Taxonomy of ' Euconnus complex'. Part I. Morphology of Euconnus s. str. and revision of Euconnomorphus Franz and Venezolanoconnus Franz (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2012 3555 55 82 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282872 d3aa1877-6488-466b-aa12-e60639a0cb4d 1175-5326 282872 Euconnomorphus Franz Euconnomorphus Franz, 1980a : 207 . Type species: Euconnomorphus pilosissimus Franz, 1980a (original designation). Revised diagnosis. Male: head elongate, with long, subconical vertex projecting dorso-caudad; tempora and sides of pronotum with dense, strongly erect bristles; fronto-clypeal groove absent; maxillary palpomere III strongly elongate and slender; mandible with broad basal part and abruptly narrowing, slender distal part with single mesal submedian tooth; pronotum bell-shaped, with four ante-basal foveae; basisternal part of prosternum about as long as procoxal cavities; prosternum without intercoxal process or carina; mesoventral intercoxal process long, narrow and strongly expanded ventrally (keel-shaped); mesoventrite without setose or asetose lateral impressions behind anterior ridge; mesothorax with two pairs of deep lateral foveae; metacoxae narrowly separated by subtrapezoidal metaventral intercoxal process; each elytron with single rudimentary and asetose basal fovea; parameres with broad sheath-like bases surrounding median lobe and with slender apical parts. Females and their diagnostic characters unknown. Redescription. Body of male ( Figs. 46–47 ) strongly convex, elongate but moderately slender, with long appendages, BL nearly 3 mm ; cuticle glossy, brown, densely setose, vestiture long and erect. FIGURES 46–50. Morphology of Euconnomorphus pilosissimus Franz , holotype male. General habitus in dorsal (46) and left lateral (47) views; head in frontal view (48); head and prothorax in left lateral view (49); and elytral apices in dorsal view (50). Head ( Figs. 48–49 , 52 ) elongate, rhomboidal in shape, with large eyes; occipital constriction ( Fig. 52 ; occ ) in the narrowest place about as wide as half HW; tempora longer than eyes, gradually convergent caudad, each bearing long setae directed dorso-caudad and additionally oval patch of short and very dense setae adjacent to occipital constriction; vertex subconical and projecting dorso-caudad, bearing long setae directed dorso-caudad; frons between eyes transverse, abruptly and steeply declining towards strongly transverse clypeus; fronto-clypeal groove absent; antennal insertions separated by elongate part of frons slightly narrower than width of scape. Labrum transverse with rounded anterior margin. Mandibles ( Figs. 48, 49 ) symmetrical, each with broad basal part, without noticeable prostheca, and with abruptly delimited, slender and curved distal part bearing single submedian mesal tooth. Each maxilla ( Fig. 52 ) with subtriangular basistipes ( Fig. 52 : bst ), elongate galea ( Fig. 52 ; gal ) and lacinia ( Fig. 52 ; lac ) and long maxillary palp composed of minute elongate palpomere I ( Fig. 52 ; mxpI ), strongly elongate, pedunculate palpomere II ( Fig. 52 ; mxpII ), long and slender palpomere III ( Fig. 52 ; mxpIII ) broadest near apex, and small, subconical and pointed palpomere IV ( Fig. 52 ; mxpIV ). Labium ( Fig. 52 ) with broad, subhexagonal submentum ( Fig. 52 ; smn ) indistinctly delimited from gular plate ( Fig. 52 ; gp ) and laterally fused with hypostoma ( Fig. 52 ; h ), subtrapezoidal mentum ( Fig. 52 ; mn ); and short prementum with a pair of median bristles and narrowly separated, small 3-segmented labial palps ( Fig. 52 ; lp ). Gular plate ( Fig. 52 ; gp ) large and without demarcated anterior part; gular sutures ( Fig. 52 ; gs ) superficial; posterior tentorial pits ( Fig. 52 ; ptp ) indistinctly marked at base of submentum. Antennae ( Figs. 46–47 ) gradually thickening towards apices, antennomere XI distinctly asymmetrical, with subconical apex. Pronotum ( Figs. 46–47 ) in dorsal view bell-shaped, with moderately well-defined anterior and posterior corners; with rounded sides devoid of marginal carinae or edges; base of pronotum with two pairs of small antebasal foveae; sides of pronotum with dense, thick and long setae. FIGURES 51–55. Morphology of Euconnomorphus pilosissimus Franz , holotype male. Venter (51; sternite VIII removed); head in ventral view (52); prothorax in ventral view (53); pterothorax in ventral view (54); and abdominal sternites IV–VI in ventral view (55). Abbreviations: ar, anterior ridge; aestII, mesanepisternum; aestIII, metanepisternum; bst, basistipes; cd, cardo; cxII, mesocoxa; cxIII, metacoxa; dlf, dorso-lateral fovea; epmIII, metepimeron; fo, foramen occipitale; gal, galea; gen, gena; gp, gular plate; gs, gular suture; h, hypostom; hyr, hypomeral ridge; hr, hypostomal ridge; hy, hypomeron; lac, lacinia; lb, labrum; lmfa, lateral metafurcal arm; lp, labial palp; md, mandible; mn, mentum; mscc, mesocoxal cavity; mscs, mesocoxal socket; mst, mediostipes; msvp, mesoventral intercoxal process; mtvp, metaventral intercoxal process; mxpI–IV, maxillary palpomere I–IV; nss, notosternal suture; occ, occipital constriction; par, projection of anterior ridge; pcc, procoxal cavity; pcs, procoxal socket; pn, pronotum; pre, prepectus; ps, prosternum; ptp, posterior tentorial pit; smn, submentum; stIII–VII, abdominal sternite III–VII; vII, mesoventrite; vIII, metaventrite; vlf, ventro-lateral fovea. FIGURES 56–58. Morphology of Euconnomorphus pilosissimus Franz , holotype male. Aedeagus in ventral (56), dorsal (57) and lateral (58) views. Abbreviations: bo, basal orifice; lpe, lateral projection of endophallus; mpe, median projection of endophallus; sdp, subapical dorsal projection; sep, subapical external projection; sip, subapical internal projection. Prosternum ( Figs. 51, 53 ; ps ) with long basisternal part not demarcated from procoxal cavities ( Fig. 53 ; pcc ); median part of sternum without intercoxal carina or process; procoxal sockets ( Fig. 53 ; pcs ) closed by lateral lobes of sternum; hypomera ( Fig. 53 ; hy ) subtriangular; hypomeral ridge ( Fig. 53 ; hyr ) disrupted near middle; notosternal sutures ( Fig. 53 ; nss ) entire. Mesoscutellum very small, subtriangular, barely visible between bases of elytra; mesoscuto-scutellar suture not visible in slide preparation. Mesoventrite ( Figs. 51, 54 ;) with narrow anterior ridge ( Fig. 54 ; ar ) without median projection; mesoventral intercoxal process ( Fig. 54 ; msvp ) narrow and keel-shaped; mesanepisternum with long prepectus ( Fig. 54 ; pre ) and posterior part ( Fig. 54 ; aestII ) visible in ventral view; mesepimeron not visible in ventral view; sides of mesothorax with two pairs of deep foveae: ventro-lateral foveae ( Fig. 54 ; vlf ) behind prepectus and dorso-lateral foveae ( Fig. 54 ; dlf ) behind mesanepisternum. Metaventrite ( Figs. 51, 54 ; vIII ) strongly transverse, anteriorly fused with mesoventrite, posteriorly deeply bisinuate and with narrow median subtrapezoidal metaventral intercoxal process ( Fig. 54 ; mtvp ). Metanepisterna ( Fig. 54 ; aestIII ) and metepimera ( Fig. 54 ; epmIII ) narrow. Metafurca ( Fig. 54 ) with very short and broad stem and divergent lateral furcal arms ( Fig. 54 ; lmfa ). Elytra ( Figs. 46–47, 50 ) oval, each with single rudimentary and asetose basal fovea located in shallow and indistinctly delimited basal impression; humeral calli well-marked; each elytral apex ( Fig. 50 ) with setal brush inserted on small papilla. Legs ( Figs. 46–47 , 51, 53–54 ) long and slender; procoxae subglobose, mesocoxae slightly elongate, metacoxae transverse, stout; all trochanters short; all femora gradually clavate, metafemora with indistinctly delimited, slightly impressed subapical dorso-internal area with setae directed from dorsal to ventral margin of femur; all tibiae slightly curved inwards; tarsi long and slender. Abdominal sternites ( Figs. 51, 55 ) modified, IV–VI with sublateral groups of divergent setae; V–VI with a pair of sublateral expansions; VI with long median projection. Aedeagus ( Figs. 56–58 ) stout, with well-defined apical part of median lobe; ventral and dorsal wall with subapical projections; internal armature moderately darkly sclerotized, with distal part projecting between subapical external ( Fig. 56 ; sep ) and internal ( Fig. 56 ; sip ) projection of ventral wall; basal orifice ( Fig. 57 ; bo ) located subbasally; parameres with broad sheath-like bases and with abruptly delimited slender apical parts bearing apical setae. Distribution and composition. Euconnomorphus is represented by a single species known from the northern part of Peru . Remarks. Euconnomorphus superficially resembles some species of Euconnus in the general appearance, but clearly differs from Euconnus s. str. in the following characters: shape and vestiture of the head (vertex subconical and with long, dense bristles vs. vertex rounded and with sparse thin setae in Euconnus s. str. ); shape of mandibles (abruptly separated basal and distal parts vs. gradually narrowing, subtriangular mandible in Euconnus s. str. ); lack of fronto-clypeal groove (present in Euconnus s. str. ); the sculpture of the pronotal base (four foveae vs. two in Euconnus s. str. ); the length of basisternum (very long vs. rudimentary in Euconnus s. str. ); structure of the mesoventrite (lack of sharply demarcated lateral setose impressions vs. presence of such impressions in Euconnus s. str. ); the elytral base (with a single rudimentary basal fovea vs. two distinct foveae in Euconnus s. str. ); shape of the metaventral intercoxal process (narrow, strongly projecting caudad vs. moderately broad and weakly projecting in Euconnus s. str. ); and the aedeagus (with broad and sheath-like bases of parameres vs. slender parameres in Euconnus s. str. ).