Systematic revision of Anopinella Powell (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Euliini) and phylogenetic analysis of the Apolychrosis group of genera Author Brown, John W. Author Adamski, David text Zootaxa 2003 200 1 94 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.156909 96f2b8e1-0b79-4d49-bce9-662141a937ca 1175­5326 156909 Anopinella boliviana Brown and Adamski , new species Figs. 50 , 88 Diagnosis. The female genitalia of A. boliviana are most similar to those of A. brasiliana . They can be distinguished from those of the latter by the denser spicules of the corpus bursae on the side opposite the ductus seminalis and the general shape of the sclerotized mesal patch at the lamella postvaginalis. Description. Head: Frontoclypeus and vertex brown intermixed with pale brown; labial palpus with outer surface pale brown intermixed with few dark brown scales, inner surface pale brown. Antenna with scape and basal 8­10 flagellomeres reddish brown; distal flagellomeres gray. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum brown intermixed with pale brown. Forewing (Fig. 88) length 9.5 mm (n = 1); basal fascia incomplete, pale brown intermixed with reddish brown and brown; costal blotch brown intermixed with brown and reddish brown; basal fascia and costal blotch separated by an oblique pale band of white intermixed with pale brown and pale reddish brown demarcating anterior part of basal fascia and costal blotch to slightly beyond CuP, recurved from distal costa through subapical area to tornus, encircling an elongate ocellus, except for posterior part; ocellus pale brown intermixed with reddish brown and brown; area between CuP and posterior margin reddish brown intermixed with pale brown and brown; costal blotch with small subrectangular white spot near posterior end; apical area brown intermixed with dark brown; submarginal area pale brown, intermixed with reddish brown. Fringe alternating dark brown and reddish brown. Hindwing pale grayish brown. Abdomen: Male unknown. Female genitalia ( Fig. 50 ; drawn from BMNH slide 30117; n = 1) with narrow sclerotized patch at lamella postvaginalis; eighth tergum with a median longitudinal sinus ( Fig. 50 insert); ostium narrowly U­shaped, ca. 0.25 width of seventh sternum at widest point. Ductus bursae long, gradually broadening to corpus bursae, anterior 0.33 densely spiculate; accessory bursae originating ca. 0.9 length from ostium to corpus bursae. Corpus bursae subspherical, densely spiculate nearly throughout, with inception of ductus seminalis near anterior edge of spicules. Holotype , Ψ, Bolivia , Yungas de la Paz, 1908, Seebold, Rebel, 16562, Walsingham Collection BM 1910­427. Deposited in BMNH. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the country, Bolivia .