Systematic revision of Anopinella Powell (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Euliini) and phylogenetic analysis of the Apolychrosis group of genera Author Brown, John W. Author Adamski, David text Zootaxa 2003 200 1 94 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.156909 96f2b8e1-0b79-4d49-bce9-662141a937ca 1175­5326 156909 Anopinella porrasa Brown and Adamski , new species Figs. 36 , 71 Diagnosis. Anopinella porrasa , which is known only from the holotype female, is most similar to A. cartagoa in facies and A. triquetra in genitalia. The holotype of A. porrasa , which has a broad, pale subterminal region similar to A. cartago , can be distinguished from the latter by the absence of the subdorsal ridges and short anterior process characteristic of the genitalia of A. cartagoa . It can be distinguished from A. triquetra by the distinct shape of the dorsal flange ( Fig. 36 insert) on the eighth tergum. Description. Head: Frontoclypeus pale brown; vertex pale brown, brown adjacent to inner margin of base of scape; labial palpus with outer surface of segment I reddish brown intermixed with brown, segment II reddish brown intermixed with brown with few pale brown and white scales to near apex, segment III pale brown intermixed with brown, inner surface mostly white intermixed with pale brown. Antenna with scape pale brown intermixed with few reddish brown scales; basal 8­10 flagellomeres reddish brown; distal flagellomeres pale gray. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum pale brown intermixed with white [most scales missing]. Forewing ( Fig. 71 ) length 9.2 mm (n = 1); incomplete basal fascia and costal blotch brown intermixed with dark brown and reddish brown; basal fascia and costal blotch separated by an oblique band of pale brown intermixed with few pale reddish brown scales demarcating basal fascia and costal blotch slightly beyond CuP, band recurved from distal costa through subapical area to tornus, encircling an ill­defined elliptical ocellus; costal blotch with a small white spot near posterior end; area between CuP and posterior margin brown intermixed with reddish brown; apical area brown intermixed with few pale reddish brown scales; submarginal area narrow, with small, pale reddish brown spots demarcated with brown scales. Fringe reddish brown intermixed with brown [most scales missing]. Hindwing pale brown, with slightly darker, irregular transverse bands, gradually darkening to apex. Abdomen: Male unknown. Female genitalia ( Fig. 36 ; drawn from DA slide 4751; n = 1) with wide, ovoid sclerotized patch at lamella postvaginalis; eighth tergum with a broad, bidentate flange ( Fig. 36 insert); ostium shallowly U­shaped, ca. 0.25 width of seventh sternum at widest point. Ductus bursae long, slender; inception of accessory bursae ca. 0.6 distance from ostium to corpus bursae. Corpus bursae large, subspherical, with small stout spicules on inner ca. 0.5 of side bearing ductus seminalis. Holotype , Ψ, Costa Rica , Cartago Province, Paraíso, P.N. Tapantí­Macizo de la Muerte, 300 m S del Puente del Río Porras, Nov 2001 , R. Delgado. Deposited in INBio. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the type locality of Río Porras.