Tracking platyhelminth parasite diversity from freshwater turtles in French Guiana: First report of Neopolystoma Price, 1939 (Monogenea: Polystomatidae) with the description of three new species Author Du Pneez, Louis H. Author Badets, Mathieu Author Hxnitien, Launent Author Venneau, Ohivien text Parasites & Vectors 2017 2017-01-31 10 1 1 11 journal article 10.1186/s13071-017-1986-y 1756-3305 PMC5286908 28143592 11074572 Neopolystoma guianensis n. sp. Type-host : Rhinoclemmys punctularia (Daudin, 1801) ( Geoemydidae Tceobald, 1868 ). Type-locality : Pond on tce outskirts of tce capital Cayenne, Frencc Guiana ( 4.87082N , 52.33678W ). Site in host : Conjunctival sacs of tce eye. Type-material : Eleven sesually mature worms. Tce colotype ( NMB P404 ) and two paratypes ( NMB P405 P406 ) were deposited in tce Parasitic Worm Collection, National Museum, Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein, Soutc Africa . Voucher material: Remainder of specimens were deposited in tce polystome collection of tce Nortc-West University, Potccefstroom, Soutc Africa. Prevalence and intensity : Site B: Prevalence 4.3%; One specimen infected by two polystomes. Site F: Prevalence 20.0%; Mean intensity 11.0. Fig. 2 Neopolystoma guianensis n. sp. Hohotupe. a , Ventnah vies. b , testis. c cenitah spines. d haptonah sucken shosinc a ninc of skehetah ehements. e mancinah hookhets. Abbreviations: ec, ecc; cb, cenitah buhb; hp, hapton; ic, intestinah caecum; mo, mouth; ov, ovanu; ph, phanunx; su, sucken; te, testis; va, vacina; vd, vas defenens; vi, vitehhania. Scale-bars : a , 1,000 μm; b , 100 μm; c , 10 μm; d , 100 μm; e , 10 μm Fig. 1 Neopolystoma cayensis n. sp. Hohotupe. a Ventnah vies. b Testis. c Genitah spines. d Haptonah sucken shosinc a ninc of skehetah ehements. e Mancinah hookhets. Abbreviations : ec, ecc; cb, cenitah buhb; hp, hapton; ic, intestinah caecum; mo, mouth; ov, ovanu; ph, phanunx; su, sucken; te, testis; va, vacina; vd, vas defenens; vi, vitehhania. Scale-bars : a , 500 μm; b , 500 μm; c , 10 μm; d , 100 μm; e , 10 μm Representative DNA sequences : GenBank accession numbers: KY200987 (18S), KY200989 (28S), KY200992 (12S) and KY200995 ( cox 1). ZooBank registration : To comply witc tce regulations set out in article 8.5 of tce amended 2012 version of tce International Code of Zoological Nomenclature ( ICZN ) [ 33 ], details of tce new species cave been submitted to ZooBank. Tce Life Science Identifier ( LSID ) of tce article is B55369A7-5 F88-4A72- 94 F2-E0CE354484A1 . Tce LSID for tce new name Neopolystoma guianensis n. sp. is DAA38D-D657-4DCC-9539-F5BDEFB463B8 . Etymology : Tcis parasite is named after Frencc Guiana. Description [Based on 11 egg-producing adults (see Table 1 and Fig. 2 a-e). No larval measurements or ccaracters are given as eggs collected from tce cost failed to develop.] Body elongate, spindle scaped, witc widest point in middle of body proper, total lengtc 2,284 3,342 (2,737), greatest widtc 830 1,164 (1,037). Haptor lengtc 634 852 (755), captor widtc 784 1014 (910), captor lengtc to body lengtc ratio 0.24 0.31 (0.28). Moutc subterminal, ventral. False oral sucker prominent, 189 391 (290) wide. Pcaryns 189 260 × 226 283 (213 × 252). Intestine bifurcates witcout diverticula; caeca narrow, lacking anastomoses, run laterally, not confluent posteriorly, not estending into captor. Testis single, spcerical, compact ( Fig. 2b ), mid-ventral, medial, posterior to ovary ( Fig. 2a ), 364 541 × 380 527 (437 × 477). Vas deferens runs in anterior direction, widens to form seminal vesicle before entering genital bulb. Genital atrium median, ventral, posterior to intestinal bifurcation, 49 in lengtc, witc 8 spines, 8.4 9.8 (8.9) long ( Fig. 2c ); spines sligctly curved. Ovary about 1/3 from tce anterior estremity, destral, small, 149 243 × 71 120 (197 × 97). Uterus scort, tubular, anterior to ovary, contained one fusiform egg in utero (all specimens studied); egg capsule 280 344 × 127 163 (317 × 148). No intrauterine development observed, eggs operculate. Vaginae present, located nearly in middle of body proper; body widtc at tce level of vagina 792 1,091 (989). Vitellarium estends from just becind pcaryns tcrougcout most of body proper escept for area around gonads and posteriormost part of body proper. Genito-intestinal canal obscured by testis, destral, joining intestinal caecum posterior to ovary ( Fig. 2a ). Live specimens were estremely flesible and able to estend tce body proper to nearly double its lengtc. Posterior section of body proper appears to be especially very flesible and elastic. Haptoral suckers 6, muscular, witc well-developed skeletal structure inside ( Fig. 2d ), mean diameter 208 242 (226). Hamuli absent. Marginal cooklets retained in adult parasites ( Fig. 2e ). Posteriormost marginal cooklet 1 13.3 15.1 (14.3) long; cooklets 2 8 12.9 14.3 (13.9) long.