Luigioni 1929 ; Horion 1949 ; Barajon 1966 ; Vienna 1980 ; Audisio et al . 1995 ; Yélamos & Lackner 2004 ); idem , sd, “gift or coll. Gené”, 2 ex (Giachino 1982). Unpublished records. Sardinia”, sd, VG, 2 ex ( MSNG ); idem , sd, UL , 1 ex ( CAD ) . Nuoro prov. : Esterzili, Rifugio [= mountain refuge] Betilli, 15.V.1902 , AD, 10 ex ( CAD ) . Orune , sd, 1 ex ( CAD ex-coll. L. Demarchi ). Oristano prov. : Monte Ferru , sd, UL , 7 ex ( CAD ) . Chorotype. 2.04 SEU (S-European). Italian distribution. Trentino-Alto Adige, Venetia, Tuscany, Latium, Campania, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia . Ecology. Lives under the bark of cork oaks, dead holm oaks, pines and other tree species, under rotting vegetable matter and rotten mushrooms. Notes. Having not found any Sardinian specimens in the many studied collections, Penati and Vienna (2002) had considered this species, previously only generically mentioned in the literature, as absent from Sardinia . However, a more thorough examination of the collections preserved at MSNG allowed me to find the above-listed specimens and to confirm the presence (at least in the past) of this taxon on the island. I also assign to E . comptus the two Sardinian specimens found in the Spinola collection under the name Epierus nitidifrons Gené (Giachino 1982) . However, not having personally examined these specimens, I am unable to affirm with certainty that Epierus nitidifrons Gené (nomen nudum) is identical to Epierus comptus Erichson.