Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic Tetramorium chefketi species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Author Sz, Sándor Cs Ő Author Radchenko, Alexander Author Schulz, Andreas text Zootaxa 2007 1405 1 38 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.399638 6916e2ea-19c9-4427-85bf-f43840857485 1175­5326 399638 1. Tetramorium alternans Santschi, 1929 (figs 11–17) Tetramorium caespitum var. alternans Santschi, 1929 : 150 (/); TYPE MATERIAL: LECTOTYPE / and PARALECTO­ TYPE // designated below (3/ / NHMB); for the locality details see lectotype designation; raised to species rank: Güsten et al. 2006 : 27; Tetramorium biskrensis var. kahenae Menozzi, 1934 : 162 ; first available use of Tetramorium caespitum st. biskrensis var. kahenae Santschi, 1918 : 155 (/); TYPE MATERIAL: LECTOTYPE / designated below, for locality details see lectotype designation (1/ / MCSN); Tetramorium biskrense kahenae : Mei 1995 : 764 ; New synonymy Redescription of worker (figs 14–17). Small to medium size, CS 733 [652, 820]. Whole body and appendages greyish black to black.Head nearly square CL/CW 1.01 [0.97, 1.05], with very feebly convex sides, straight, or slightly concave occipital margin and narrowly rounded occipital corners. Eyes small, EYE 0.168 [0.155, 0.176]. Frons moderately wide, FR/CS 0.39 [0.37, 0.41], frontal lobes as wide as frons, FL/FR 1.0 [1.0, 1.0]. Scape very short, SL/CS 0.71 [0.69, 0.74], without dorsal carina basally, surface feebly costulate. Promesonotal dorsum slightly convex, metanotal groove shallow, but distinct. Propodeal teeth moderately long, slightly curving upwards. Dorsal surface of petiole steeply rounded backward, NOH/NOL 1.03 [0.94, 1.13], petiole relatively high, PEH/NOL 1.84 [1.68, 2.04]. Whole body and appendages greyish black to black. General appearance coarsely rugose, ground surface microreticulate. Head dorsum longitudinally rugose and microreticulate, occiput and sides rugoso­reticulate and microreticulate. Alitrunk dorsum rugose or rugoso­reticulate and microreticulate. Mesopleuron usually coarsely microreticulate. Dorsum of petiolar node ruguloso­reticulate and microreticulate, medially microreticulate. Dorsum of postpetiole microreticulate. Polygonal striation continuous on 1st gastral tergite (see fig. 8.). Ventral surface of head with several short and few moderately long setae arising posteriorly to buccal cavity (see fig. 5.). Description of Gyne (figs 11–13). Small size, CS 999 [948, 1025]. Whole body and appendages greyish black. Head wider than long, CL/CW 0.92 [0.90, 0.95], with straight subparallel sides, straight occipital margin and narrowly rounded occipital corners. Frons moderately wide, FR/CS 0.41 [0.40, 0.42], frontal lobes as wide as frons, FL/FR 1.0 [1.0, 1.0]. Scape very short, SL/CS 0.69 [0.65, 0.71], without dorsal carina basally, moderately smooth and shiny. Head wider than scutum, MW/CS 0.94 [0.92, 0.97]. Propodeal teeth very short. Dorsal crest of petiolar node in frontal view straight. Petiolar node dorsum steeply rounded backward. Petiole and postpetiole relatively narrow, WAIST 0.93 [0.83, 1.0]. General appearance rugulose, ground surface smooth, more or less shiny. Head dorsum, occiput and sides ruguloso­reticulate, ground surface feebly microreticulate. Frons longitudinally rugulose and feebly microreticulate. Scutum and scutellum longitudinally rugulose, scutellum more or less smooth medially. Sides of alitrunk ruguloso­reticulate and feebly microreticulate, ventral part of katepisternum always smooth. Dorsum of petiolar node feebly reticulate and smooth, dorsum of postpetiole usually smooth. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1st gastral tergite, occasionally superficially striate basally. Ventral surface of head with several short and few longer setae, arising posteriorly to buccal cavity. Description of Male. Whole body and appendages black. Head with feebly convex sides, slightly rounded occipital margin and widely rounded occipital corners. Scutum wider than head. Propodeal teeth very short, propodeum angulate in profile. Dorsal crest of petiolar node with sharp transversal edge, slightly emarginated in frontal view. Head, alitrunk and waist finely sculptured, ground surface microreticulate. Head feebly reticulate ground surface microreticulate, dull. Scutum feebly rugulose, laterally and anteriorly smooth and shiny. Scutellum longitudinally rugulose, usually shiny medially. Sides of alitrunk, smooth and shiny. Dorsum of petiolar node finely reticulate and microreticulate, postpetiole smooth and shiny. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1st gastral tergite. Material examined (8 nest series including 34 workers , 6 gynes and 3 males ). ALGERIA – Takersan 0 4.1893 leg. Anonymous (4/ / MNHN ); MOROCCO – Moyen Atlas, Rd 3211 14 Rkm N. Rd 3485, 40 km S. Ain Leuh, 1100 masl, leg. Aßmuth, Güsten, Sanetra, Schulz, Schumann (6/ / PCAS ); TUNISIA – Hammamet, 26.04.1982 . nr. 8. leg. H. Sheratin (2/, 1Ψ, 1ɗ / HNHM ), nr. 9, 27.04.1982 . leg. H. Sheratin (7/, 3Ψ / MSNM ), nr. 23, 30.04.1982 . leg. H. Sheratin (2/, 1Ψ, 2ɗ / MSNM ); Hammamet, Sousse, 0 3.1974. nr. 804. leg. Novellini (4/ / MSNM ); Kabylie, 31.05.65 . leg. Cagniant (4/ / MSNM ); Sfax, 1904. leg. Bíró (5/; 1Ψ / HNHM ). FIGURES 11–17. Tetramorium alternans Santschi, 1929 . Gyne: alitrunk petiole and postpetiole, Fig. 11. dorsal view, Fig. 12. lateral view, Fig. 13. head. Worker: Fig. 14. head. Alitrunk petiole and postpetiole, Fig. 15. dorsal view, Fig. 16. lateral view, Fig. 17. scape, dorsal view. Morphometrics ( 34 workers and 5 gynes measured). Diagnosis. Workers of T. alternans can be separated from related species by the lack of psammophore, relatively small eyes, (EYE, Table 1 .), very short scape (SL/CS, Table 1 .) without dorsal carina basally, less coarse body sculpture (i.e. dorsum of petiolar node is feebly ruguloso­reticulate and microreticulate), rounded petiolar node (NOH/NOL and PEH/NOL, Table 1 .). Workers of T. alternans mostly resemble those of T. sanetrai n. sp. , but petiole and frons characters (NOH/NOL, PEH/NOL,FR/CS, Table 1 .) give appropriate separation between them. To separate these species see Discriminant D(2 b ) function given under T. sanetrai n. sp. Gynes of T. alternans can be recognised by the lack of psammophore, very short and smooth scape (SL/ CS, Table 2 .), wide scutum (MW/CS, Table 2 .), relatively narrow petiole and postpetiole (WAIST, Table 2 .), and feebly reticulate petiole and postpetiole. For further combination of morphometric characters see Table 1­2 . Lectotype designation of Tetramorium alternans Santschi, 1929 . In order to avoid further nomenclatural problems it is necessary to designate a lectotype . We investigated three syntype workers mounted on one pin, labeled as: “ Type ” [red label] [—] “Rabat” [ Morocco ] “Otin” [—] 1.quinz. Aout 28 [in original description: 04.1928] [—] “ T. caespitum alternans Sant. ” SANTSCHI det. 19“29” [last two numbers are hardly readable] [—] Sammlung Dr. F. Santschi Kairouan; These data correspond to the original description ( Santschi, 1929: 150. ). The lectotype is positioned on the distal end of the upper card (this is mentioned on the reverse side of lectotype label). The lectotype specimen is in very good condition. Morphometric data of alternans lectotype worker: CL: 700; CW: 685; FR: 275; FL: 275; SL: 485; ML: 770; MW: 440; PEW: 230; PEH: 255; NOH: 145; NOL: 140; PEL: 150; PPW: 265; PPL: 165; PPH: 210; SPL: 90; SPSP: 140; EL: 135; EH: 100; ED: 180. Lectotype designation of Tetramorium biskrense kahenae Menozzi, 1934 . Santschi described this taxon based on several workers and gynes from different localities (Kairouan, Hammalif, Monastir, Pichon, Mines de Garn el Fyriat), and in order to prevent further nomenclatural problems it is necessary to designate a lectotype . Only one syntype worker specimen was investigated, labeled as: “ T. caespitum ” [/] “st. Biskrense For” [/] ìv. Kahenae Santì [/] “Garn el Fayah” [now Garn Alfaya mines] [/] “ Tunisien ” [/] “(Santschi)” [this label written with red ink]. These data correspond to the original description ( Santschi, 1918: 155. ). In the present designation we fix this specimen as the lectotype . The lectotype specimen is in good condition, partly covered by glue. Morphometric data of kahenae lectotype worker: CL: 790; CW: 790; FR: 305; FL: 305; SL: 555; ML: 880; MW: 485; PEW: 240; PEH: 285; NOH: 170; NOL: 165; PEL: 175; PPW: 305; PPL: 185; PPH: 265; SPL: 110; SPSP: 135; EL: 165; EH: 115; ED: 200. Distribution. This species seems to be endemic to the Mediterranean coast of NW Africa. It is reported from Morocco , Algeria , Tunisia and a dubious record from Lampedusa (Aria Rossa) ( Mei 1995 ). 2. Tetramorium anatolicum Cs õ sz & Schulz, New species (figs 18–24) Description of Worker (figs 21–24). Morphometric data of holotype worker: CL: 720; CW: 695; FR: 245; FL: 265; SL: 550; ML: 770; MW: 430; PEW: 200; PEH: 240; NOH: 140; NOL: 115; PEL: 155; PPW: 250; PPL: 155; PPH: 220; SPL: 80; SPSP: 140; EL: 145; EH: 100; ED: 190; Small size, CS 702 [635, 743]. Whole body and appendages light brown to brown. Head slightly longer than broad, CL/CW 1.02 [0.99, 1.05], with very feebly convex or straight sides and occipital margin, and rounded occipital corners. Eyes small, EYE 0.176 [0.167, 0.182]. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.37 [0.35, 0.39], frontal lobes usually wider, FL/FR 1.02 [1.0, 1.08]. Scape moderately long, SL/CS 0.78 [0.76, 0.81], without longitudinal dorsal carina basally, smooth and shiny. Promesonotal dorsum convex, metanotal groove shallow, but visible. Propodeal teeth moderately long, thin and acute. Petiolar node trapezoidal in profile, NOH/NOL 1.15 [1.0, 1.30], petiole relatively high, PEH/NOL 2.01 [1.74, 2.30]. General appearance finely rugose, or rugulose. Head dorsum longitudinally rugulose, ground surface feebly microreticulate, shiny. Alitrunk dorsum longitudinally rugulose and finely microreticulate. Mesopleuron usually feebly rugulose and microreticulate. Dorsum of petiolar node rugulosoreticulate and microreticulate, dorsum of postpetiole feebly rugulose and microreticulate. Polygonal striation usually continuous on 1st gastral tergite, sometimes slightly disrupted posteriorly (see fig. 8.). Ventral surface of head with several short and few moderately long, straight, or few C­shape setae posteriorly to buccal cavity (see fig. 5.). FIGURES 18–24. Tetramorium anatolicum Csösz & Schulz New species. Gyne: alitrunk petiole and postpetiole, Fig. 18. dorsal view, Fig. 19. lateral view, Fig. 20. head. Worker: Fig. 21. head. Alitrunk petiole and postpetiole, Fig. 22. dorsal view, Fig. 23. lateral view, Fig. 24. scape, dorsal view. Description of Gyne (figs 18–20). Medium to small size, CS 1012 [980, 1055]. Whole body and appendages dark brown to black. Head wider than long, CL/CW 0.93 [0.90, 0.98], with feebly convex sides, straight occipital margin and rounded occipital corners. Frons moderately narrow, FR/CS 0.37 [0.36, 0.40], frontal lobes as wide as frons, or slightly wider, FL/FR 1.01 [1.0, 1.03]. Scape moderately long, SL/CS 0.75 [0.71, 0.77], without longitudinal dorsal carina basally, smooth and shiny. Head wider than scutum, MW/CS 0.96 [0.92, 1.01]. Propodeal teeth moderately long. Dorsal crest of petiolar node in frontal view straight. Petiolar node dorsum steeply rounded backward. Petiole and postpetiole relatively narrow, WAIST 0.85 [0.83, 0.87]. General appearance rugulose, ground surface microreticulate, dull. Head dorsum, occiput and sides rugosoreticulate, ground surface microreticulate. Frons longitudinally rugulose and microreticulate. Scutum longitudinally rugose, anteriorly smooth, scutellum medially more or less smooth; laterally finely rugulose. Sides of alitrunk ruguloso­reticulate and microreticulate, katepisternum smooth and shiny ventrally. Dorsum of petiolar node and postpetiole reticulate, petiolar node smooth medially. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1st gastral tergite, sometimes continuous basally. Ventral surface of head with several short and few longer, straight or “C”­shape setae, arising posterior to buccal cavity. Description of Male. Whole body and appendages brownish black. ead with convex sides, round occipital margin and widely rounded occipital corners. Scutum wider than head. Propodeal teeth very short, propodeum nearly rounded in profile. Dorsal crest of petiolar node with sharp transversal edge, slightly emarginated in frontal view. Head, alitrunk and waist rugulose, ground surface reticulate to microreticulate, dull. Scutum finely rugulose, antero­laterally smooth and shiny. Scutellum transversally rugulose and microreticulate. Sides of alitrunk finely rugose and microreticulate. Dorsum of petiolar node finely reticulate and microreticulate. Postpetiole shiny, feebly striate. Polygonal striation disrupted on 1st gastral tergite. Material examined : (6 nest series including 52 workers , 3 gynes and 1 male ) HOLOTYPE /: TURKEY – Erzurum, 5km SW Aydogdu 20km SW Göle, 1400 mH nr.1148 leg. Schulz 26.06.1993 (1/ / HNHM ); PARATYPES : TURKEY – Digor 1650 mH 13.06.1991 leg. Lˆbl (4/ / HNHM , 4/, 1Ψ MHNG ); Erzurum, 5km SW Aydogdu 20km SW Göle, 1400 mH nr.1148 leg. Schulz 26.06.1993 (5/, 1ɗ / HNHM , 2/, 1Ψ, PCAS ); Van, 5km SE Dedeli 30km SE Patnos 1700mH, Hochsteppe 20.06.1993 . nr.1104. leg. Schulz (3/ PCAS ); Van­ 5km Van, 5km SE Dedeli 30km SE Patnos 1700mH, Hochsteppe 20.06.1993 . nr.1102. leg. Schulz (9/ PCAS , 6/ SMNK ); Van, 5km SE Dedeli, 30km SE Patnos, 1700 mH Hochsteppe nr. 1104 leg. Schulz 20.06.1993 (6/ / HNHM , 3/ / PCAS ); Van, 5km SE Dedeli, 30km SE Patnos, 1700 mH Hochsteppe nr. 1106 leg. Schulz 20.06.1993 (3/, 1Ψ / HNHM , 6/ / PCAS , 3/ / SMNK ). Morphometrics: ( 38 workers and 3 gynes measured). Diagnosis. Workers of T. anatolicum n. sp. can be separated from related species by the lack of psammophore, relatively small eyes, (EYE, Table 1 .), moderately long and smooth scape (SL/CS, Table 1 .), without a dorsal carina basally, relatively fine and parallel body sculpture and trapezoidal petiolar node (NOH/NOL and PEH/NOL, Table 1 .). Workers of T. anatolicum n. sp. are mostly similar to T. exile n. sp. , but differs by its relatively shorter scape and somewhat wider frons (SL/CS and FR/CS, Table 1 .). Discriminant D(2a) function proves the separation between T. anatolicum n. sp. and T. exile n. sp. (see differential diagnosis of T.exile n. sp. ). Workers of T. anatolicum n. sp. may look similar to those of T. chefketi , but can be distinguished by their lighter colour and shape of petiolar node: in T. anatolicum n. sp. it is relatively high and short, trapezoidal, in profile, while in T. chefketi it is relatively low and longer, cubic in profile, (PEH/NOL and NOH/NOL, Table 1 .). Discriminant D(3a) function proves the separation between T. anatolicum n. sp. and T. chefketi (see differential diagnosis of T.exile n. sp. ). Gynes of T. anatolicum n. sp. can be distinguished by the lack of psammophore, moderately long, smooth scape (SL/CS, Table 2 .), without a dorsal carina basally, wide scutum (MW/CS, Table 2 .), relatively narrow petiole and postpetiole (WAIST, Table 2 .), and partly smooth katepisternum. For further combination of morphometric characters see Table 1–2 . Distribution. It is known only from Turkey . Etymology. This adjective [ anatolicum (neutrum)] refers to the known distribution of this species in Anatolian part of Turkey .