Revision of Hemiquedius Casey (Staphylinidae, Staphylininae) and a review of beetles dependent on beavers and muskrats in North America Author Brunke, Adam Author Smetana, Ales Author Carruthers-Lay, Duncan Author Buffam, Joel text ZooKeys 2017 702 27 43 journal article 1313-2970-702-27 FC4FB88DE3B243459DEDBFC8327367E7 Hemiquedius Casey, 1915 Hemiquedius Casey, 1915: 397, 399; Smetana 1971a (diagnosis, as ' Quediini '); Chatzimanolis et al. 2010 (as Staphylinini : Quediina ); Brunke et al. 2016 (as Staphylinini : Acylophorina ) Diagnosis. Hemiquedius can be readily recognized as a member of the subtribe Acylophorina by its elongate, non-lobed and cylindrical mid and hind tarsomeres, and the empodial setae of the hind tarsus, which is distinctly longer than that of the foretarsus. Within the subtribe, Hemiquedius has a unique habitus (Fig. 1A) but is also distinguished by a combination of: foretibia without distinct spines; at least sutural half of elytron lacking regular, evenly distributed setae; antennae non-geniculate; pronotum roughly parallel-sided.