Omolabus Jekel in north and central America (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) Author HAMILTON, ROBERT W. text Zootaxa 2005 2005-05-19 986 1 1 60 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.986.1.1 7e37edb4-214d-4b5f-ba6f-82871e6f8bb9 1175­5334 5056385 Omolabus sedatus (Sharp) ( Figs. 6 , 17 , 57, 58, 59 & 60) Attelabus sedatus Sharp 1889: 8 Xestolabus sedatus (Sharp) O’Brien & Wibmer 1982 : 13 Type locality. Jalapa, Mexico ( Lectotype ) Type data. Three syntypes ( 2 males and 1 female ) with the following labels were examined: 1) [point mounted], Attelabus sedatus , male, Type , D.S., Jalapa, Mexico Hoge [on card below specimen]; Type [circular label with red margin]; Jalapa. Mexico Hoege; B.C.A. Col IV.3. , Attelabus sedatus Sharp ; Sharp Coll 1905­313 [upside down]. 2) [male, card mounted], Attelabus sedatus D. S. Oaxaca, Mexico . Hoge [on card with specimen]; Oaxaca. Mexico . Hoege; B.C.A. Col. IV. 3. Attelabus sedatus Sharp ; Sharp Coll. 1905­313 [upside down]. 3) [specimen on point tip glued to card], Attelabus sedatus , female, Type D. S., Toxpam. Mexico . Salle; Type [circular label with red margin]; Toxpam Mexico , Salle Coll., B.C.A. Co. IV.3. Attelabus sedatus Sharp ; Sharp Coll. 1905­313 [upside down].The male from Jalapa is here designated as lectotype and the female from Toxpam as allolectotype. Type holder. British Museum of Natural History ( BMNH ) . Size range. Male : 3.2 x 1.6 mm to 4.6 x 2.3; Female: 3.1 x 1.5 mm to 4.4 x 2.3 mm . Description. Body dark reddish­brown throughout. Head longer than wide, with some very small punctures on vertex and near eyes; frons with wide median sulcus; vertex weakly convex; eyes reniform, weakly protuberant. Rostrum slightly shorter than head, laterally punctate, dorsally beyond antennal insertion with very small widely spaced shallow punctures; apex about twice as wide as frons; postlabial area with pair of acute divergent denticles in male. Antennae inserted near basal 1/4 of rostrum; club elongatecompact, distinctly shorter than funicle; middle and terminal segments nearly subequal; basal segment slightly longer; funicular segment 1 ovo­globose, subequal to scape; segment 2 clavate, distinctly shorter than 1; 3 and 4 like 2 but slightly longer; 5 short, weakly clavate; 6 and 7 short, more or less moniliform. Pronotum smooth, shiny, with very minute widely spaced shallow punctures; anterior collar weakly defined, widened dorsally. Scutellum 1/3 wider than long, 5­sided, posterior margin with distinct angle at middle, with some very small shallow punctures. Elytra slightly wider than long, in dorsal view only slightly narrowed posteriorly, without transverse depression behind scutellum; humeri simple, rounded, moderately protuberant; striae small, round, more deeply impressed at base of elytra, becoming progressively less distinct posteriorly; intervals at base of elytra weakly convex; intervals beyond middle of elytra flat, smooth, wide. Profemora evenly swollen and distinctly stalked in male; ventrally angulate in female. Distribution ( Fig. 6 ). Specimens of O . sedatus were examined from Mexico , Guatemala and Honduras . Comments. Omolabus sedatus is a small reddish­brown species with simple humeri (Figs. 57–60). The males have a pair of acute postlabial denticles and the females have ventrally angulate profemora. Host plants. This species is associated with Eugenia spp. ( Myrtaceae ). Specimen data: 114 specimens were examined. The sex and label data are as follows: GUATEMALA : 13 males & 2 females , Puente Lobo, 1980, Eugenia , G Vogt ; 6 males & 1 female , Pto­Barrios­Puente Lobos, 1980, Eugenia , G Vogt ; 5 males & 2 females , Pto. Barrios, Km 175 [Puente El Lobo], 1979, guava, G Vogt; 1 male , Km 241 [Puerto Barrios], viii­1980 , G Vogt; 1 male , Km 175 [Puerto Barrios], xi­1979 , G. Vogt (USNM) . HONDURAS : 1 female , 110 mi up Patuca Rio, 4­v­1947 , CW Cook (CASC) . MEXICO : ; 4 males & 2 female , S. L. P. [San Luis Potosi], El Naranjo, 3.7 miles West, 12­vii­1973 , Guamer & Clark; 1 male , San Luis Potosi, 6 mi N Tamazunchala, 18­ viii­1959 , RF Smith Collector; 1 male & 1 female , Chiapas, 4 mi NW Ocosingo, 9­iii­1953 (UCBC) ; 1 male , Oaxaca, Tuxtepec, 8 mi SW 200', 26­vi­1983 , trop. lowland for., R Anderson; 1 male & 1 female , Oaxaca, 13 km S Tuxtepec, 60m , 26­vi­1983 , M Kaulbars (CMNC) ; 13 males & 5 females , Oaxaca, Piedra Blanca, vii­1969 , Eugenia , G Vogt ; 3 males & 4 females , Oaxaca, Matias Romero, vii­1969 , Eugenia , G Vogt ; 1 female , [ Mexico ], [Oaxaca], S. of Matias Romero, 24­vii­1979 , Eugenia , G Vogt ; 1 female , Veracruz, Tecolutla, viii­1982 , Eugenia , G Vogt ; 1 female , Mexico , [Chiapas], Finca Agua Clara, 13­ viii­1982 , G Vogt; 1 female , Quintana Roo, Cozumel­San Miguel, 1­vii­1959 , NLH Krauss; 4 females , [ Mexico ], Tabasco, Jalapa, 14­viii­1982 , G Vogt (USNM) ; 1 male , Veracruz, 1 mi W Papantla, 28­vi­1971 , Clark, Murray, Hart, Schaffner; 1 male & 1 female , Veracruz, 7.3 mi E Naranjos, 20­ix­1976 , WE Clark; 1 female , Veracruz, Catemaco, 11­iv­ 1967 , H R Burke; 2 female , Veracruz, 27­ix­1976 , WE Clark; 2 females , Tamaulipas, Rio Sabinas Rancho Cielito, 14–15 iv­1984 , JA Jackman; 1 male & 1 female , S. L. P. [San Luis Potosi], Huichihuayan, 8­viii­1967 , HR Burke & J Hafernik (TAMC) ; 1 male , Tamaulipas, Res. Biosfera El Cielo, MPIO: Llera de Canales, Ejido El Pinon S. Nino 100 msnm [?], 26­v­1998 , J Hernandez; 1 male [same except 29­viii­1998 ]; 1 male , Veracruz, 10 mi W Poza Rica, 11­vii­1955 , D Giuliani (CASC) ; 1 male , [Veracruz], Lake Catemaco, 24– 25 v­1969 , H Howden (CMNC) ; 1 male & 2 females , Ver. [Veracruz], Cordoba, A Fenyes (CASC) ; 6 males & 3 females , Veracruz, vic. of El Salto de Eyipantia 15 km S San Andres Tuxtla, 15–28 vi­1985 , Askevold & Heffern; 1 male & 2 female , Quintana Roo, Cozumel Island , 24­vi­1970 , BK Dozier; 1 male & 2 females , Chiapas, 21.3 km N Ocozocoautla, 7­ ix­1981 , Clark & Coe; 1 female , [Veracruz], San Fernando, [Soteapan?] Santa Marta mtns., 20­vi­1992 , Liquidambar Forest, Mateu; 2 female , Yuc.[Yucatan], 6 km W Valladolid, 2­viii­1990 , CW & LB O’Brien; 1 female , Tamaulipas, Rancho Cielito, 4 km W Encino, 24–25 iii­1980 , EG Riley; 1 female , Veracruz, 7 mi SE Poza Rica, 25­x­1979 , R Turnbow (CWOB) .