Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)
Beu, Alan G.
Records of the Australian Museum
Rec. Aust. Mus.
journal article
Janthina krejcii
sp. nov.
Figs 26A–N
Hartungia typica
Bronn, 1862: 32–33
(in part misidentified as
H. typica
Bronn, 1861
Janthina typica
et al
., 1958: 336
, pl. 3, fig. 6, pl. 4, fig. 11 (misidentification).
Type material
Figs 26A–B, D–E
), with
Figs 26C, F–H
), labelled “
, Santa Maria, Wegknick [road bend] bei Praia, K. Krejci-Graf,”
23 April 1955
, in
. The type locality is the upper, seaward-directed hairpin bend on the road descending from Almagreira to the beach at Praia, Santa Maria Island
, illustrated by
et al
. (1958
: fig. 4) (a lower, landward-directed hairpin bend is in the underlying volcanic rocks). The writer visited the pale grey outcrop labelled “
find-point alongside the collectors” in fig. 4 of
et al
. (1958)
with Bernard Landau on
28 Feb 1998
, but found no calcareous fossils. The matrix proved non-calcareous, and is not datable by microfossils; it lacks Foraminifera, Radiolaria, calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts. Evidently Krejci-Graf’s party sampled a last small pocket of calcareous rock, probably between volcanic blocks at the base of the outcrop. However, a new lookout, the Miradouro de Macela, was being constructed during
Feb 1998
to overlook the beach at Praia, at the seaward extremity of the bend, across the road and behind the photographer in Krejci-Graf
et al
.’s (1958: fig. 4) photograph. The soft, fawn, non-calcareous, tuffaceous sandstone in the foundations of the lookout was found to contain numerous moulds of
Janthina krejcii
sp. nov.
Ten of these are here designated as
; the two most complete illustrated,
Figs 26I–N
), and three others are incomplete. Colom (in
et al
., 1958
: pls 5–6) illustrated planktonic foraminiferans in a sample from quarries near Figueiral on the south side of
Pico do Facho
, near the Miradouro de Macela
, including
Globoconella puncticulata
Deshayes, 1832
(Bolli & Bermudez, 1965) and
Globigerinoides sacculifer
Brady, 1877
(reidentified by M. Crundwell,
, pers. comm.
17 Sep 2012
), a diagnostic Zanclean fauna. The age of the type locality of
Janthina krejcii
has not been determined in detail but, as it is at a similar elevation to the quarries sampled by
et al
. (1958)
and the Cré locality described by
et al
. (2008)
, is likely to be a similar age within Zanclean time. Only the type material has been observed.
. The writer has seen specimens of
Janthina krejcii
sp. nov.
only from the
locality and the outcrop across the road from it, at the lookout (Miradouro de Macela) on the road descending from Almagreira to Praia, Santa Maria Island,
Islands. Bronn (in
Reiss, 1862: 33
) noted that one of his specimens of
Janthina typica
from near Praia was crushed but lacked spiral folds, so his material seems to have included a specimen of
J. krejcii
sp. nov.
from the
locality. He discussed whether it might be a distinct species, but concluded this was individual variation. As with all other relevant early collections, the present location of Reiss’s material is not known to the writer.
Mayer (1864: 93
, 101) also recorded a single specimen of “
Janthina hartungi
” from Praia, but as it is not mentioned in the list of material following his description (
Mayer, 1864: 63
), he presumably merely repeated Bronn’s record. However,
Mayer (1864: 63)
also recorded a specimen of “
Janthina hartungi
” without spiral folds from Pinheiros, a locality a short distance northeast of Cré, Santa Maria Island. As the writer has not seen material from Pinheiros, it is possible that
J. krejcii
sp. nov.
occurs more widely on Santa Maria Island than the present record indicates.
. See
Table 4
. Most
moulds are too incomplete or too distorted to measure. The largest fragmentary
in WM18973 is
34 mm
wide, but is compressed significantly; a maximum diameter of c.
32 mm
is likely.
. Teleoconch moderately large, short and wide (D/H 1.2–1.35), spire very low to almost flat, whorls evenly convex; completely covered with fine, straight, acline axial ridges, but without obvious spiral sculpture. Outer lip straight, acline; sinus small, moderately deep, semicircular to weakly V-shaped, situated at base of lip.
. Teleoconch moderate-sized for genus, reaching c.
32 mm
in diameter and
25 mm
in height, wide (D/H 1.2–1.35), very low-spired, with c. 3.5 evenly and strongly convex teleoconch whorls; without obvious spiral sculpture. Spire little elevated above last whorl; suture appressed.Axial sculpture of many closely spaced, straight, thin, acline, low lamellae with flat-bottomed interspaces, extending from suture to umbilical hollow over entire teleoconch, c.
1 mm
apart at periphery on last whorl. Aperture large, tall, almost vertical, with thin lips; columellar area and umbilical hollow poorly preserved in all material, apparently similar to those of
Janthina typica
J. chavani
. Outer lip sinus against base of columella, moderately large, semicircular to weakly V-shaped as in
J. chavani
, visible in only two
moulds in WM18973. Protoconch not seen.
Janthina krejcii
sp. nov.
J. typica
J. chavani
in its uniform sculpture of fine, closely spaced, straight axial ridges over the entire teleoconch and in its semicircular to shallowly V-shaped outer-lip sinus situated at the base of the lip. However, it differs from them both in its consistently very low to almost flat spire, so that width is significantly greater than height in all specimens, and in its complete lack of obvious spiral sculpture. It also reaches a markedly smaller maximum diameter than
J. chavani
, although similar in width to
J. typica
. Were only K. Krejci-Graf’s original specimens available they might be thought aberrant specimens of
J. typica
, but all 10 reasonably complete moulds and several additional fragments from the Miradouro de Macela (GNS WM18973) are consistent with Krejci-Graf’s specimens in their low spire and in completely lacking spiral folds. With 15 consistent specimens available, it must be concluded that this is a previously unrecognized species of
. Apparently
J. krejcii
sp. nov.
occurs also at Pinheiros, a short distance NW of Cré, Santa Maria Island, but this locality requires re-collecting. It is not clear as yet whether
J. krejcii
sp. nov.
represents a restricted Atlantic species or, as seems more likely, it happened to live during a late Zanclean time interval that is otherwise not represented by facies suitable for the preservation of
fossils. It is intermediate between
J. chavani
and the living
species in having consistent axial ridges but lacking spiral folds. Only the collection of
J. krejcii
at further localities will clarify its time and geographical ranges and its position in the phylogeny of
Table 4
. Dimensions of
Janthina krejcii
sp. nov.
locality height |
diameter |
D/H |
H/D |
holotype SMF10135a |
23.0 |
30.8 |
1.34 |
0.75 |
paratype SMF10135b |
20.7 |
27.0 |
1.30 |
0.77 |
paratype SMF10135c |
16.8 |
22.6 |
1.35 |
0.74 |
paratype GNS WM18973 |
22.6 |
26.8 |
1.19 |
0.84 |
paratype GNS WM18973* |
24.4 |
23.8 |
0.98 |
1.03 |
paratype GNS WM18973 |
21.4 |
25.2 |
1.18 |
0.85 |
* Distorted.
Figure 26. Specimens of
Janthina krejcii
sp. nov.
, all from Miradouro de Macela, road descending from Almagreira to Praia, Santa Maria I., Azores, Zanclean.
holotype, SMF10135a; C, F, paratype, SMF10135c; G–H, paratype, SMF10135b; all from road cut opposite Miradouro de Macela, coll. K. Krejci-Graf.
2 paratype moulds, GNS WM18973, sandstone in foundations of Miradouro de Macela. Scale bar 10 mm.
. The new species is named in honour of Dr Karl Krejci-Graf, formerly of Universität Frankfurt am Main, who collected the
material and advised the present writer about its locality.
Time range
. Zanclean, c. 4.8–4.3 Ma; the older limit is poorly constrained, but the upper limit on Santa Maria Island cannot be younger than 4.32 Ma (
et al
., 2015