A review of the genus Cryptotendipes Lenz (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China
Yan, Chuncai
Tang, Hongqu
Wang, Xinhua
journal article
Key to males of
1. Inner margin of gonostylus with basal or median projection........................................ 2
Inner margin of gonostylus without projection ........................................................... 19
2. Inner margin of gonostylus with median projection ..................................................... 3
Inner margin of gonostylus with basal projection....................................................... 11
3. Anal point short, not longer than superior volsella ....................................................... 4
Anal point relatively long, longer than superior volsella .............................................. 5
4. Superior volsella columniform and straight, anal point rounded at apex........................
C. nigronitens
Edwards, 1929
Superior volsella digitiform and curved, anal point pointed at apex ..............................
C. pflugfelderi
Reiss, 1964
5. Anal point with setae in basal half ................................................................................ 6
Anal point entirely without setae .................................................................................. 7
6. AR 2.4, superior volsella with 2 apical setae and without lateral setae ..........................
C. usmaensis
Pagast, 1931
AR 1.58, superior volsella with 1 apical seta and 2 lateral setae ....................................
C. tobatertius
Kikucki &
Sasa, 1990
7. Superior volsella without microtrichia
C. emorsus
Townes, 1945
Superior volsella with microtrichia ............................................................................... 8
8. Anal tergite with high ridge
C. casuarius
Townes, 1945
Anal tergite without ridge.............................................................................................. 9
9. Superior volsella distinctly bilobed
C. daktylos
(Walley in
Curran, 1934
) (Neotropical)
Superior volsella not bilobed....................................................................................... 10
10. Superior volsella curved, swollen at apex and truncate, anal point tapering to point.....
C. pilicuspis
Saether, 1977
Superior volsella straight, not swollen at apex, anal point parallelsided to point..........
C. parallelus
sp. n.
11. Tergite IX with pair of dorsal or ventral lobes ............................................................ 12
Tergite IX without lobes.............................................................................................. 14
12. Frontal tubercles absent, superior volsella pointed at apex, without microtrichia..........
C. tobasecundus
Kikucki &
Sasa, 1990
Frontal tubercles present, superior volsella obtuse at apex, covered by microtrichia.13
13. Bands of tergite IX joined, superior volsella constricted in middle, widened at apex....
C. acalcar
Reiss, 1990
Bandsoftergite IXseparated,superior volsellaslightly swollen in middle,roundedat apex
C. mongolkeleus
Sasa & Suzuki, 1997
) (Palaearctic)
14. Tergite IX with distinct caudolateral shoulders
C. darbyi
Sublette, 1960
Tergite IX without caudolateral shoulders .................................................................. 15
15. Superior volsella covered by microtrichia .................................................................. 16
Superior volsella without microtrichia........................................................................ 17
16. AR 2.26–2.66, superior volsella twice as wide at base as at middle, gonostylus obtuse at apex
C. mongoljekeus
Sasa & Suzuki, 1997
) (Palaearctic)
AR 3.1–3.5, width of superior volsella at base equal to at middle, gonostylus pointed at apex
C. ariel
Sublette, 1960
17. Anal point without lateral setae
C. daitogeheus
Sasa & Suzuki, 2001(Palaearctic)
Anal point with lateral setae........................................................................................ 18
18. Gonostylus rounded at apex, superior volsella straight, with apical and lateral setae. LR 1.34–1.44
C. mongolijeus
Sasa & Suzuki, 1997
Gonostyluspointedatapex,superiorvolsellacurved,withapical setaeonly.LR1.69–1.84
C. nodus
sp. n.
(Oriental, Palaearctic)
19. Tergite IX with distinct caudolateral shoulders........................................................... 20
Tergite IX without caudolateral shoulders .................................................................. 21
20. Anal point widest at base, parallelsided, superior volsella not sclerotized....................
C. lenzi
Zorina, 2001
Anal point widest at apex, superior volsella sclerotized .................................................
C. secundus
Zorina, 2003
21. Gonostylus apically pointed
C. holsatus
Lenz, 1959
Gonostylus apically rounded
C. pseudotener
(Goetghebuer, 1922)