A New Species of the Sand-burrowing Dogielinotidae, Haustorioides furotai, from Tokyo Bay, Japan (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
Ogawa, Hiroshi
Association for Protection of Marine Communities, 69 Jodoji-shimobanbacho, Sakyo, Kyoto 606 - 8413, Japan E-mail: haustorioides @ gmail. com & Corresponding author
Takada, Yoshitake
Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute, 1 - 5939 - 22 Suido-cho, Niigata 951 - 8121, Japan
Sakuma, Kay
Japan Sea National Fisheries Research Institute, 1 - 5939 - 22 Suido-cho, Niigata 951 - 8121, Japan
Species Diversity
journal article
Key to species of
1. Telson wider than long, distally truncated, cleft to medium (about 1/4 of length)........................ 2
— Telson cleft and longer than wide, or uncleft, slightly rounded or slightly acute distally.................. 4
2. Peduncle of uropod 1 armed with 14–15 long setae on lateral margin...........................
H. magnus
— Peduncle of uropod 1 armed with less than 12 long setae on lateral margin........................... 3
3. Dactylus of pereopod 5 claw-shaped, merus of pereopod 6 with posterodistal lobe and overlapping to carpus, carpus of pereopod 6 about 2 times longer than the wide...............................
H. koreanus
— Dactylus of pereopod 5 knife-shaped, merus of pereopods 6 without posterodistal lobe, length in carpus of pereopod 6 subequal to the wide.....
H. munsterhjelmi
4. Telson cleft to medium........................... 5
— Telson with small notch or uncleft................. 6
5. Peduncle of uropod 1 armed with 5–7 long setae on lateral margin; epimeral plate 2 with small tooth on posterodistal corner, on epimeral plate 3 strongly concaved dorsally; telson cleft to the middle (about 1/3), subequal length to width..............
H. gurjanovae
— Peduncle of uropod 1 with only 1 seta on distrolateral corner, without medium marginal setae; posterodistal corners on epimeral plates 2 and 3 with medium teeth; telson longer than wide, cleft to the middle (about 1/4)..................................
H. latipalpus
6. Posterodistal corners of epimeral plates 2 and 3 with sharp teeth, elongated straightly.........
H. japonicus
— Posterodistal corners of epimeral plates 2 and 3 with small teeth...................................... 7
7. Palp of maxilla 1 with 1 apical seta; telson longer than wide, subtruncated distally, very shallowly cleft; basis of male gnathopod 1 with 6 long setae on posterior margin...............................
H. nesogenes
— Palp of maxilla 1 without setae; telson uncleft, distal tip acute or slightly rounded; basis of male gnathopod 1 with 3 long setae on posterior margin.............. 8
8. Inner lobe of maxilliped not reaching beyond the lateral margin of 1st article of palp; each merus of pereopod 3–4 without posterodorsal lobe; dactylus of pereopod 7 with>10 setae and about 0.7 times as long as propodus; telson wider than long..............
H. littoralis
— Inner lobe of maxilliped reaching beyond the lateral margin of 1st article of palp; each merus of pereopod 3–4 with posterodorsal lobe; dactylus of pereopod 7 with <8 setae and about 0.5 times as long as propodus; telson is longer than wide or length and width subequal.......................................... 9
9. Distal margin of labrum distinctly emarginated; outer lobe of maxilliped right-angled on distromedial corner; basis of male gnathopod 1 with 3 small setae anterodistally, 6 long setae posteriorly; coxal plate of pereopod 3 with 6 long marginal setae anteriorly......
H. indivisus
— Labrum subtruncated distally, not emarginated; outer lobe of maxilliped acute-angled on distromedial corner; basis of male gnathopod 1 with 2 small setae anterodistally, 3 long setae posteriorly; coxal plate of pereopod 3 with 3 long marginal setae anteriorly.........• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
H. furotai
sp. nov.