Revision of the Peruvian tarantula Homoeomma peruvianum (Chamberlin, 1916): description of a new genus with eleven new species and insights to the evolution of montane tarantulas (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Theraphosinae) Author Radan Kaderka Roztoky u Prahy, Czech Republic Author Tim Lüddecke Department of Bioresources, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Giessen, Germany; cLOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics TBG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Author Milan Řezáč Crop Research Institute, Prague 6, Czech Republic Author Veronika Řezáčová Crop Research Institute, Prague 6, Czech Republic Author Martin Hüsser Rudolfstetten, Switzerland text Journal of Natural History 2023 2023-11-30 57 41 - 44 1710 1824 journal article 284800 10.1080/00222933.2023.2265621 e6703401-f739-4ef1-97c0-bd68a4a42fbe 1464-5262 10491985 Urupelma johannae sp. n. ( Figures 59–61 , 78F ; Table 20 ) Types Female holotype ( MUSM-ENT 0514015 , exuvia RKCP 0685 ) from Peru , Cuzco province , Quincemil , 746 m a .s .l ., 18 October 2014 , R . Kaderka col. Etymology The specific name is a patronym in honour of Jana Kaderkova, wife of the first author, for her patience and support, and also her indulgence of his unusual hobby. Diagnosis The females of U. johannae sp. n. differ from all congeners, except for U. ashaninka sp. n. , in having oval seminal receptacles basally joined ( Figure 61 ). It differs from U. ashaninka sp. n. in a different colouration, the absence of type III urticating setae and the extension of urticating setae patch in females (more extended in U. johannae sp. n. and less extended in U. ashaninka sp. n. ) ( Figures 37C and 60D ). Distribution and natural history Known from the type locality in Quincemil , Cuzco , Peru ( Figure 76 ) . FEMALE (MUSM-ENT 0514015): ( Figures 59–61 ) Total length: 26.24, carapace length 11.01, width 10.69, chelicerae with 16–17 teeth on promargin. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior eye row recurved. Eye sizes and interdistances: ( Figure 60C ) AME 0.46 (circular), ALE 0.49 (oval), PME 0.39 (oval), PLE 0.43 (oval), AME-AME 0.20, AME-ALE 0.20, PME-PME 0.83, PME-PLE 0.10, ALE-PLE 0.21, AME-PME 0.14, OQ length 1.014, width 1.885. Ocular tubercle: length 1.495, width 1.885, clypeus narrow, length 0.156. Fovea transverse, procurved, width 2.08, 8.35 from anterior edge of carapace. Labium length 1.77, width 2.48, anterior third with 54 cuspules, maxillae with 170–191 cuspules in basal half, short spiniform setae in apical half absent. Sternum length 5.80, width 5.28, with three visible pairs of sternal sigilla located near coxae III (length 0.49, 0.64 from edge of sternum), coxae II (length 0.29, 0.47 from edge of sternum) and coxae I (length 0.23, 0.46 from edge of sternum). Sigilla on labiosternal suture joined. Leg formula: IV> I> II> III. All leg segments uniform. Scopulae: All tarsi 100% densely scopulate, metatarsi I 55%, metatarsi II 45%, metatarsi III 25%, metatarsi IV 0% scopulate. Tarsal scopulae I undivided, tarsal scopulae II divided by a longitudinal band of setae, in tarsi III, IV divided by a wide band of setae. Dorsal face of all tarsi and cymbium with two irregular longitudinal rows of very short claviform trichobothria. Denticulation of paired tarsal claws on left legs (prolateral/ retrolateral row): I 0/3, II 4/4, III 3/2, IV 3/3. Plumose setae on retrolateral face of femur IV absent. Figure 59. Urupelma johannae sp. n. , female from Peru, Cusco, Quincemil, habitus of female holotype (MUSM-ENT 0514015). Scale bar = 1 mm. Photo: R. Kaderka. Spination: femora I p 0-0-1, II, III, IV 0 and femora of palps p 0-0-1, patellae I, II 0, III p 0-1- 0, IV 0 and patellae of palps 0, tibiae I v 0-0-1 (apical), II v 0-1-1 (apical), p 0-1-0, III v 0-1-2 (apical), p 1-1-0, r 0-1-0, IV v 0-0-2 (apical), p 0-0-1, d 1-0-1 and tibiae of palps v 0-0-2 (apical), metatarsi I v 0-1-2 (apical), II v 0-1-1, p 0-1-0, III v 1-1-2-3 (apical), p 1-1-1, r 0-1-1, IV v 1-1-2-3 (apical), p 1-1-1, r 0-0-1, d 0-1-1, tarsi I–IV and tarsi of palps 0. Spermathecae: ( Figure 61 ) unipartite, subtriangular, with two large oval lobes. Abdomen: urticating setae of type IV are located in a large oval central patch. PLS: length 4.63, basal segment 1.72, middle segment 1.40, apical segment 1.51, all digitiform. PMS: 1.09. Colouration and covering setae: dorsal view: ( Figure 59 ) carapace sparsely covered with short golden pubescence, edge of carapace with long pale setae, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi brown, intermixed with long, pale setae. Patellae I, II, palpal patella, femora I–IV, palpal femora, tibiae I–IV and palpal tibiae with two almost equal parallel longitudinal stripes without covering setae, patellae III, IV with two unequal diagonal stripes. Femora I–IV and palpal femora retrolaterally with one longitudinal stripe without covering setae. Abdomen brown, intermixed with long, pale setae, except for the oval central patch which is dark brown. Length of the central patch: 9.71, width 8.19. Ventral view: labium and maxillae dark reddish-brown, sternum, coxae, trochantera, femora, patellae, tibiae and metatarsi brown. Abdomen ventrally yellowish brown, without dark longitudinal band. Spinnerets yellowish brown. Figure 60. Urupelma johannae sp. n. , female holotype (MUSM-ENT 0514015) from Peru, Cusco, Quincemil. A . Carapace, coxae and trochantera, dorsal view. B . Sternum, labium, maxillae and coxae, ventral view. C . Ocular tubercle, dorsal view. D . Abdomen, dorsal view. E . Abdomen, ventral view. F . Labium and left maxilla, ventral view. Scale bars: A–C, F = 1 mm; D, E = 10 mm. Photo: R. Kaderka. MALE: unknown. Variability The variability in the shape of spermathecae is shown in Figure 61 .