Systematic revision of the Andean butterfly genus Orophila Staudinger, 1886 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Biblidinae) Author Zubek, Anna Author Pyrcz, Tomasz Author Lorenc-Brudecka, Jadwiga Author Boyer, Pierre Author Cerdeña, Jose Author Mahecha-Jiménez, Oscar Author Huertas, Blanca text Zootaxa 2017 4258 5 443 461 journal article 33125 10.11646/zootaxa.4258.5.3 31fc11cb-e4a0-4587-8312-300525996a24 1175-5326 570422 D59801DA-B5AD-42EA-9114-BE398CC84864 Orophila diotima ( Hewitson, 1852 ) ( Fig. 1 D, H) Cybdelis diotima Hewitson, 1852 : 87 , pl. 43, fig. 8, 9. Type locality: Bolivia. Syntypes (4) male, NHMUK [examined]. = Cybdelis whitelyi Butler, 1878: 226 . Type locality: not specified in description, label data: "Peru". Lectotype male (designated herein), NHMUK [examined]. = Perisama diotima zyxata Fruhstorfer, 1916 : 97 . Type locality: Peru (in text: "Pozzuzo"– sic) Lectotype male (designated herein), NHMUK [examined]. = Perisama cecidas cecidina Fruhstorfer, 1916 : 97 . Type locality: Cuzco , Peru . Syntype male, NHMUK [examined]. = Orophila diotima footei Lamas, 2003 : 174 , pl. 26, fig. 291 a, b; Type locality: Santuario Histórico Machu Picchu, Mándor, 1800–1950 m , Peru. Holotype male, MUSM [not examined]. New synonym. Myscelia diotima (Hewitson) ; Kirby, 1871 : 202 . Cybdelis diotima (Hewitson) ; Kirby, 1879 : 75 . Orophila diotima (Hewitson) ; Staudinger, 1886 : 112 . Orophila whitelyi (Butler) ; Staudinger, 1886 : 112 . Perisama diotima (Hewitson) ; Röber, 1915 : 499 , pl. 102 B, fig. a, b; d'Abrera, 1987 : 565 , 2 figs; d'Abrera, 2001 : 178 , pl. 130, fig 3. Perisama diotima diotima (Hewitson) ; Fruhstorfer, 1916 : 97 . Perisama diotima zyxata Fruhstorfer ; Röber, 1924 : 1034 . Perisama cecidas cecidina Fruhstorfer ; Röber, 1924 : 1034 . Odontosama diotima (Hewitson) ; Aurivillius, 1929: 161. Orophila diotima diotima (Hewitson) ; Lamas, 2004 : 245 . Orophila diotima footei Lamas; Lamas, 2004 : 246 . Diagnostic characters. Metallic blue rays on DF never reach the cell CuA1–CuA2. DH uniformly brown, sometimes with ashen-blue marginal band. Basal red patch on VF generally small, always covering less than a half of the wing surface, never covering the wing base nor the veins, if present in CuA2–2A cell, it covers only the half of it and never touches the 2A vein. Redescription. MALE ( Fig. 1 D) Head, thorax, abdomen and wing shape as in the general description. Wings: FW length: 17–21 mm (n=25) DF: ground colour blackish brown, diffuse and irregular white subapical mark, three or four dark blue metallic rays in the basal area, never covering CuA1–CuA2; a set of five irregular spots in postmedian area: smaller, white and blue ones in R5–M1, M1–M2, and M2–M3, and two larger blue ones in M3–CuA1 and CuA1–CuA2, fringe reddish-brown, with creamy-white marks between the veins; DH: almost uniform, blackish-brown, with long, hair-like scales covering the basal half of the wing; in some specimens with an ashenblue submarginal band of various thickness, sometimes diffused; in some specimens, a diffused metallic-blue patch can be observed (see Remarks below). VF: basal part ground colour blackish brown, getting lighter towards the anal margin; apical triangle light brown, with a thin, wavy, dark brown submarginal line; small, white spot in at the median part of the costa; basal red patch varies individually: from small and limited to the discal cell, to more conspicuous, with accompanying rays in M3–CuA1, CuA1–CuA2 and CuA2–2A, however, it never covers the veins, or more than a half of CuA2–2A cell and is generally limited to the basal half of the wing surface; in some specimens a series of white, light brown and faint red markings in postmedian area: smaller white and red ones in R5–M1, M1–M2, and M2–M3, and two larger red ones in M3–CuA1 and CuA1–CuA2. VH: ground colour patchy, pale brown, reddish-brown and gray, varying in shade throughout the wing surface; marginal line thin and red; submarginal line red with white accents on distal side, with a series of semicircular curves; marginal area usually uniformly brown; postdiscal line dark brown, irregularly wavy and noncontinuous; costal area with red and white marking at the base and pale brown marking between postdiscal and submarginal lines; various irregular spots and patches in discal and submarginal area. MALE GENITALIA: as in the general description, except for hypandrium: fork in a form of an arch, with thick, but sharp tips; a set of long, thin and very easily-breakable spines along each arm of the fork collar very thin, sightly shorter than body, smoothly widening at both ends; body triangular, with two small and rounded tips, and a shallow, semicircular incision in proximal margin. FEMALE ( Fig. 1 H): differs from male in: DF discal metallic blue rays reduced, larger and paler median blue markings; absence of DH submarginal ashen-blue band; more conspicuous basal red patch, sometimes fused with red markings in postmedian area; VH same as in males. FIGURE 5. Individual variation in wing pattern in male specimens of Orophila diotima (photo credit: © Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London). A, basal red patch size variation, all specimens from Cochabamba, Bolivia. B, submarginal band width variation, all specimens from Agualani, Peru. C, submarginal band width variation, specimens from Caradoc, Peru. D, submarginal band width variation, specimens from Uruhuasi, Peru. E, submarginal band width variation, specimens from Cosnipata, Peru. F, type specimen of Cybdelis whitelyi Butler. FEMALE GENITALIA: papillae anales sclerotized interiorly, thin apophyses, shorter than the width of the papillae, with club-shaped tips, ostium bursae wide and irregularly shaped; distal half of ductus bursae sclerotized, followed by a longer, unsclerotized part, widening gradually into corpus bursae; signa in a form of two small sclerotized dots, corpus bursae elongated, shorter than ductus bursae; lamella antevaginalis expanded into a large pleated lobe, widening proximally, almost as long as the ductus bursae. Remarks. O. d. footei was described by Lamas (2003) as an intermediate subspecies between O. cecidas and nominate O. d. diotima , but sharing more characters with the latter. Its most distinctive character specified in the description is the large size of discal red patch on the VF, extending outside the discal cell, as opposed to the nominate subspecies. The analysis of the male genitalia has confirmed that this taxon belongs, in fact to O. diotima . However, a comparative analysis of a series of specimens from several localities in southern Cuzco revealed a great variation affecting the size of the discal red patch, not corresponding with any other character variability, nor geographic region. Moreover, specimens with the colour pattern corresponding to the type O. d. footei were evidenced from other localities outside much further south, for example in the Yungas de Cochabamba ( Bolivia ) ( Fig. 5 A). Therefore, O. diotima footei is considered here as an infrasubspecific morphological variation, now regarded as a subjective junior synonym of O. diotima . The syntypes series of Cybdelis whitelyi Butler are not morphologically identical. One male specimen that matches the original description exhibits wider and more conspicuous submarginal ashen-blue band and clearly visible metallic-blue markings in median area of DH. Following the ICZN for taxonomic stability, this specimen is here designated as the lectotype of C. whitelyi Butler. The type locality of Perisama diotima zyxata Fruhstorfer , given by the author in the original description is Pozzuzo (sic) (Pozuzo, Pasco Department). However such locality cannot be found in any of the syntype specimens revised. Moreover, O. diotima was never evidenced from central Peru. In case of another subspecies described from 'Pozzuzo' in the same paper, P. cecidas yurapa the type locality given in the text matches those from syntype labels. Therefore, the type locality of P. d. zyxata given in the original description should be considered erroneous. A lectotype is designated here to prevent further mistakes. FIGURE 6. Distributional map of the species in the genus Orophila Staudinger. Type material. NHMUK: Syntype #1 ♂ of Cybdelis diotima labels: SYN-/TYPE // Bolivia./Hewitson Coll./ 79–69./ Cybdelis / diotima .1. // Boliv // BMNH(E) 1718918 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Cybdelis diotima ( Hewitson, 1852 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016; Syntype #2 ♂ of Cybdelis diotima : SYN-/TYPE // Bolivia./Hewitson Coll./79–69./ Cybdelis diotima .2. // Boliv // BMNH(E) 1718701 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Cybdelis diotima ( Hewitson, 1852 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016; Syntype #3 ♂ of Cybdelis diotima : SYN-/TYPE // Type // [small, orange-brown label with no data] // Bolivia./Hewitson Coll./79–69./ Cybdelis diotima .3. // B.M. TYPE/No. Rh. 9349/ Cybdelis diotima ,♂/Hew. // BMNH(E) 1670022 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Cybdelis diotima ( Hewitson, 1852 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016; Syntype #4 ♂ of Cybdelis diotima ( Fig. 2 B): SYN-/TYPE // Bolivia./Hewitson Coll./79–69./ Cybdelis / diotima .4. // Boliv // BMNH(E) 1718702 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Cybdelis diotima ( Hewitson, 1852 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016. Lectotype ♂ of Perisama diotima zyxata ( Fig. 2 C): Peru/Fruhstorfer // Fruhstorfer Coll./B.M. 1937-285. // BMNH(E) 1718774 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Perisama diotima zyxata ( Fruhstorfer, 1916 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016; Paralectotype #1 ♂ of Perisama diotima zyxata : SYN-/TYPE // Type // Type // Peru/H. Fruhstorfer // Zyxata/ Fruhst. // Fruhstorfer Coll./B.M. 1937-285. // BMNH(E) 1670026 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Perisama diotima zyxata ( Fruhstorfer, 1916 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016; Paralectotype #2 ♂ of Perisama diotima zyxata : Peru/H. Fruhstorfer // diotima /zyxata/Fruhst // Fruhstorfer Coll./B.M. 1937-285. // BMNH(E) 1718703 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Perisama diotima zyxata ( Fruhstorfer, 1916 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016; Paralectotype #3 ♂ of Perisama diotima zyxata : [Peru/Fruhstorfer // BMNH(E) 1718897 // SYNTYPE ♂/ Perisama diotima zyxata ( Fruhstorfer, 1916 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas, 2016. Lectotype of Cybdelis whitelyi ( Fig. 2 D): SYN-/ TYPE // Type // Peru /73 47 // C. whitelyi / Butler type // B.M . TYPE /No. Rh. 0352/ Cybdelis /whiteleyi,/ Butl. // BMNH (E) 1670024 // SYNTYPE / Cybdelis whitelyi ( Butler, 1873 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas , 2016 ; Paralectotype of Cybdelis whitelyi : SYN-/ TYPE // Peru / H. Whitley // // Cybdelis / whitelyi /But./Godman–Salvin/Coll. 1915.–3./ // C. whitelyi /Butler. // BMNH (E) 1718765 // SYNTYPE / Cybdelis whitelyi ( Butler, 1873 ) /Det. Zubek & Huertas , 2016. Syntype of Perisama cecidas cecidina ( Fig. 2 E): SYN-/ TYPE // Type // Type // Cuzco / Peru /H. Fruhstorfer / / cecidas /cecidina/Fruhst], [Fruhstorfer Coll./B.M. 1937-285. // BMNH (E) 1670023. Examined material. NHMUK : BOLIVIA : 26♂ : Cochabamba , Yunga del Espíritu Santo , 1888–89 , P. German leg. 1888 89; 1♂ : 5 days north from Cochabamba , 12.09.1899 ; 1♂ : Road to Cocapata , 6000–8000 ft ., Garlepp. leg. ; 1♂ : Astillero , 2700 m . 01.II , Simons leg. ; 4♂: San Jacinto, 6000–8000 ft ., Garlepp. leg; 3♂: Apolobamba, Pearce leg. ; 3♂: La Paz, E. Garlepp leg. , 5♂ : Charaplaya , 1300 m , V, 65°W,16°S, Simons leg. ; 2♂ : same data but IX, 1200 m ; 11♂: no data; 1♂ : Cocapata ; 1♂: no data; 4♂: no data, ex coll. Oberthür; 1♂: no data, H. Fruhstorfer leg. ; 1♂: Apolobamba, Pearce leg. ;3♂: no data; PERU : 3♂ : no data, H. Fruhstorfer leg. ; 3♂ : Oroya to Limbani , I.1901 , G. Ockenden leg. ; 1♂ : Oconeque , Carabaya , 7000 ft ., II.1904 , G. Ockenden leg. ; 2♂ : Oconeque to Agualani , Carabaya , 6000–9000 ft ., III.04 , G. Ockenden leg. ; 2♂ : R. Inambari to Limbani , III. 0 4, G. Ockenden leg. ; 9♂ : Limbani , Carabaya , 9500 ft ., IV–V.04 , G. Ockenden leg. ; 4♂ : same data but I.01 ; 5♂ : same data but 9000 ft , I–III.04 ; 4♂ : same data but 10000 ft ., XI.01 ; 3♂: Marcapata, 4500 ft .; 4♂ : Agualani , 10000 ft .; I.02 , Ockenden leg. ; 2♂ : same data but X ; 3♂ : same data but IX.01 ; 6♂ : Agualani , Carabaya , 9000 ft ., VI–VIII.05 , Ockenden leg. ; 2♂ : Caradoc , Marcapata , 4000 ft ., II.01 , Ockenden leg. ; 2♂: Quiton, Carabaya, 7000 ft ., V.04 , G. Ockenden leg. ; 2♂ : Prov. Cuzco , Callanga , 1500 m , ex Garlepp. Stgr 1899 ; 2♂ : Uruhuasi , 7000 ft ., 3–4.'10, H. & C. Watking leg. ; 4♂: Cosnipata Valley, H. Whitley leg. ; 1♂: no data, Whitley coll.; 1♂: no data, Druce coll.; 1♂: no data, Felder coll.; 1♂: no data; 1♂: no data, Druce coll.; 1♂: Santa Ana, H. Whitley leg. ; 1♂: no data; 1♂ : Carabaya , 2500– 6000 ft ., VI. 0 4, G. Ockenden ; ECUADOR (mislabeled): 1♂ : Meguilla, C. Buckley leg. ; 1♂: no data, Bates coll.; 3♂ : no data, Felder coll . MZUJ : BOLIVIA : 1♂ : Cochabamba , Locotal , 2200 m , 13.II.2000 , T. Pyrcz leg. , prep. genit. 77/ A. Zubek , 20.03.2013 ; 1♂ : Cochabamba , via Cochabamba , 1650 m , 30.VIII.2000 , T. Pyrcz leg. ; 1♂ : same data but 2200 m , 14.VIII.2000 ; 1♂ : Cochabamba , Via V. Tunari Cochabamba , Paracti , 1950–2000 m , 14.II.2009 , T. Pyrcz & Y. Gareca leg. ; 2♂ : Cochabamba , Villa Tunari , Cochabamba Rd., Rio Limatambo , 1600 m , 14.VIII.2000 , T. Pyrcz leg. ; 1♂ : Cochabamba , Villa Tunari , Cochabamba road, 667 km , 30.VIII.2000 , J. Wojtusiak leg. ; 1♂ : no data ; PERU : 1♀ : Apurimac , S. N. Ampay via Huanipaca km 26, 3500 m , 09.VIII.2009 , T. Pyrcz leg. , prep. genit. 124/ J. Lorenc , 22.VII.2014 ; 1♀ : same data, prep. genit. 125/ J. Lorenc , 22.07.2014 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , Acjanaco vers Boca Manu, 2600–2700 m , 22.V.2003 , P. Boyer leg. , prep. genit.106/A. Zubek, 22.05.2013 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , Via Quillabamba, Quebrada San Luis, 3100 m , 22.IX.2009 , T.Pyrcz leg. , prep. genit. 103/A. Zubek, 22.05.2013 ; 1♂ : Puno , Carabaya, Ollachea vers San Gaban km 11–13, 2200 m , 21.X.2014 , P. Boyer leg. ; 1♂ : Puno , Carabaya , Ollachea vers San Gaban km 29–36, 1200–1500m , 22.X.2014 , P. Boyer leg. , prep. genit. 105/A. Zubek, 22.05.2013 ; 1♂ : Puno , Carcel Punco, 2800 m , II.2006 , J. Bottger leg. , prep. genit. 85/A. Zubek, 27.03.2013 ; PBF : BOLIVIA : 1♂ : Cochabamba , Cochabamba vers Comarapa km 232, 2800 m , 15.III.2002 , P. Boyer leg. ; 2♂ : Cochabamba , Cochabamba vers Tunari km 84, 2250 m , 18.XI.2001 , P. Boyer leg. ; 2♂ : Cochabamba , Cochabamba vers Villa Tunari km 89–90, 1800–1900 m , 09.XI.2001 , P. Boyer leg. ; 1♂ : Cochabamba , Villa Tunari Cochabamba km 48, 1400 m , 17.XI.2001 , P. Boyer leg. ; 1♂ : La Paz , Charazani vers Camata km 15, 2600 m , 07.III.2002 , P. Boyer leg. ; 1♂ : La Paz , La Paz vers Chulumani km 51, 2700 m , 20.XI.1991 , P. Boyer leg. ; 2♂ : La Paz , Valle de Zongo , 2000–2200, 26.XI.2001 , P. Boyer leg. ; 1♂ : same data but 2400–2600 m ; 1♂ : La Paz , Yolosa , 1500 m , 24.XI.1991 , P. Boyer leg. ; PERU : 2♂ : Cuzco , Acjanaco , 22.V.2003 , P. Boyer leg. ; 2♂ : Cuzco , Patria vers Acjanaco , 18.VII.2000 , P. Boyer leg. ; 3♂ : Cuzco , Quebrada San Luis via a Quillabamba , 3000–3200 m , 14.V.2003 , P. Boyer leg. ; 3♂ : Cuzco , San Luis , 14.V.2003 , P. Boyer leg. ; MUSA : PERU : 1♂ : Cuzco , Quellouno , Pariato , 1500–1700 m , 17.IX.2012 , C. Lizarraga & C. Villalta leg. , prep. genit. 138/ A. Zubek , 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : same data but: prep. genit. 144/ A. Zubek , 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , Kosnipata, km 115 Cuzco –Pilcopata, 2947 m , 19.XI.2009 , E. Huamani leg. , prep. genit. 144/A. Zubek, 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , Kosnipata, San Pedro , Paradise Lodge, 1356 m , 16.XI.2009 , E. Huamani leg. , prep. genit. 145/A. Zubek, 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , Calca , Hacienda Caparo , r. Yavero , 1240 m , J. Cerdeña & E. Huamani leg. , prep. genit. 139/ A. Zubek , 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , Valle Kosnipata, Cook of the Rock Lodge, 1450 m , 14.II.2009 , J. Cerdeña & J. Farfan leg. , prep. genit. 141/A. Zubek, 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : Cuzco , La Convencion , 4 km SE Echarate , 1500 m , IX.2009 , R. Diaz & J. Arrivilca leg. , prep. genit. 140/A. Zubek, 22.07.2015 ; 1♂ : same data but: prep. genit. 142/ A. Zubek , 22.0 7.2015. Immature stages and biology. Unknown.