Z. lanceolatus
Z. delicatus
Z. gregalis
Z. henoticus
Z. karadaghiensis
I2 apically barbed |
I2 apically broadening |
I2 pointed, smooth |
I2 apically barbed, |
I2 pointed, smooth |
and pilose |
pointed |
length of setae |
length of setae |
length of setae |
length of setae |
length of setae |
I3–5: 45–70 µm peritremes |
I3–5: 36–46 µm peritremes bent |
I3–5: 42–67 µm shape of |
I3–5: 32–45 µm shape of |
I3–5: 34–70 µm peritremes bent |
straight |
peritreme |
peritreme |
unknown |
unknown |
Po1 situated anterolaterally |
Po1 situated anteriorly to |
Po1 situated anteromediall |
Po1 situated anteromediall |
Po1 situated anterolaterally |
to Z1 Po3 situated near Z4 |
Z1 Po3 situated equidistantly |
y to Z1 Po3 situated near I5 |
y to Z1 Po3 situated equidistantly |
to Z1 Po3 situated equidistantly |
posterior surface |
from I5 and Z4 posterior surface |
posterior surface |
from I5 and Z4 posterior surface |
from I5 and Z4 posterior surface |
of |
of |
of |
of |
of |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
smooth |
with alveolar |
with alveolar |
smooth |
with alveolar |
depressions |
depressions |
depressions |
long |
long |
long |
long |
long |
opisthonotal |
opisthonotal |
opisthonotal |
opisthonotal |
opisthonotal |
setae with |
setae with |
setae with |
setae with |
setae with |
exceptionally |
small, |
small, |
small, |
small, |
large, |
rounded |
rounded |
rounded |
lanceolate |
lanceolate |
hyaline |
hyaline |
hyaline |
hyaline |
endings |
endings |
endings |
endings |
endings |
posterior margin |
posterior margin |
posterior margin |
posterior margin |
posterior margin |
of |
of |
of |
of |
of |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
opisthonotum |
with two |
rounded |
rounded |
rounded |
rounded |
knobs |