Figs. 30 – 33. Attavicinus monstrosus. 30 in Comparison of Mouthpart Morphology of Three Species of Mexican Oniticellini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Relation to Their Trophic Habits Author López-Guerrero, Irma text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2007 24 4 542 550 journal article 10.1649/0010 1938-4394 10110924 Achia urvilleae Clark and Burke , new species ( Figs. 1–2 ) Description. Body elongate ( Figs. 1, 2 ); length 2.4–3.3 mm , width 1.5–1.7 mm . Integument mostly ferruginous, head, rostrum, pronotum, and thoracic sterna darker. Vestiture of head, rostrum, pronotum, elytra, sterna and legs consisting of admixture of elongate, cretaceous, fulvous and ferruginous scales; pleural regions of thorax with broad, densely imbricate, cretaceous scales; abdominal sterna and legs with longer, non-imbricate cretaceous scales. Vestiture of elytra ( Fig. 2 ) with narrow, diagonal band extending across interstriae 1–5; sutural interstriae with small middorsal spot of dark ferruginous to fuscous scales. Vestiture of prothorax ( Fig. 2 ) consisting of indistinct, longitudinal, median vitta and diffuse horizontal band of cretaceous scales. Rostrum ( Fig. 1 ) slightly, evenly curved in both sexes, only slightly tapered in dorsal view from base to apex, 1.2–1.3X longer than prothorax along midline; densely rugose and sparsely covered with scales apicad of antennal attachments; proximal portion feebly carinate middorsally; lateral rostral groove well defined, with strongly carinate dorsal margin and with narrow scales. Antennae attached in distal one-third of rostrum in both sexes; scape strongly enlarged in apical one-fifth, apex curved outward; funicular segment 1 strongly clavate, about as long as following three segments combined; segment 2 slender, 2–3X longer than broad, about as long as next two combined; following five segments approximately same length, 6 and 7 slightly broader than others; club elongate-oval, segments tightly joined, much shorter than preceding funicular segments combined. Head with frons without median carina; scales denser and broader around eyes than medially on frons; frontal fovea not visible. Prothorax ( Fig. 2 ) 1.4–1.5X wider than long; sides subparallel at base, rounded to subapical constriction; integument closely, coarsely, evenly punctate on disc; scales on disc slender, uniformly recumbent. Scutellum ( Fig. 2 ) narrow, more than 2X longer than wide, densely covered with cretaceous scales. Elytra ( Fig. 2 ) distinctly wider than prothorax at base; interstriae 3, 5 and 7 strongly elevated at extreme base; sides distinctly convergent from behind humeri to apex; fulvous scales predominant, cretaceous scales scattered, darker ferruginous scales on dense high points of basal prominences on interstriae 3, 5 and 7 and on narrow, diagonal, median band and narrow, horizontal subapical band. Pygidium simple, rounded in male; distinctly extended, with median prominence and narrow median carina in female. Venter with elongate, cretaceous scales; scales slightly broader and denser on meso- and metasterna, more slender on abdominal sterna. Abdominal sternum 1 along midline about as long as sterna 2 and 3 combined; sternum 2 distinctly longer than 3; sterna 3 and 4 subequal in length; sternum 5 unmodified, distinctly longer than sternum 3, about as long as sterna 3 and 4 combined. Genitalia of male with body of aedeagus slightly curved throughout most of length and strongly curved at apex in lateral view, with slight, ventral, subapical prominence; in dorsal view, sides of body of aedeagus slightly curved to point of narrowing to extreme apex; endophallus with numerous minute spines and with one, small, sickle-shaped sclerite. Legs with long, slender, cretaceous to pallid fulvous scales on femora, with more slender scales on tibiae; profemur 3.1– 3.4X longer than broad; protibia of male, in anterior view, straight and slightly expanded in apical one-half, with large, curved, apical uncus; metatibia of male with short, stout apical uncus, female with minute apical uncus. Discussion. Achia urvilleae is more elongate than the other two species of Achia associated with Urvillea and has paler integument. It is also distinguished from those species by having a basal elevation of elytral interstria 5 and a median carina on the female pygidium. The distribution of dark scales and dark integument on the elytra of the species ( Fig. 2 ) show the faint outline of a fusiform patch similar to the more distinct ones in the species of Achia treated by Burke and Kovarik (1986). Host Relationships. Adults of A. urvilleae emerged from fruits of Urvillea ulmacea Kunth collected 3 km E Pozo Azul, Misiones Province , Argentina . Distribution. A. urvilleae is known only from southern Brazil and the adjacent Misiones Province of Argentina . Type Material. Holotype , male, Brazil , Santa Catarina: Brazilien/Nova Teutônia/27 ° 11 9 B–52 ° 23 9 L/Fritz Plaumann/ VIII 1954 / 300–500 m . Achia 0001. ( MZSP ) . Paratypes (total 15), Brazil , Santa Catarina: 1 male , Brazilien / Nova Teutônia /27 ° 11 9 B–52 ° 23 9 L/ Fritz Plaumann / VIII 1954 / 300– 500 m . PHOTO. ( MZSP ). 3 males , 2 females , Brazilien / Nova Teutônia /27 ° 11 9 B–52 ° 23 9 L/ Fritz Plaumann / VIII 1954 / 300– 500 m . ( MZSP ). 1 female , Nova Teutônia /SC, Brasil / VI.1960 / F. Plaumann col. ( MZSP ) . 1 male , Nova Teutônia /SC, Brasil / V.1966 / F. Plaumann col. Anthonominae/gen?/ Det. H.R. Burke 1987 ( MZSP ) . 1 female , Nova Teutonia / Santa Catarina / Brasil IX-15-55. F. Plaumann / Collr. E.L. Sleeper / Collection ( ELSC ) . 1 male , 1 female , Barueri /SP, Brasil / 10./VII.1963 , Rocha. / Papavero , Lenko col. ( MZSP ) . 2 males , Faz. Pau d’Alho / Itu - SP - Brasil / 9- 10.IX.1961 / L.R. Silva col. ( MZSP ) . 1 male , 1 female , Argentina , Misiones : ARGENTINA . Misiones Province /RN ° 17, 3 km E Pozo Azul / 19 Aug 2005 / Mc Kay col. Emerged from fruits of / Urvillea ulmacea /022. ( TAMUIC ) .