Argyrogrammana Strand (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) from Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, Acre, Brazil, with the description of four new species Author Dolibaina, Diego Rodrigo Author Dias, Fernando Maia Silva Author Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik Author Casagrande, Mirna Martins text Zootaxa 2015 4028 2 227 245 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4028.2.4 d8d1b157-80be-40f7-abc2-cb4eeeab68ed 1175-5326 233288 9D97E453-5415-4CAB-9BDC-21F5B616A233 Argyrogrammana physis phyton ( Stichel, 1911 ) ( Figs 11–12 , 51 ) Two males of this subspecies were collected in 2013 and one in 2014, all in a small natural clearing on the top of the hill, around two meters from the ground. The species flew short distances and rests below small leaves, around 9:00h. At the same site, two males of A. bonita were collected flying in the middle of the afternoon in 2013. This subspecies is similar to A. halli sp. nov. and A. gallardi sp. nov. , however, it is distinguished from the former by the narrower wings and large orange area in forewing upperside, whereas from the latter by its larger size, absence of small black spots on the orange ground from hind wing upperside, and male genitalia with a short valvae, without a membranous median area ( Fig. 51 ) (see the diagnosis of A. halli sp. nov. and A. gallardi sp. nov. ). Furthermore, A. physis phyton flies in a different hour of the day. The specific validity of A. physis phyton has some support by the available evidence: the male genitalia, illustrated for a Ecuadorian specimen by Hall & Willmott (1995, fig. 19) , is very similar to the examined by us ( Fig. 51 ), and both are distinct from the illustration provided by Brévignon & Gallard (1995, fig. 8) for a specimen of A. physis physis from French Guiana , especially by the short and triangular valva and the long anterior projection of saccus in A. physis physis . Additionally, the male of A. physis phyton has larger orange areas in the upperside of the wings, a longer subapical blue patch in forewing upperside and a developed submarginal orange area in forewing underside when compared with A. physis physis ( Brévignon & Gallard 1995 , fig. 19, Hall & Willmott 1995 figs 3a, b). However, the presence of two undescribed subspecies of A. physis mentioned by Hall & Willmott (1995) prevents us from taking any taxonomic action until those specimens are examined. In a study conducted at Parque Estadual do Chandless, Acre, Brazil ( Mielke et al. 2010 ) this taxon was misidentified as Calospila rhesa (Hewitson, 1858) .