A revision of the crab spider genus Heriaeus Simon, 1875 (Araneae: Thomisidae) in the Afrotropical Region Author Niekerk, P. van Author Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S. text African Invertebrates 2013 2013-11-14 54 2 447 447 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.5733/afin.054.0213 journal article 10.5733/afin.054.0213 2305-2562 7918661 Heriaeus allenjonesi sp. n. Figs 2 , 14–17 , 58 Etymology: Named for Allen Jones of Mpetsane Conservation Estate in the Free State , in recognition of his contribution of spider photos to the South African National Survey of Arachnida Virtual Museum. Diagnosis: The species is recognized by the combination of numerous short, club-shaped or blunt abdominal setae ( Fig. 2 ) and the shape of the large semi-circular epigynal hood, with the spermathecae visible as large bean-shaped structures ( Fig. 16 ). The male palp has a slender embolus with a straight tip and a narrow RTA that ends in a tooth-like process ( Figs 14, 15 ). Figs 14–21. (14–17) Heriaeus allenjonesi sp. n. : (14) male palp, ventral view; (15) male palp, lateral view; (16) epigyne, ventral view; (17) epigyne, dorsal view; (18–21) Heriaeus antoni sp. n. : (18) male palp, ventral view; (19) male palp, lateral view; (20) epigyne, ventral view; (21) epigyne, dorsal view. Description: Female ( allotype ). Size : TL 4.58, CL 2.01, CW 1.89. Colour : Carapace mottled with white; bearing brown setae anteriorly, transparent setae posteriorly; two longitudinal brown bands extending from eyes to posterior edge; clypeus brown, faintly marked with white centrally; chelicerae brown, mottled with white; eye region white. Abdomen yellow-brown, mottled with white, with some reddish brown to dark brown spots at base of dark brown setae ( Fig. 2 ); venter and sides white, with dark brown spots. Legs yellow-brown, all segments with white spots or bands except tarsus; some specimens with grey mottling on most leg segments, others with dark brown spot at base of tibiae III and IV. Carapace : Eye measurements : AME–AME 0.29, ALE–AME 0.15, PME–PME 0.25, PLE– PME 0.29, AME–PME 0.26, MOQL AME–PME 0.32, MOQAW AME–AME 0.35, MOQPW PME–PME 0.32. Leg measurements : leg I Fe 1.49, Pat 0.87, Tib 1.41, Mt 1.23, Ta 0.66, total 5.66; leg II Fe 1.41, Pat 0.72, Tib 1.11, Mt 0.92, Ta 0.67, total 4.83; leg III Fe 0.79, Pat 0.56, Tib 0.51, Mt 0.64, Ta 0.47, total 2.97; leg IV Fe 1.11, Pat 0.56, Tib 0.64, Mt 0.71, Ta 0.52, total 3.54. Abdomen : Oval, truncated anteriorly; abdominal dorsum bearing short, transparent club-shaped setae interspersed with 12–14 long dark brown blunt setae arranged in two lateral groups; other abdominal setae transparent. Epigyne : Large semi-circular hood; spermathecae visible as large bean-shaped structures ( Fig. 16 ); copulatory ducts very large and bulbous, with tubular coils posteriorly ( Fig. 17 ). Male ( holotype ). Size : TL 3.27, CL 1.52, CW 1.53. Colour : Carapace with two longitudinal brown bands ( Fig. 5 ); setae light brown; chelicerae sometimes with white spots; sternum yellow-brown, sometimes with white marks; endites and labium yellow-brown; clypeus brown, sometimes white at anterior edge, markings may extend up to AME; eye region white; eye tubercles greyish white. Abdomen yellow-brown or with white mottling; setae light to dark brown, interspersed with transparent setae; bases of some setae reddish brown; venter yellow-brown, laterally with few brown spots. Legs with numerous white markings; setae brown. Palp with white marks on some segments. Carapace : Eye measurements : AME–AME 0.20, ALE–AME 0.10, PME–PME 0.17, PLE–PME 0.24, AME–PME 0.22, MOQL AME–PME 0.26, MOQAW AME–AME 0.26, MOQPW PME–PME 0.23. Leg measurements : leg I Fe 2.32, Pat 0.85, Tib 1.74, Mt 1.77, Ta 0.87, total 7.55; leg II Fe 1.76, Pat 0.65, Tib 1.29, Mt 1.30, Ta 0.72, total 5.72; leg III Fe 0.91, Pat 0.35, Tib 0.63, Mt 0.55, Ta 0.41, total 2.85; leg IV Fe 1.23, Pat 0.49, Tib 0.82, Mt 0.82, Ta 0.53, total 3.89. Abdomen : Oval, truncated anteriorly; abdominal dorsum bearing short, transparent and club-shaped setae interspersed with 12–16 dark brown club-shaped setae. Palp : Embolus short, winding less than once around tegulum; tip straight ( Fig. 14 ); VTA short; RTA narrow with short curved distal tooth ( Fig. 15 ). Juveniles . Recognized by the presence of club-shaped abdominal setae. Holotype : SOUTH AFRICA : Free State : Deelhoek Farm , 38 km NW of Bloemfontein ( 29.11°S 26.22°E ), 10.ii.2000 , C. Haddad , sweepnetting grass layer ( NCA 2002 /641a). Allotype : 1♀ same data as holotype ( NCA 2002 /641b). Paratypes : SOUTH AFRICA : Free State : 1♂ Bloemfontein , Naval Hill ( 29.06°S 26.14°E ), i.1991 , L.N. Lotz , pitfall traps ( NMBA 7089 ) ; 1♀ 1♂ Brandfort , Florisbad ( 28.46°S 26.05°E ), 1988, L.N. Lotz , pitfall traps ( NMBA 5226 , 4058 ) ; 1♂ same locality, 1.i.1983 , Museum Staff ( NMBA 0323 ) ; 1♂ Erfenis Dam Nat. Res. , Theunissen District ( Site 5) ( 28.30°S 26.48°E ), 28.x–4.xii.2009 , R. Fourie & A. Grobler , pitfall traps , overgrazed grassland ( NCA 2012 /2051) ; 1♂ same locality ( Site 4), 28.x–4.xii.2009 , R. Fourie & A. Grobler , pitfall traps , gravel plain ( NCA 2012 /2052) ; 1♂ same locality ( Site 7), rocky hillside, 28.x–4.xii.2009 , R. Fourie & A. Grobler , pitfall traps ( NCA 2012 /2054) ; 1♂ same locality, xii.2005 i.2006 , C. Haddad , S. Otto & R. Poller , pitfall traps ( NMBA 13325 ) . Northern Cape : 1♀ Benfontein Nat. Res. ( 27.42°S 23.30°E ), 1.v.1981 , S. Erasmus , pitfall traps ( NCA 88 /331) . Western Cape : 1♂ Prince Albert , Farm Tierberg ( 33.13°S 22.01°E ), 14.iv.1988 , R. Dean , pitfall traps ( NCA 91 /1266) . Other material examined: SOUTH AFRICA : Free State : 1 imm. ♀ Erfenis Dam Nat. Res. , Theunissen District ( Site 5) ( 28.30°S 26.48°E ), 28.x–4.xii.2009 , R. Fourie & A. Grobler , pitfall traps , shore of dam ( NCA 2012 /2053) ; 1 imm. ♂ same locality, 8.x–4.xii.2009 , R. Fourie & A. Grobler , pitfall traps , overgrazed grassland ( NCA 2012 /2055) ; 1 imm. ♀ Deelhoek Farm 38 km NW of Bloemfontein ( 29.11°S 26.22°E ), 10.ii.2000 , C. Haddad , sweepnetting grass layer ( NCA 2002 /608) ; 1 imm. ♀ Bultfontein ( 28.54°S 25.57°E ), 12.x.1990 , R. Adam , by hand ( NMBA 5669 ) ; 1 imm. ♂ Brandfort , Florisbad ( 28.46°S 26.05°E ), x.1982 , Museum Staff , pitfall traps ( NMBA 0235 ) . Distribution: South Africa ( Free State , Northern Cape and Western Cape provinces) ( Fig. 58 ). Natural history: Most of the specimens were sampled with pitfall traps from the soil surface from a variety of habitats ranging from rocky hillsides, gravel plains to the shore of a dam. The holotype male and allotype female were sampled by sweeping grassland. The adult females were collected from January to August and again in November to December. Males were sampled from October to April, while juveniles were found from February to May.