A reassessment of the pycnogonid genus Stylopallene (Arthropoda, Callipallenidae) with description of a new genus Author Staples, David A. text Memoirs of Museum Victoria 2014 72 121 129 journal article 1447-2554 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:44100BE0-6002-4467-B58F-1B104735AE2F Stylopallene Clark, 1963 Diagnosis (modified from Clark, 1963 ). Trunk robust, compact, smooth, ovoid. Cephalon well developed, length about equal to remainder of trunk, neck broad, hardly narrowing throughout. Lateral processes touching or almost touching, separated from central inflated part of the trunk by a transverse suture. Ocular tubercle low, rounded, wider than tall and placed on posterior half of cephalon. Eight eyes, arranged in four groups of two. Proboscis glabrous, with a broad cylindrical basal part tapering to a narrow, short or long tubular distal part separated by a transverse cuticular suture. Jaws tripartite, projecting, pointed, glabrous. Abdomen fusiform, broad or slender, not reaching beyond the end of coxa 1 of leg 4. Palps absent. The orientation of the chelifores follows the curvature of the trunk, chelifore scape onesegmented, female with proximolateral process on each scape. Chela fingers held in prolongation with the palm, shorter than palm, curved, gaping when closed, non-denticulate, immoveable finger blunt, rounded throughout, without defined chitinous cutting edge, moveable finger pointed, both fingers contorted in early juvenile stages. Ovigers ten-segmented in both sexes, terminal claw non-denticulate or with single tooth, distal apophysis on fifth segment in male globular, strigilis spines weakly denticulate. Legs stout, smooth, propodus curved, with well-defined heel. Auxiliary claws absent. Femoral cement gland ducts absent. Genital pores on ventral surface of coxa 2 on all legs of female, legs 3 and 4 of male. Type species. Stylopallene cheilorhynchus Clark, 1963 .