A revision of the crab spider genus Heriaeus Simon, 1875 (Araneae: Thomisidae) in the Afrotropical Region Author Niekerk, P. van Author Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S. text African Invertebrates 2013 2013-11-14 54 2 447 447 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5733/afin.054.0213 journal article 10.5733/afin.054.0213 2305-2562 7918661 Heriaeus madagascar sp. n. Figs 8 , 35, 36 , 59 Etymology: The species name is a noun in apposition derived from Madagascar . Diagnosis: The species is recognized by a combination of long spiniform setae with acute tips on the abdomen, a single broad central stripe on the carapace, short strong setae on tibiae and metatarsi I and II ( Fig. 8 ), and only four setae on the anterior edge of the clypeus. The male palp is distinguished by the angular shape of the cymbium, which is extended into a blunt extension laterally, the shape of the embolus, a broad flat ITA and a ventral tooth-like lobe on the RTA ( Figs 35, 36 ). Female unknown. Description: Male ( holotype ). Size : TL 3.02, CL 1.56, CW 1.41. Colour : Carapace with a broad brown stripe centrally, darker brown posteriorly; setae brown; chelicerae yellow-brown with brown markings; clypeus brown; eye region yellow-brown; eye tubercles grey.Abdomen creamy with dark mottling; cream with brown spots ventrally; setae brown. Palp with all segments yellow-brown. Legs yellow-brown, with brown marks on femora, tibiae and metatarsi I and II. Carapace : Eye measurements : AME–AME 0.19, ALE–AME 0.11, PME–PME 0.11, PLE–PME 0.29, AME–PME 0.15, MOQL AME–PME 0.22, MOQAW AME–AME 0.25, MOQPW PME–PME 0.21. Leg measurements : leg I Fe 2.20, Pat 0.97, Tib 1.50, Mt 1.38, Ta 0.76, total 6.81; leg II Fe 2.15, Pat 0.89, Tib 1.41, Mt 1.38, Ta 0.70, total 6.53; leg III Fe 1.13, Pat 0.58, Tib 1.13, Mt 0.76, Ta 0.44, total 4.04; leg IV Fe 0.96, Pat 0.53, Tib 0.78, Mt 0.81, Ta 0.45, total 3.53. Clypeus : Four setae on anterior clypeal edge. Abdomen : Oval, truncated anteriorly, slightly pointed posteriorly ( Fig. 8 ), bearing scattered long spiniform setae with acute tips. Legs : Tibiae and metatarsi I and II with short strong setae. Male palp : Cymbium with blunt extension laterally, forming a narrow ridge for tip of embolus to fit into, embolus long, winding once around tegulum, with sharp angle distally, tip straight and extending dorsally onto cymbium; ITA broad and flat; RTA with long distal tooth and ventral lobe below; VTA knob­like ( Figs 35, 36 ). Holotype : MADAGASCAR: Beanana ( 15.73°S 49.47°E ), ii.1970 , A. Lambillon ( MRAC 142.650 ). Paratype : MADAGASCAR: Tananarive ( 18.15°S 49.42°E ), 10.xi.1972 , A. Dhondt ( MRAC 142.296 ) . Distribution: Madagascar ( Fig. 59 ). Natural history: Males collected during February and November.