Species identification of Middle Eastern blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of forensic importance Author Akbarzadeh, Kamran Author Wallman, James F. Author Sulakova, Hana Author Szpila, Krzysztof text Parasitology Research 2015 1463 2015-02-15 114 4 1463 1472 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00436-015-4329-y journal article 298233 10.1007/s00436-015-4329-y 6da452d6-aa6c-4527-85b7-09327d02b1cc 1432-1955 PMC4365180 25682434 11376577 Key to the identification of forensically important blowflies of the Middle East. 1. Stem-vein without row of hairs above … 2 – stem-vein with row of hairs above ( Fig. 1a ) … 3 (Chrysomyinae) 2. Lower calypter with hairs on dorsal surface; thorax nonmetallic, dark and dusted ( Fig. 1b ) … 13 (Calliphorinae) – lower calypter without hairs on dorsal surface; thorax bright green metallic, rarely bluish or cuprous ( Fig. 1c ) … 15 (Luciliinae) 3. Greater ampulla with stiff erect hairs ( Fig. 1d ); dorsal surface of lower calypter with dense hairs ( Fig. 1d ) … 4 ( Chrysomya spp. ) – greater ampulla bare or with short fine hairs ( Fig. 1e ); dorsal surface of lower calypter bare or with a few pale hairs ( Fig. 1e ) … 12 4. Anterior spiracle dark, brownish ( Fig. 1f, i ) … 5 – anterior spiracle bright, white-yellowish ( Figs 1d, k ; 2g ) … 8 5. Surface of genal dilation and postgena fuscous, with black hairs ( Fig. 1f ) … 6 – surface of genal dilation and postgena bright, orange-yellowish, with yellow hairs ( Fig. 1i ) … 7 6. Basal part of upper calypter clearly bright, almost white; remaining part of upper calypter and lower calypter dirtywhite ( Fig. 1g ) … Chrysomya phaonis Séguy, 1928 Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in south-east Iran . Fig. 1 The Middle Eastern blowflies of forensic importance. a Ch. albiceps , basal part of wing, stem vein. b C. vicina , thorax, upper, and lower calypters. c L. caesar , thorax, upper, and lower calypters. d Ch. albiceps , thorax, lateral view. e P. regina , thorax, lateral view. f Ch. pinguis , head, lateral view. g Ch. phaonis , thorax, upper, and lower calypters. h Ch. pinguis , thorax, upper, and lower calypters. i Ch. megacephala , thorax, lateral. j Ch. marginalis , wing. k Ch. nigripes , thorax, lateral view. ant spir anterior spiracle, gen dil genal dilation, gr amp great ampulla, kat set katepisternal setae, low cal lower calypter, ps g postgena, up cal upper calypter – basal part of upper calypter dark gray; remaining part of upper calypter and lower calypter dark brownish ( Fig. 1h ) … Chrysomya pinguis (Walker, 1858) Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in south-east Iran . 7. Lower calypter white, with yellowish fringe ( Fig. 1d ) … Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve, 1914 Distribution: Bahrain , Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Oman , Pakistan , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. – lower calypter brownish and darkened ( Fig. 1i ) … Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Kuwait , Oman , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. Fig. 2 The Middle Eastern blowflies of forensic importance. a Ch. putoria , anterior part of body, dorsal view. b Ch. putoria , distal part of female abdomen, postero-dorsal view. c Ch. albiceps , anterior part of body, dorsal view. d Ch. albiceps , distal part of female abdomen, posterodorsal view. e Ch. albiceps , head, antennae. f Ch. rufifacies , head, antennae. g Ch.rufifacies , anterior part of thorax, lateral view. h P. terraenovae , thorax, lateral view. i C. mortuorum , thorax, dorsal view. j C. mortuorum , posterior part of abdomen, male genital apparatus. k C. vicina , thorax, dorsal view. l C. vicina , head, lateral view. m C. vomitoria , head, lateral view. n H. pulchra , posterior part of thorax, lateral view. o H. ligurriens , head, antennae. p H. pulchra , head, antennae. acr set acrostichal setae, ant spir anterior spiracle, cer cercus, cr crevice/incision, gen dil genal dilation, III ant third antennal segment, kat ter katatergite, low cal lower calypter, mr band marginal band, p ep proepimeral seta, ps g postgena, sur surstylus, th thorax, up upper calypter, V ter / Vth fifth tergite 8. Anterior wing margin strongly darkened ( Fig. 1j ) … Chrysomya marginalis (Wiedemann, 1830) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Israel , Oman , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Syria , United Arab Emirates . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. – anterior wing margin transparent … 9 9. Katepisternal setae 0 + 1 ( Fig. 1k ); all hairs on surface of tergite V black … Chrysomya nigripes Aubertin, 1932 Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in south-east Iran . – katepisternal setae 1+1 ( Fig. 1i ); at least some hairs on lateral surfaces of tergite V white ( Fig. 2d ) … 10 10. Dorsal part of thorax with conspicuous dusting ( Fig. 2a ); black transverse marginal abdominal bands on abdominal segment III broad, even up to one-half of tergite length ( Fig. 2b ); posterior edge of tergite V of female entire, without incision ( Fig. 2b ) … Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann, 1830) Distribution: Saudi Arabia (?). Records of Büttiker et al. (1979) and Abouzied (2014) of " Chrysomya chloropyga " most likely refer to Ch. putoria . Possible occurrence in countries of Arabic Peninsula. Reliable keys for identification of both species are provided by Rognes and Paterson (2005) and Irish et al. (2014) . – dorsal part of thorax shiny, with little dusting ( Fig. 2c ); black transverse marginal abdominal bands on abdominal segments III and IV very narrow, up to about a quarter on segment III and usually not more than about one sixth in segment IV ( Fig. 2d ); posterior edge of tergite V of female with crevice/incision ( Fig. 2d ) … 11 11. Third antennal segment wholly dark, blackish-brownish ( Fig. 2e ); proepimeral seta absent ( Fig. 1d ) (rarely present on one or both sides) … Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819) Distribution: Egypt , Israel , Iran , Iraq , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Oman , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Syria , United Arab Emirates , Turkey . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. – third antennal segment pale brown-reddish on inner surface ( Fig. 2f ); proepimeral seta present ( Fig. 2g ) … Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart, 1843) Distribution: Iran , Pakistan . 12. Upper and lower calypters bright, white to yellowish ( Fig. 1e ); anterior spiracle yellowish ( Fig. 1e ) … Phormia regina (Meigen, 1826) Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in Turkey and north-west Iran . – upper and lower calypters dark brown, especially on rim ( Fig. 2h ); anterior spiracle dark brown ( Fig. 2h ) … Protophormia terraenovae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in Turkey and north-west Iran . 13. One pair of acrostichal setae on postsutural surface of thorax ( Fig. 2i ); abdomen shining blue without dusting; cerci of male genitalia short, surstyli much larger in form of long slightly curved rods ( Fig. 2j ) … Cynomya mortuorum (Linnaeus, 1761) Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in Turkey and north-west Iran . – Three pairs of acrostichal setae on postsutural surface of thorax ( Fig. 2k ); abdomen shining blue with white dusting; cerci and surstyli almost the same length … 14 ( Calliphora spp. ) 14. facial ridges, mouth edge, and anterior part of genal dilation yellowish-red ( Fig. 2l ); hairs on genal dilation and postgena black ( Fig. 2l ); anterior spiracle yellow ( Fig. 2l ) … Calliphora vicina (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Turkey , Yemen . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. – facial ridges, mouth edge, and anterior part of genal dilation black ( Fig. 2m ); hairs on posterior part of genal dilation and postgena orange ( Fig. 2m ); anterior spiracle brownish-black ( Fig. 2m ) … Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus, 1758) Distribution: Iran , Israel , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Turkey . 15. Katatergite bare or pubescent ( Fig. 3h, i ) … 16 ( Lucilia spp. ) – katatergite with long, upstanding fine hairs ( Fig. 2n ) … 23 ( Hemipyrellia spp. ) 16. Basicosta bright yellow ( Fig. 3a ) … 17 – basicosta brown or black ( Fig. 3e ) … 18 Fig. 3 The Middle Eastern blowflies of forensic importance. a L. sericata , thorax, dorsal view. b L. cuprina , thorax, dorsal view. c L. sericata , head, posterior view. d L. cuprina , head, posterior view. e L. illustris , base of wing, ventral view. f L. silvarum , head, lateral view. g L. ampullacea , head, lateral view. h L. illustris , posterior part of thorax, lateral view. i L. ampullacea , posterior part of thorax, lateral view. j L. ampullacea , upper and lower calypters, lateral view. k L. porphyrina , upper, and lower calypters, lateral view. l L. papuensis , upper and lower calypters, lateral view. m L. caesar , posterior part of abdomen, male genital apparatus. n L. caesar , ovipositor, VIth tergite, lateral view. o L. illustris , posterior part of abdomen, male genital apparatus. p L. illustris , ovipositor, VIth tergite, lateral view. bas basicosta, cer cercus, cox str coxopleural streak, ep epandrium, h cal humeral callus, in ver inner vertical seta, kat ter katatergite, low cal lower calypter, mr band marginal band, ntl notopleuron, pal palpus, sb scl subcostal sclerite, sur surstylus, up cal upper calypter, VI ter sixth tergite 17. Posterior slope of humeral callus with 6–8 hairs ( Fig. 3a ); surface of notopleuron between last notopleural seta and edge of notopleuron with 8–16 hairs ( Fig. 3a ); central occipital area with 2–8 setulae (rarely 1) below each inner vertical seta ( Fig. 3c ) … Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Oman , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Turkey , Yemen . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. – posterior slope of humeral callus with 0–4 hairs ( Fig. 3b ); surface of notopleuron between last notopleural seta and edge of notopleuron with 2–5 hairs ( Fig. 3b ); central occipital area with one setula (rarely 0 or 2) below each inner vertical seta ( Fig. 3d ) … Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Pakistan , Turkey . Possible occurrence in all countries of the Middle East. 18. Three pairs of acrostichal setae on postsutural area of thorax (like on Fig. 2k ); ventral surface of subcostal sclerite without black setulae; palpi brown to black ( Fig. 3f ) … Lucilia silvarum (Meigen, 1826) Distribution: Iran , Israel . – Two pairs of acrostichal setae on postsutural area of thorax; ventral surface of subcostal sclerite with black setulae near apex ( Fig. 3e ); palpi yelloworange ( Fig. 3g ) … 19 19. Coxopleural streak absent ( Fig. 3i ) … 20 – coxopleural streak present ( Fig. 3h ) … 21 20. Calypters white to light brown, with white at least along the rim of upper calypter ( Fig. 3j ); tibia of legs black; body usually green … Lucilia ampullacea Villeneuve, 1922 Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in Turkey and north-west Iran . – calypters light brown to brown, with at least the rim of upper calypter brownish ( Fig. 3k ); tibia of legs orange-brownish; body usually bluish-purple … Lucilia porphyrina (Walker, 1856) Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in south-east Iran . 21. At least lower calypter brown ( Fig. 3l ); abdominal segments III and IV with dark marginal band (resembling bands present in Chrysomya spp. ) ( Fig. 3l ) … Lucilia papuensis Macquart, 1843 Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in south-east Iran . – lower calypter white, sometimes slightly darkened but never brown ( Fig. 1c ); abdominal segments III and IV with without dark marginal band … 22 22. Male: epandrium large and swollen ( Fig. 3m ); surstyli stout, abruptly narrowed at tip ( Fig. 3m ); female: tergite VI convex in lateral view ( Fig. 3n ) … Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus, 1758) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Libya , Oman , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Turkey , Yemen . Possible occurrence in mountain zone of Pakistan . – male: epandrium of normal size ( Fig. 3o ); surstyli slender, gradually tapered to sharp tip ( Fig. 3o ); female: tergite VI straight in lateral view ( Fig. 3p ) … Lucilia illustris (Meigen, 1826) Distribution: Egypt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Turkey , Yemen . 23. Third antennal segment dark, slightly orange at the base ( Fig. 2o ) … Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann, 1830) Distribution: Pakistan . Possible occurrence in south-east Iran . – third antennal segment entirely orange ( Fig. 2p ) … Hemipyrellia pulchra (Wiedemann, 1830) Distribution: Egypt , Pakistan . Possible occurrence in southern Middle East.