Systematics and spicule evolution in dictyonal sponges (Hexactinellida: Sceptrulophora) with description of two new species Author Dohrmann, Martin Author Göcke, Christian Author Janussen, Dorte Author Reitner, Joachim Author Lüter, Carsten Author Wörheide, Gert text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2011 2011-11-25 163 4 1003 1025 journal article 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00753.x 0024-4082 5442435 ASPIDOSCOPULIA OSPREYA DOHRMANN, GÖCKE & JANUSSEN SP. NOV. Material examined: One specimen, the holotype ( QM G332104 , SMF 11032), collected 14.xii.2009 during the DDU expedition at Osprey Reef, ROV Dive #8, 13°49′S , 146°32′W , depth 747 m . Description: Body branching with an anastomosing system of tubes attached to a basal plate, holotype about 0.70 m tall, walls thin, outer edges of tubes c . 1 mm ; diameter of the oscular tubes about 20 to 30 mm , increasing distally, skeletal channels absent ( Fig. 9 , supporting movie M2, available at Open Data LMU Colour white, both the living sponge and in ethanol preservation. Figure 7. Aspidoscopulia australia sp. nov. , skeleton. A, head of aspidoscopule (scale bar = 10 Mm). B–C, anchorate clavules (B, scale bar = 50 Mm; C, scale bar = 10 Mm). D, pileate clavule (scale bar = 30 Mm) and clavule head (inset; scale bar = 5 Mm). E, disco- and oxyhexaster (scale bar = 30 Mm). F, discohexaster (scale bar = 10 Mm). G, dictyonal framework (scale bar = 300 Mm). H–I, aspidoscopule with lateral spines (H, scale bar = 30 Mm; I, scale bar = 10 Mm). J, surface pentactin (scale bar = 100 Mm). Skeleton ( Figs 10–11 , Table 5 ): Dictyonal framework of smooth hexactins forming rectangular, occasionally triangular meshes, mesh width 217–652 Mm, beam thickness 54–109 Mm (mean values), the thinnest outer framework parts probably (not observed) consist of only one layer of hexactins. Distal rays of dermal outer layer are thickened and more or less tuberculate, no microhexactins were observed attached to the dictyonal skeleton. Dermalia and atrialia are microspined pentactins with proximal ray length 230–340 Mm, paratangential ray lengths 250– 340 Mm. Only sceptrules observed are microspined anchorate clavules similar to those in Asp. australia , length 275–338 Mm, with four to eight (mean six) large, separated marginal spines, length 15–27 Mm. The shaft shows a whorl of large rounded hooks, 7–20 Mm long, just below the head. Head contains the axial cross represented by a swelling of the axial canal. Rare uncinates observed, 250–950 Mm in length. Microscleres are oxyhexasters, 95–145 Mm in diameter, with primary rays 43–70 Mm length, two to three secondary rays, and discohexasters, microspined, 66–105 Mm in diameter with primary rays, 30–50 Mm length, three to four secondary rays. Remarks: Aspidoscopulia ospreya differs from the type species, Asp . furcillata , by the presence of anchorate clavules and the absence of aspidoscopules. Furthermore, microhexactins fused by one ray to the dictyonal framework, if present at all, are not as abundant as in the type species. A close relationship of Asp. ospreya to Asp. australia is clearly indicated by the very similar appearance of the anchorate clavules in these two species. However, Asp. ospreya differs from Asp. australia by the absence of other sceptrules – pileate clavules or aspidoscopules were not observed in this species, whereas they are common in Asp. australia . The anchorate clavules are generally smaller and show a lower number of marginal spines in Asp. ospreya (mean six) compared to Asp. australia (mean eight); also, both oxy- and discohexasters are generally larger, but with fewer secondary rays, in Asp. ospreya than in Asp. australia . Figure 8. Aspidoscopulia australia sp. nov. , spicules. A, aspidoscopule. Left, head and neck of specimen with lateral spine; right, detail of specimen without spines. B, pileate clavule. C, anchorate clavule. D, discohexaster. E, oxyhexaster. Assignment of QM G332104 and QM G332077 to two distinct species is further justified by significant differences at the molecular level, with uncorrected p-distances of 0.0009, 0.0034, 0.0498, and 0.0687 for 18S, 28S, 16S, and COI sequences, respectively. Etymology: Species name refers to the type locality, Osprey Reef.