Pheidole in the New World. A dominant, hyperdiverse ant genus. Author Wilson, E. O. text 2003 Harvard University Press Cambridge, MA book 20017 Pheidole pullula Santschi, new status Pheidole silvestrii var. pullula Santschi 191 lb: 53. Types Naturhist. Mus. Basel. Etymology L pullula , small dark one, allusion uncertain. diagnosis Similar to bellatrix , bison , and napoensis , differing from them and other tristis-gmup members as follows. Major: promesonotum large, descending to the metanotum through a nearly vertical face half as long as the basal face of the propodeum; antennal scrobe present; posterior third of dorsal head surface smooth; postpetiole from above cornulate; rugoreticulum present between eye and antennal fossa; strong, convex postpetiolar process present; anterior rim of pronotal dorsum carinulate, rest of promesonotum smooth and shiny. Minor: semicircular carinulae cover promesonotum except for center, which is rugoreticulate. Measurements (mm) Lectotype major: HW 1.30, HL 1.54, SL 0.62, EL 0.16, PW 0.82. Paralectotype minor: HW 0.52, HL 0.56, SL 0.40, EL 0.08, PW 0.32. color Major: body and mandibles medium reddish brown, other appendages reddish yellow. Minor: gaster light brown, rest of body light yellowish brown, appendages yellow. range Recorded from Buenos Aires and Cordoba, Argentina. Biology Unknown. figure Upper: lectotype, major. Lower: paralectotype, minor. ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires. Scale bars = 1 mm.