New Records and Range Extensions of Some Marine Sponges (Porifera: Demospongiae and Homoscleromorpha) from the Andaman Islands, India; Part of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. Author Ubare, Vibha V. Author Mohan, P. M. text Zoological Studies 2018 2018-02-07 57 3 1 15 journal article 10.6620/ZS.2018.57-03 1810-522X PMC6517760 31966243 12825247 Biemna fortis ( Topsent, 1897 ) ( Figs. 6 and 7 ) Fig. 4. Cliothosa aurivilli (Lindgren, 1897) . (A) in situ specimen. (B) Papillar connection with the inside body mass of sponge. (C) Space inside the dead coral bored by the sponges. (D1) Thick Tyalostyles. (D2) Thin Tyalostyles. (D3) Amphiaster. (E) Longitudinal section. (F) Transverse section. Synonyms : Desmacella fortis Topsent, 1897 (genus transfer) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d : 2 e x., D O S M B 00129- DOSMB 00130, India : Andaman and Fig. 5. Geographical extension of Cliothosa aurivilli (Lindgren, 1897) © 2018 Academia Sinica, Taiwan Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Burmanallah, Coll. P.M.Mohan and Vibha Ubare, 31.xii.2012 ; 1 ex. , DOSMB 0 0131, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Burmanallah, Coll. P.M.Mohan, 12.ii.2013 ; 3 ex. , DOSMB 00132- DOSMB 00134, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Carbyns Cove, Coll. P.M.Mohan and Vibha Ubare, 2.ii.2013 ; 1 ex. , DOSMB 00135, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Carbyns Cove, Coll. P.M.Mohan, 1.iii.2013 ; 1 ex. , DOSMB 00136, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Carbyns Cove, Coll. P.M.Mohan, 28.xii.2013 ; 1ex. , DOSMB 00137, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Badabalu, Coll. P.M.Mohan, 16.iii.2013 ; 1 ex. , DOSMB 00138, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Badabalu, Coll. Vibha Ubare, 15.ii.2014 ; 1 ex. , DOSMB 00139, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : South Andaman: Chidiyatappu, Coll. Vibha Ubare, 30.i.2014 ; 5 ex. , DOSMB 00140-00144, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Middle Andaman: Mayabunder, Coll. P.M.Mohan and Vibha Ubare, 15.xii.2013 , 2 ex. , DOSMB 00145- 00146, India : Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Middle Andaman: Mayabunder, Coll. P.M.Mohan and Vibha Ubare, 29.vii.2014 . Description : This sponge is massive-flanged and finger shaped ( Fig. 6A ). It is mostly present in the sandy substratum and always covered by sand. It measures 17.9-42.6 mm . The live colour of the specimen is whitish and does not change much after preservation. Oscular chimneys are present. Sometimes only one or many oscular chimneys have been observed from a single specimen; it is oval to circular in shape and ranges 1.7-7.5 mm in diameter. The consistency is compact, brittle, and compressible. The surface of the specimen is uneven and rough to touch. Fig. 6. Biemna fortis ( Topsent, 1897 ) . (A) Specimen after preservation. (B1) Styles. (B2) Trichodragmas. (C1) Large sized Sigma. (C2) Medium sized sigma. (C3) Small sized Sigma (D) Longitudinal section. (E) Transverse section. Fig. 7. Geographical extension of Biemna fortis ( Topsent, 1897 ) . © 2018 Academia Sinica, Taiwan Spicules : The spicules of the specimen are very pointed and sharp. Megascleres- The styles ( Fig. 6B 1 ) are slightly curved, the head region is round and the base is sharply pointed. The size ranges 923.0-1330.0/25.0-27.0 µm. Microscleres- Rhaphides are present in bundles known as Trichodragmas ( Fig. 6B 2 ) 24.0-178.0/9.0-16.0 µm. Three categories of sigmas are present. Large sized sigma ( Fig. 6C 1 ) - C shaped 76.0-108.0/4.0- 7.0 µm; Medium sized sigma ( Fig. 6C 2 ) - 21.0- 37.0/1.0-3.0 µm and Smaller sized sigma ( Fig. 6C 3 ) - 15.0-19.0/1.0-1.5 µm. Skeleton : The ectosomal skeleton is arranged vaguely. The choanosomal skeleton is arranged in an indefinite manner, in the plumose and plumoreticulate forms. Habitat : This species prefers the sandy substratum and is fully covered by the thick layer of sand. Only the oscules are visible from the outside. It is always surrounded by the algae Halimeda spp. and Padina spp. Similarly, polychaetes, nudibranchs, amphipods, and foraminifera ( Sorites spp. ) were observed inside the oscular chambers of this species. Brittle stars were always present with species of this genus. Distribution : India - East of Puri coast ( Burton and Rao 1932 ), Minicoy Islands from Lakshadweep ( Thomas 1980 ) and Gulf of Mannar ( Thomas 1985 ) - It has been newly recorded in the Andaman Islands. The present study observed this species in North Andaman - Diglipur; Middle Andaman - Mayabunder and South Andaman - Badabalu, Burmanallah, Carbyns Cove, Chidiyatappu and Pongibalu; Elsewhere - Banda Sea ( Hooper and van Soest 2002 ), East African Coral Coast ( Pulitzer-Finali 1993 ), Malacca Strait ( Lim et al. 2008 ), Seychelles ( Thomas 1981 ), Singapore ( Lim et al. 2008 ), Vietnam ( Lévi 1961 ), Western and Northern Madagascar ( Barnes and Bell 2002 ) and Kenya ( Pulitzer-Finali 1993 ) ( Fig. 7 ). Remarks : This specimen was recorded by Sollas (1902) as Desmacella fortis and the specimen colour was mentioned as violet and pink but other authors report the specimen colour as whitish and mostly overlaid with sand.