Revision of the Cryptocephalus vitellinus species group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) Author Schöller, Matthias text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2014 2014-12-15 54 2 645 655 journal article 4674 10.5281/zenodo.5301023 1018798b-693a-4cb5-815a-de55ebe95504 0374-1036 5301023 A21F7C65-F7B9-492A-B8D2-8A0936B422DAH Cryptocephalus jirofti sp. nov. ( Figs 1–2 , 20–26 ) Type locality. Iran , KermƗn Province, Jiroft, 28°40ƍ N, 57°44ƍ E. Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ IRAN , Jiroft, SW / 800 m , 21.V.1987 [w] // Holotypus Cryptocephalus / jirofti sp. nov. , / des. Matthias Schöller [r]’ ( ZMHB ). PARATYPES : 3 JJ 1 ♀ , ‘ IRAN , Jiroft, SW / 800 m , 21.V.1987 [w] / / Paratypus Cryptocephalus / jirofti sp. nov. / des. Matthias Schöller [r]’ (No. 1 (J) and No. 2 ( ) in MESC , No. 3 (J) in NMPC , No. 4 (J) in MNHN . Description. Measurements ( holotype ): body length 3.75 mm , width of elytra at humeri 2.15 mm ; length of elytra 2.50 mm ; length of pronotum 1.40 mm and width 1.90 mm . Mediumsized, male 3.4–3.9 mm , female 4.2 mm ; pronotum elongate, with narrowly black base of pronotum and elytra; pronotum glabrous; elytra pale yellow with blurred brownish humeral marking, no additional markings present, with short white setae and partly irregular rows of small punctures; scutellum yellow; in male ¿rst pro- and mesotarsomere strongly widened, in female ¿rst mesotarsomere wider than ¿rst metatarsomere. Head shiny, yellow; surface without depressions or furrow, densely punctured with coarse punctures. Clypeus not distinctly separated from frons. Labrum light brown, short, transverse, almost impunctate, anterior angles rounded, anterior margin shallowly convex. Mandibles medium brown with dark brown tips. Last palpomere acute. Eyes large and upper lobes approached, therefore distance between upper lobes 0.53 times the eye length in lateral view; eyes evenly convex, canthus deep. Antennae inserted low on frons, 0.59× body length; antennomeres I–V shiny, medium brown, VI–XI dull, slightly darker brown; scape club-shaped; pedicel globular; antennomeres III and IV elongate, narrow, antennomere V similar to IV but more widened at apex and with longer setae, antennomeres VI to IX distinctly widened, antennomere XI with a pointed tip. Prothorax. Pronotum yellow with black basal margin ( Fig. 1 ); shiny and densely punctured, punctures very shallow, punctures deeper and more coarse laterally; transverse, 1.36 times as wide as long, widest at base, gradually narrowing towards anterior margin, moderately convex; basal margin only feebly sinuose, with 41 teeth of the same size except for a pair of larger teeth opposite to scutellum; posterior angles triangularly extended, acute; median lobe of basal margin with three large and two small teeth, truncate, not raised; lateral margins narrowly bordered, not visible in dorsal view ( Fig. 1 ); anterior margin feebly convex in dorsal view, bordered, light brown, anterior angles rectangular. Prothorax ventrally yellow; intercoxal prosternal process elongate, relatively narrow, as wide as coxal cavity, posterior margin with a pair of blunt lobes, anterior margin regularly convex with a narrow carina; mat and densely punctured prothorax with short white setae, distinctly separated from smooth hypomeron. Mesothorax and metathorax more brownish yellow compared to prothorax, epimeron of mesothorax whitish yellow. Scutellum triangular, with rounded apex, apically in plane with elytra, yellow with black basal margin, impunctate. Elytra subcylindrical, widest at humeri, 1.16 times as long as wide at humeral part, with short white setae, lustrous, pale yellow with a small blurred brown humeral spot, anterior elytral margin black, suture brown, darkened towards apex ( Fig. 1 ); with nine regular rows of punctures plus scutellar and lateral rows in anterior part of elytra, in posterior part partly confused by extra-punctures and vanishing punctures on clivus; rows of punctures not reaching basal margin, punctures blackish brown at base, interstices mat with many large punctures, setose with short white, erect setae, only laterally slightly convex; epipleuron 1/2 the length of the elytra, with a row of punctures. Figs 20–26. Cryptocephalus jirofti sp. nov. 20–22 – aedeagus (20 – lateral view, 21 – dorsal view, 22 – ventral view); 23–24 – kotpresse (23 – dorsal view, 24 – ventral view); 25 – male right protarsus; 26 – spermatheca and spermathecal ductus. Legs pale yellow, tarsi darker, i.e. light brown, external edge of tibiae simple, with a long fringe of setae; protibiae as long as metatibiae, straight, ratio of length of metatarsomeres as 2.0: 1.1: 1.5: 2.2 ( Fig. 25 ), half length of claw segment projecting out of lobes of metatarsomere III, claws simple. Abdomen light brown, all margins pale yellow, with adherent short white setae, last ventrite with a shallow pit surrounded by short white erect setae, ventrites and pygidium with short white adherent setae, puncturation of ventrites ¿ne, more coarse on pygidium; sclerotization of tergites moderately strong. Pygidium pale yellow, regularly vaulted. In lateral view, aedeagus strongly bulging in apical part ( Fig. 20 ), apex of aedeagus in dorsal view triangular with tip forming a broad denticle; a pair of triangular fraenula and a pair of narrow sickle-shaped endosclerites visible in ostium ( Fig. 21 ); a pair of short semi-transparent windows visible in ventral view ( Fig. 22 ). Female . Abdomen light brown except for pale yellow ¿rst and last ventrite, with adherent white setae of medium length. Egg-hollow elongate, twice as long as wide, its margins regular, surrounded by longer erect setae. Kotpresse with dorsal sclerite transverse, ventrally bent part of dorsal sclerite present, with transverse rectangular sclerites fused to sclerotisation of the lateral fold ( Fig. 23 ), ventral sclerite in form of single crosswise band, incised at middle, apodemes slender, much wider than rectum, ventral sclerotised area present, wide and long, half width of ventral sclerite, ventral sclerotisations of lateral fold present ( Fig. 24 ); spermatheca 0.30 × 0.30 mm , light brown, narrow, hook-shaped, pump as long as reservoir, spermathecal duct emerging from a stick-shaped extension of spermatheca, spermathecal duct light brown, narrow and densely coiled up close to spermatheca, but not spiral, getting wider at very base, base triangularly expanded and darker pigmented, emerging from blurred light brown area ( Fig. 26 ). Differential diagnosis. Cryptocephalus jirofti sp. nov. differs from C. vitellinus Lopatin in the widened ¿rst mesotarsomere in both sexes, in the male in having both the ¿rst pro- and mesotarsomeres strongly widened (only the ¿rst protarsomeres are strongly widened in C. vitellinus ), in the female the ¿rst mesotarsomere is wider than the ¿rst metatarsomere (¿rst pro- and mesotarsomeres of equal width in C. vitellinus ). From C. lucidus Rapilly , C. jirofti sp. nov. differs in the pale yellow tibiae (pro- and mesotibia with brown marking in C. lucidus ), the uniformly yellow pronotum (yellowish-orange with a lighter yellow transverse spot at the base in C. lucidus ), and the pale yellow elytra with blurred brownish humeral marking (black humeral marking distinct and a longitudinal blackish brown marking present in apical third of elytron in C. lucidus ). From both C. vitellinus and C. lucidus , C. jirofti sp. nov. differs in the shape of the aedeagus, which in lateral view is strongly bulging in the apical part, and in dorsal view the apex of the aedeagus is triangular with the tip forming a broad denticle. Etymology. The speci¿c epithet refers to the collecting site, Jiroft; noun in genitive case. Distribution. Iran (KermƗn Province).