Novel evolution of a hyper‐elongated tongue in a Cretaceous enantiornithine from China and the evolution of the hyolingual apparatus and feeding in birds Author Li, Zhiheng 0000-0002-6968-6982 Author Wang, Min Author Stidham, Thomas A. 0000-0003-4766-0041 Author Zhou, Zhonghe Author Clarke, Julia text Journal of Anatomy 2021 2021-12-31 239 6 1 12 journal article 10.1111/joa.13588 37542e68-bc2a-4824-ad1f-2fc1ae5253d1 PMC8930807 34854094 5808218 Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus gen. et sp. nov. 3.1 | Holotype IVPP (Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China) V13266 is a nearly complete skeleton preserved on a single slab (missing part of the humerus and the pelvic elements), with associated traces of preserved integument around the body ( Figures 1–4 ). 3.2 | Etymology The genus name refers to its short rostrum (and bird), and the specific epithet refers to the particularly long hyoid apparatus. 3.3 | Locality and horizon Xiaotaizi Village , Jianchang County , Liaoning Province , China ; Jiufotang Formation , Lower Cretaceous. Age approximately 120 Ma ( He et al., 2004 ). 3.4 | Diagnosis A medium-sized enantiornithine that is distinguished from all known enantiornithines based on the unique combination of the following features: a short and pointed skull rostrum lined with small peg-shaped teeth; a pair of extremely long ceratobranchials, only slightly shorter than the skull length (see Table 1 ); a sternum with well-extended craniolateral processes; lateral trabeculae of the sternum with expanded triangular processes at the caudal ends;elongate prezygapophyses of the cranial cervical vertebrae; postzygapophyseal facet of the axis is tear-drop shaped; third cervical vertebra with sub-rounded articular facet of the postzygapophyses; ischium bearing a pronounced proximodorsal process; distal tibiotarsus with a knob on its cranial surface; length ratio between the fibula and tibiotarsus approximately 0.7; tarsometatarsus about half of the length of the tibiotarsus; medial rim of metatarsal trochlea III larger than the lateral rim; and pedal digit-I more robust than other pedal digits. FIGURE 1 Photograph and line drawing of the body of the holotype specimen of Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus (IVPP V13266). Anatomical abbreviations: c, coracoid; cav, caudal vertebrate; cv, cervical; fe, femur; fi, fibula; fu, furcula; h, humerus; il, ilium; isch, ischium; int, integument; mc I, alular metacarpal; mc II, major metacarpal; pub, pubis; py, pygostyle; r, radius; ra, radiale; sk, skull; st, sternum; tbt, tibiotarsus; tv, thoracic vertebrate; tmt, tarsometatarsus; u, ulna; and ul, ulnare 4 | DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISONS Except for part of humerus and tarsometatarsus, nearly all of the skeletal elements are well-preserved, but a halo of feather impressions are poorly preserved surrounding the body. The whole skeleton is exposed ventrally except for the skull. The skull of IVPP V13266 is preserved mainly in lateroventral view, and it has been heavily compressed (Figure 2). The short premaxillae are fused only rostrally (Figure 2: pm). The nasal processes of the premaxillae are long and slim. The wide pterygoid has a wedge-shaped rostral margin (Figure 2). The jugal bar is dorsoventrally expanded, and it is deflected dorsally and narrows toward its caudal end, as in other enantiornithines like Bohaiornis ( Li et al., 2014 ) . The descending ramus of the right lacrimal is significantly longer (Figure 2: dr) and more robust than the dorsal ramus with its thin dorsal ridge. A tiny depression appears present in the center of the lacrimal. The nasal is morphologically similar to that of Eoenantiornis , with a pointed premaxillary process. A rounded square-shaped parietal is preserved caudal to the basicranium (Figure 2: pa). The left dentary is exposed in medial view, and has seven visible teeth. The rostral tip of the dentary seems to bend dorsally. There are four small teeth on each side of the premaxillae (Figure 2: to), and these teeth have a rounded crown and constricted base. Only three teeth are present in the right maxilla, and they are restricted to its rostral portion. The frontals are fused to one another, and only part of the left parietal is visible because of the significantly crushed preservation. The quadrate body is very slender as in most other enantiornithines, but the otic head is distinctly inflated relative to the mediolateral diameter of the quadrate body. The mandibular process is greatly enlarged medially and laterally relative to the quadrate body, and the lateral mandibular condyle is wider than the medial. Though broken and largely covered, there appears to be at least a partial lateral crest on the quadrate as in Longipteryx ( Stidham & O'Connor, 2021 ) . Adjacent to the mandibles, a pair of dorsally curved hyoid apparatus bones ( Figure 2 : cb) are markedly elongate with spatula-shaped caudal ends. The rostral ends of these ceratobranchials have concave surfaces, and are separated from one another. While the caudal portion of the ceratobranchials curve significantly dorsally, their more rostral portion appears to have been possibly concave ventrally. The distorted mediolateral width of the foramen magnum is twice that of its dorsoventral height. FIGURE 2 Photograph and line drawing of the skull of the holotype specimen of Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus (IVPP V13266). Anatomical abbreviations: an, angular; ar, articular; at, atlas; ax, axis; bp, basisphenoid process; bs, basisphenoid; cb, ceratobranchial; cr, cervical rib; cv, cervical; de, dentary; dr, descending ramus; ep?, ectopterygoid?; fr, frontal; la, lacrimal; ju, jugal; ma, maxillae; na, nasal; op, occipital process; pa, parietal; pm, premaxilla; pt?, pterygoid?; qu, quadrate; sa, surangular; and to, tooth Ten cervical vertebrae are preserved, including the atlas and axis preserved in articulation in ventral view ( Figures 1 and 2). Only the dorsal portion of the atlas is preserved with a slender pointed lateral process. The axis is markedly wider than its length, and the odontoid process overlies the ventral corpus of the atlas (Figure 2). A low ventral ridge is present on the axis. The articular facet of the axis postzygapophyses are crescent shaped, differing from the rounded shape in the more caudal cervicals (Figures 2 and 3 ). The variation in the shape of the articular facets between the second and more caudal postzygapophyses might be indicative of the evolution of an “S-shaped” curved neck evident among living birds ( Kambic et al., 2017 ). The prezygapophyses of the 3rd and 4th cervicals project cranially beyond the centra by a distance that is approximately half of the craniocaudal length of the respective centrum, a feature unknown in other enantiornithines. Moving caudally along the cervicals, the prezygapophyses become shorter and are subequal with the length of the postzygapophyses. The 4th to the 7th cervicals are longer than both the cranial and caudal ones in the neck ( Figure 1 ). The ventral surfaces of the cervicals are keeled. Carotid processes are present on the 6th cervical, but the distribution of the processes among the other cervicals is obscured. Two short cervical ribs are displaced from the cervical axis (Figure 2). At least four paired long curved ribs are associated with the lateral edge of the sternum. These sternal ribs are quite robust, bearing a medium depth on the shaft. A few gastralia are present. FIGURE 3 Photograph and line drawing of the sternum and pelvic girdle of the holotype of Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus IVPP V 13266. Anatomical abbreviations: cav, caudal vertebrate; cp, cranial lateral process; fe, femur; il, ilium; is, ischium; lt, lateral trabecula; mp, middle process; mt, medial trabecula; para, parapophysis; pb, pubic boot; pu, pubis; py, pygostyle; ra, radius; st, sternum; sy, synsacrum; tr, thoracic rib; and xp, xiphoid process Four caudal thoracic vertebrae are preserved cranial to the synsacrum ( Figure 3 ). The parapophysis is centrally located on the lateral face of the centra, similar to the typical condition among Enantiornithes ( Figure 3 : para). The synsacrum is composed of about seven to eight vertebrae. Approximately five free caudal vertebrae are piled up together with markedly long transverse and ventral processes ( Figure 3 : cav). The long pygostyle has a pair of dorsal processes and a pointed caudal end. The mediolateral width of the sternal plate is slightly longer than its craniocaudal length. The sternal keel is low, and diverges into two low ridges cranially, a feature only observed in enantiornithines (e.g., Martin 2011). Craniolateral processes project from the lateral edge of the sternum ( Figure 3 : lp) with a gentle slope transitioning between this process and the carinal sulcus. The craniolateral processes are rarely developed in Early Cretaceous enantiornithines with a few exceptions, including Pterygornis and Concornis ( Wang et al., 2016a , 2017a ; Zheng et al., 2012 ), and they have been proposed to form from ossification centers separate from the main sternal body. Lateral and intermediate trabeculae are present on the caudal margin of the sternum ( Figure 3 ). The lateral trabecula bears a large distal flare, and the intermediate one deflects toward the midline ( Figure 3 : lt). The sternal keel extends as far caudally as the lateral trabecula, similar to the condition in Protopteryx and Cathayornis yandica ( Wang & Liu, 2016 ). The slim furcular rami form a sharp angle of approximately 45° ( Figure 1 : fu). The hypocleidium is less than half of the length of the ramus. The strut-like coracoids have a rounded, slightly raised acrocoracoid, and lack a procoracoid process. The lateral margin of coracoids appears to be straight or slightly concave ( Figure 1 ). Only the proximal end of the scapula is exposed in medial view without any identifiable details ( Figure 1 ). The humerus preserved in ventral view, and has a narrow deltopectoral crest. The humeral head appears to be strip-like with a shallow transverse groove. The dorsal condyle is rounded, and more clearly defined than the ventral one. A small dorsal supracondyle is present. The ulna has a narrow m. brachialis scar proximally, and the radial depression distally. The dorsal and the ventral rami of the ulnare are slightly differentiated, with the ventral one slightly larger. The semilunate carpal is fused with the proximal ends of the major and minor metacarpals. The carpometacarpi are preserved in ventral view and the infratrochlear fossa is visible. The alular metacarpal is short and partially fused with the major metacarpal. The proximal phalanx of the alular digit is short, less than half of the length of the major metacarpal. The minor metacarpal is slightly bowed and extends distally beyond that of the major metacarpal. The major and minor metacarpals have only a slim intermetacarpal space separating them. There are two small ungual claws associated with the first two manual digits. The forelimb is marginally longer than the hindlimb with a length ratio (humerus+ulna+carpometacarpus /femur+tibiotarsus+tarsometatarsus = ratio) of 1.05, similar to Rapaxavis , Zhouornis , and Cathayornis ( Table 2 for measurements), and differing from other enantiornithines ( Tables 1 and 2 ). The ilium, ischium, and pubis are not fused with one another around the acetabulum, and they are preserved in lateral view. The pre-acetabular portion of the ilium is longer and dorsoventrally wider than the caudal portion. There is a small crest on the cranial portion of the ilium. The proximodorsal process of the ischium is well projected ( Figure 3 ), approaching, but not contacting, the ventral margin of the ilium. The pubis is rounded in cross-section proximally, lateromedially flattened distally, and flared at its distal end, forming a pubic boot ( Figure 3 : pb). FIGURE 4 Photograph of cervical vertebrae (a), tarsometatarsus (b), and sternum (c) of the holotype of Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus (IVPP V13266) with features described in the text. Anatomical abbreviations: cr, cervical rib; cp, cranial lateral process; hc, hypocleidium; lp, lateral process; prf, facet of prezygapophysis; pof, facet of postzygapophysis; mt I, metatarsal I; mt II, metatarsal II; mp, medial process; od, odontoid process; pc, pedal claw; and xp, xiphoid process The right femur preserved in medial view is slightly bowed with the pit for the lig. capitis present on the medial surface of the femoral head. The periosteal surface of the distal femur appears to be rough, and the condyles are not well developed. The femur is 70% of the tibiotarsus length. The right and left tibiotarsi are preserved in cranial and caudal view, respectively ( Figure 1 ). The medial condyle of the tibiotarsus is wider than the lateral one. The distal end of the tibiotarsus shaft is not significantly wider than the mid-shaft. The fibula is proportionally longer than many other enantiornithines. Although the distal end is missing, the preserved length of the left fibula is more than 70% of that of the tibiotarsus. The tubercle for the insertion of the m. iliofibularis is caudolaterally directed. The popliteal tubercle is present on the proximal face of the tibiotarsus. The lateral cnemial crest and the fibular crest are present on the tibiotarsus. The distal tarsals are completely fused with the proximal metatarsals, forming a true tarsometatarsus in dorsal view. The tarsometatarsus is extremely short and measures only about half of the length of the tibiotarsus ( Table 1 ). Metatarsals II-IV are fused with each other proximally, but not distally. Metatarsal II is slightly longer than metatarsal IV. Metatarsal trochlea III has a medial trochlear rim that extends further distally than the lateral rim ( Figure 4 : mp and lp). Metatarsal IV is slightly narrower than metatarsals II and III, a typical condition within Enantiornithes. The ungual phalanx of the middle pedal digit is the longest. The proximal two phalanges of pedal digit IV are much shorter than the distal ones. The size of the ungual claws is larger than most the proximal phalanges. 5 | DISCUSSION IVPP V13266 can be referred to the Enantiornithes on basis of the presence of the following synapomorphies corroborated by our phylogenetic analysis: a “Y”-shaped furcula with a long hypocleidium, and minor metacarpal extending distal to the major metacarpal. The phylogenetic analysis produced 230 most parsimonious trees (MPTs) with a length of 1087 (Consistency index = 0.338, Retention index = 0.661). The strict consensus is poorly resolved, and most enantiornithines including Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus form a large polytomy with a few derived clades resolved ( Figure 5A ). The poorly resolved strict consensus tree results largely from unstable taxa that occupy different positions in the MPTs. In order to extract a consensus of phylogenetic information, we performed a reduced consensus analysis using TNT ( Pol & Escapa, 2009 ). The ten most unstable taxa ( Elsornis , TABLE 1 Measurements of Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus (IVPP V 13266) in millimeters
Skull length 40.0
Ceratobranchials Left 25.0 Right 28.4
Humerus length Left 39.2
Ulna length Left 38.6
Alular metacarpal Left 2.6 Right 2.9
Metacarpal II Left 15.0 Right 14.9
Metacarpal III Left 17.7 Right 15.8
Phalanx I-1 Left 6.9 Right 6.6
Phalanx II-1 Left 9.6 Right 8.8
Phalanx II-2 Left 6.3 Right 5.5
Phalanx III-1 Left 4.6 Right 4.6
Manual Ungual D-2 3.3 D-1 3.5
Sternum Width 17.5 Midline length 25.3
Coracoid Left 22.3 (estimated)
Femur length Left 28.3
Tibiotarsus length Left 40.0
Fibula length Right 29.3 (preserved)
Metatarsal I Left 5.1
Metatarsal II 18.8
Metatarsal III 20.4
Metatarsal IV 18.7
Pygostyle length 19.8
Pedal phalanx (left) I-1 II-1 II-2 III-1 III-2 III-3 IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 IV-4 5.3 5.0 6.2 6.8 5.3 5.9 2.6 3.1 3.4 4.3
Pedal Ungual (left) D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 8.3 7.7 8.4 6.8
Gobipteryx , Iberomesornis , Longirostravis , Rapaxavis , Shanweiniao , Vescornis , Qiliania , Fortunguavis , and Songlingornis ) were removed from the reduced consensus analysis, and the reduced consensus tree is relatively better resolved ( Figure 5B ). However, the interrelationships among the Enantiornithes are still obscured by a few polytomies, and Brevirostruavis falls into one of them ( Figure 5B ). A majority rule consensus tree was produced, and its topology is consistent with most recent studies in the composition of major groupings ( O’Connor et al., 2009 ; Wang et al., 2017a , 2017b ). In the majority rule consensus tree, Eoalulavis , Vescornis , Cathayornis , and Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus are recovered as the successive outgroups to the Neuquenornis + Concornis clade. In comparison with other enantiornithines (e.g., Cathayornis ), the new specimen has a proportionally shorter rostrum, reminiscent of, but more rounded than that of Eoenantiornis ( Zhou & Zhang, 2003 ). In regards to postcranial features, Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus is different from Eoenantiornis in sternal morphology, including the extension of midline projection and the large craniolateral process. This process extends further dorsally in the new specimen than in most other taxa ( Zheng et al., 2012 ). The relative width proportions of the metatarsals (slightly narrower metatarsal IV in Brevirostruavis ) differ from Cathyornis and Boluochia , in which the metatarsal IV is significantly narrower than the other metatarsals. IVPP V13266 is distinct in its smaller and less robust teeth, in comparison to Bohaiornis and other closely related taxa in Bohaiornithidae . TABLE 2 Limb measurements of the Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus with comparison of other avialans (Adopted from Zhang et al., 2013 )
Taxa H U Cmc Fe Tbt Tmt Forelimb/hindlimb
Aberratiodontus wui (LHV0001) 55.0 66.7 33.0 NA
Boluochia zhengi (IVPP 9770) 37.0 17.5 NA
Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus (IVPP V13266) 39.2 38.6 15.0 28.3 40.0 20.4 1.05
Cathayornis chabuensis (BMNHC-Ph000110) 31.5 32.1 14.0 30.7 35.9 17.2 0.93
Cathayornis yandica (IVPP V9769) 33.0 34.0 18.0 28.0 34.0 21.0 1.02
Dalingheornis liweii (CNU VB2005001) 14.0 14.0 6.0 11.0 16.0 9.0 0.94
Dapingfangornis sentisorhinus (LPM00039) 22.0 27.0 11.0 23.0 29.0 16.0 0.88
Eocathayornis walkeri (IVPP 10916) 23.5 26.0 14.0 NA
Eoenantiornis buhleri (IVPP V11537) 29.5 31.0 12.0 26.5 31.0 22.3 0.91
Longipteryx chaoyangensis (IVPP V12325) 45.0 47.0 19.0 31.0 32.0 21.0 1.32
Longirostravis hani (IVPP11309) 24.4 25.5 20.0 25.5 14.0 NA
Paraprotopteryx gracilis (STM V001) 22.6 23.5 11.5 22.2 26.3 15.7 0.90
Pengornis houi (IVPP V15336) 64.3 70.7 34.3 48.0 50.4 26.5 1.36
Protopteryx fengningensis (IVPP11665) 27.5 27.9 14.7 22.6 29.1 16.5 1.03
Rapaxavis pani (DNHM 2522) 22.7 22.9 11.8 19.3 23.2 13.0 1.03
Shanweiniao cooperorum (DNHM 1878/1/2) 22.4 23.4 17.6 22.5 11.8 NA
Shenqiornis mengi (DNHM 2950) 46.6 46.8 25.5 38.8 25.0 NA
Sinornis santensis (BVP 538) 24.0 10.8 26.4 14.6 NA
Vescornis hebeiensis (IVPP130722) 22.6 16.1 11.6 24.1 29.8 16.5 0.71
Zhouornis hani (CNU VB0903) 50.6 53.8 24.0 44.0 51.6 25.9 1.06
Anatomical abbreviations: H--humerus, U--ulna, Cmc--carpometacarpus, Tbt--tibiotarsus, and Tmt--tarsometatarsus. Institution abbreviations: DNHM- Dalian Natural History Museum, BMNHC/BVP-Beijing Museum of Natural History, China,CNU- Capital Normal University, and STM Shandong Tianyu Museum. The known ecological diversity of the Enantiornithes is largely inferred on basis of variation in the shape of the rostrum and dental morphologies ( Li et al., 2014 , 2020 ). An inferred raptorial feeding ecology and fish consumption have been proposed for the long-rostrumed Longipteryx and Changzuiornis ( Huang et al., 2016 ). A recent study of the quadrate in Longipteryx suggests potentially a stronger or quicker bite in that bird ( Stidham & O'Connor, 2021 ). The long and delicate rostrum of Longirostravis has been hypothesized for filtering invertebrate and other nutrients from muddy sediments ( Hou et al., 2004 ). In contrast, Bohaiornithidae is characterized by a stout rostrum ( Li et al., 2014 ). This wide variety of rostral shapes among enantiornithines suggests that the combination of cranial characters and shapes may have facilitated the reduction of competition among these sympatric taxa, maximizing the exploitation of food resources. The spectrum of rostral variation can be analogous to the diversified beak forms among crown group birds ( O’Connor et al., 2020 ) indicative of a high degree of ecological diversification among enantiornithines within the Cretaceous forested ecosystem ( Zhou et al., 2003 ). For taxa with a similarly short rostrum, the Bohaiornithidae and Pengornithidae are differentiated further by remarkable tooth morphologies. Bohaiornis has been hypothesized to use their robust teeth for crushing hard materials, while Pengornis might have used its blunt teeth for grinding ( Zhou et al., 2008 ). In addition to the rostrum and dental variation, Brevirostruavis adds significant new data related to the known diversity in feeding specializations present in enantiornithines and early diverging stem birds as a whole. The combination of a short rostrum paired with a hyper-elongated hyoid apparatus (i.e., ceratobranchial) is not known among early avialans. The significant elongation and distinct dorsal curvature of the ceratobranchials might have functioned similarly to the elongate epibranchials present in living birds, such as hummingbirds, woodpeckers, and honeyeaters ( Paton & Collins, 1989 ). The elongate ceratobranchials in Brevirostruavis might have compensated for the absence of ossified epibranchials in early birds who required a long hyobranchial for food manipulation. Similar elongation of branchial elements appears to have evolved independently in Jeholornis and Sulcavis with their longer rostra ( Figure 6 ). The long hyoid apparatus and associated tongue appendage (i.e. fleshy tongue and cartilaginous paraglossum) are known to be good indicators of dietary adaptations in crown birds ( Erdoğan & Iwasaki, 2014 ). For instance, grazing-, filtering-feeding, and piscivorous anatids maintain different shapes of their fleshy and bony tongues, particularly related to their different feeding adaptation. The simplified and rudimentary shaped muscular tongue is present in Merganser and other piscivorous ducks. By contrast, the muscular shape is strikingly different, being much wider and flattened, in grazing and filtering-feeding anatids ( Erdoğan & Iwasaki, 2014 ; Li & Clarke, 2016 ). FIGURE 5 Phylogenetic position of Brevirostruavis macrohyoideus (IVPP V 13266) in Avialae. (a) Strict consensus tree from current phylogenetic analysis; (b) reduced consensus tree with ten most unstable taxa removed. The bootstrap and absolute Bremer support values are denoted in normal and bold Italic fonts The elaboration and ossification of different hyoid bony elements appeared early in avialan evolution as demonstrated by this Early Cretaceous indication of hyolinugal diversity. The mineralization (or ossification) of the basihyal is known in the pygostylian Confuciusornis , the ornithuromorph Hongshanornis , and even in the non-avialan Microraptor ( Li et al., 2018 ) . The ossified epibranchial and proposed mobile or protractible tongue evolved first in Hongshanornis ( Li et al., 2018 ; Zhou & Zhang, 2005 ). The separate ossification center of the epibranchial represents a novel feature present in all living birds ( Li et al., 2018 ). We propose that the elongation of the hyoid apparatus evolved independently via different patterns in bird evolution ( Figure 6 ). Within avialans, slightly longer ceratobranchials are present in Jeholornis , a seedeating basal bird, and another enantiornithine ( Sulcvis geeorum ). These taxa share relatively longer ceratobranchial elements with the new bird described here, and contrast with the states present in other more derived ornithuromorphan birds. It is reasonable to hypothesize that the evolutionary pathway of hyolingual feeding in Mesozoic stem birds was achieved through the (initial) lengthening of the ceratobranchials in enantiornithines, and via the ossification of epibranchials in ornithuromorphs (including crown birds). The absence of cartilaginous epibranchials in the hyolingual apparatus in this enantiornithine is supported by the morphology of the caudal end of the ceratobranchials with a flattened tapered end that differs significantly from the bulbous and rounded knob-like end which articulates with the epibranchial in living birds ( Figure 6 ) and Hongshanornis . FIGURE 6 Proposed hyoid apparatus character evolution in birds including ceratobranchial elongation, mineralization of basihyale, and epibranchial evolution (modified from Li et al., 2018 ). The fleshy part of tongue is elaborated in extant taxa Being absent in enantiornithines or more stem-ward avialans, the presence of a ossified epibranchial is optimized to have evolved among early diverging ornithuromorphs ( Li et al., 2018 ). Dietary associated traits in enantiornithines and other Early Cretaceous stem birds (like the presence of a crop and gastroliths) are strongly indicative of a regime where herbivory and seed-eating played a key role in driving the early radiation of several lineages in Avialae ( Zanno & Makovicky, 2011 ). A major shift from carnivory in nonavialan theropods to the herbivorous diet present among basal birds seems to drive cranial evolution leading to the origin of ornithurine birds, including all extant birds. The effective use of available food resources and the reduction in competition with other contemporary non-avialan theropods and pterosaurs might have contributed to their major radiation in the Mesozoic. The elongation of the ceratobranchial bone in Brevirostruavis represents a novel evolutionary path that is unknown among extant birds and differs from their Mesozoic relatives. That elongation represents a change in function, an increase in feeding efficiency, or an unknown specialization necessary to exploit certain food resources. In particular, this hyoid apparatus likely helped the bird to achieve protrusion of the tongue beyond the rostrum as a component of foraging and feeding. The linkage between hyolingual feeding with the morphology of the rostrum and beak seems to be a synapomorphy of crown birds ( Bongo-Tomlinson & Schwenk, 2000 ). However, such a close coupling or correlation between the hyoid and rostrum morphology might be derived from their functional coordination of the two components that is closely tied to feeding specialization, and thus, not linked to a particular clade. This novel linkage between the rostrum and hyolingual apparatus might be associated with the origin of avian cranial kinesis in ornithuromorph birds as well, and requires further testing. It is interesting to note that enantiornithine birds likely lacked a kinetic skull as in crown birds, and even retained static dinosaurian aspects to their skull and palate ( Wang et al., 2021 ). Given that framework in enantiornithines along with the absence of epibranchials, the only evolutionary pathway open to them may have been to elongate the ceratobranchials as a functional mechanism to utilize or exploit available dietary resources. That difference also is indicated by the long ceratobranchials of Brevirostruavis contrasting strikingly with its abbreviated rostrum, suggesting an absence of the functional coordination between the rostrum and hyoid in early diverging avialans. Clearly, the combination of a short rostrum and a long tongue evolved in a relationship to obtain some dietary component, and that requirement may have necessitated extending the tongue beyond the rostrum as in some extant birds like woodpeckers. The ancient forests of northeastern China had abundant and various food resources, including diverse insects and even nutritious plant resources such as nectar and related reproductive structures ( Ren et al., 2011 ) that could have been consumed by birds. The combination of a short rostrum and elongated tongue clearly increased the fitness of this enantiornithine bird, and allowed it to utilize a resource that other known birds did not.