Revision of the New Caledonian endemic genus Bohumiljania Monrós (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Spilopyrinae)
Reid, C. A. M.
Beatson, M.
journal article
Bohumiljania yuaga
sp. nov.
Figs 12
Material examined
: female/
SW Mandjella
, 20:24S 164:32E,
, mv light rainforest, 11904,
G. Monteith
Description [female only]
Length: female
; body elongate parallel-sided, length c. 3x width, length c. 3.7x height, slightly elevated to elytral base in profile, with slightly convex pronotum. Body and appendages dark reddish-brown, except: disc pronotum slightly paler; elytra olive-brown with paler basal half epipleuron; labrum, palpi, antennomeres 1–6, meso- and metaventrite processes, trochanters, tarsi, orange to reddish-orange (antennomeres paler ventrally); antennomeres 7–11 dull red; elytra, femora, tibiae, prosternum, metaventrite and abdominal ventrites with slight bronze reflection; apices of mandibles and edge of buccal cavity at antennal sockets dark brown. Head and pronotal punctures each armed with recumbent short white setae. Head microreticulate, pronotum and elytra shining, without microreticulation.
Head: pubescent throughout, setae dense, short and recumbent, sparser on clypeus and above antennal sockets; puncturation fine and dense (intervals equal diameters), sparser and larger on clypeus and absent dorsal to antennae; midline of head depressed, deeply at junction with frontoclypeus, with 3–4 irregular pits between this and eyes, sides of frontoclypeal suture deeply grooved; eyes small and laterally prominent, with small internal canthus, separated by c. 5x eye width (female); temples abruptly truncated, short, c. 0.1x length eye; gena c. 0.3x eye length (female), genal lobe ratio 1.3; antennae situated at anterior of head, in laterally directed sockets, c. 4.5x socket diameter apart, c. 0.5x body length (female); all antennomeres elongate: 2 shortest (c. 0.6x first), <1, <3=4=6, <5, <8, <10, <9, <7, <11 (female); antennomere 7 (female) distinctly expanded; labrum not densely setose, with 1 pair of prominent setae on disc and 3 pairs at apical margin; apical maxillary palpomere cylindrical with truncate apex, preapical slightly shorter than apical (female); mentum strongly transverse, width 3x median length, with prominent anterior angles; gula distinctly transversely grooved.
Thorax: pronotum pubescent throughout with dense recumbent setae in tufts, except glabrous elevated parts of midline, hypomeron densely setose throughout; pronotum almost parallel-sided, anterior concave, base medially convex; pronotal width c. 1.25x length; anterior angles feebly laterally produced, c. 90°, posterior angles rounded, c. 120°; anterior edge not margined except near angles, posterior margined except at midline, margination of sides strong and even; sides of disc longitudinally deeply grooved in basal half, with a swelling laterally and circular depression between swelling and lateral edge; pronotal midline slightly elevated in basal half and oval anterior to middle, elevated areas impunctate, otherwise pronotal disc finely punctured in dense mostly transverse clusters of 3–6, dense and evenly spaced in elevated median oval patch, punctures coarse with rugose interspaces at sides and on hypomeron; prosternum closely punctured and pubescent at deeply transversely grooved sides, process smooth, but with scattered punctures and setae, more numerous on apical lobes; prosternal process elongate, entirely medially grooved, concave sides expanded to strongly bilobed apex, angle between lobes V-shaped, c. 75°; scutellum finely punctured and setose at base, quadrate, flat; elytron pubescent throughout except glabrous sparsely punctured patch at base of suture (possibly worn off), setae in tufts based in irregular clusters of fine punctures, intervals almost smooth at base and on disc (with trace of shallow grooves between puncture clusters), but convex (rugose) laterally and in apical 1/6; with oval depression between humerus and epipleuron; upper margin epipleuron reaching angle of humerus at base and absent at apex; mesoventrite median process abruptly elevated to strongly bilobed apex, angle between lobes V-shaped, c. 90°; wing fully developed, with distinct brown medial fleck; metaventrite shining and glabrous medially, at sides densely pubescent, laterally strigose and finely punctured, apical lobe not margined, flat; metepisternum densely finely punctured and pubescent; 1 short spur on protibia, 2 on remainder; tarsi broad, length first metatarsomere 1.5x width; length second metatarsomere = width.
Abdomen: ventrites I and II entirely fused; ventrites shallowly microreticulate, more sparsely punctured and pubescent at middle, with dense recumbent setae and fine punctures at sides, I–II with denser punctures and V with larger punctures and longer more erect setae; ventrites I and II almost entirely laterally keeled, III keeled in basal 1/ 2, IV with trace of keel at middle of side; V unkeeled; apex ventrite V truncate (female).
Genitalia: apex female sternite VIII almost truncate, basal apodeme elongate, but apex strongly expanded; gonostylus conical and fused to gonocoxite; spermatheca falcate, duct short and thick, with short lobe before insertion of gland; rectal kotpresse similar to
B. xaracuu
Fig. 148
), with dense elongate ventral spinule patch and strips of dense spinules dorsally.
Etymology: named for the Yuaga people, indigenous to the Mandjelia area (
Anonymous 2010
), a noun in apposition.
Bohumiljania yuaga
is known from a single locality, Mandjelia, in NW
New Caledonia
. It was collected at
altitude in submontane rainforest, at mv light, in January. The hostplant is unknown.