The species of Eilema Hübner, [1819] sensu lato present in Europe and North Africa (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini) Author Macià, Ramon 0000-0002-2166-1540 Corresponding author Author Ylla, Josep 0000-0001-7280-9421 Author Gastón, Javier 0000-0003-3382-3874 Author Huertas, Manuel 0000-0002-6758-1984 Apartado de Correos 47, 21080 Huelva, Spain. huertasdionisio @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6758 - 1984 Author Bau, Josep 0000-0002-9231-2356 Biosciences Department, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, 08500, Vic, Spain. josep. bau @ uvic. cat; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9231 - 2356 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-03 5191 1 1 87 journal article 157785 10.11646/zootaxa.5191.1.1 b8beacf0-8401-4c8b-8b7e-8e97dc1a199e 1175-5326 7144073 B66F9DFC-3BF3-42CA-B08F-F983FD615F4E Genus Pseudokatha gen. nov. 68AA6DDF-B9C1-44B0-85E1-6EB3CCDFADF5 Type species: Eilema rungsi Toulgoët, 1960 Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 65: 48. Diagnosis. Imago. Small species. Forewings relatively broad and short, uniformly pale sandy brown to greyish brown; females somewhat paler, with ochre-white hindwings. The species of the genus Pseudokatha gen. nov. differs from those of the genus Katha in that they are larger in size, have a different wing pattern, and are sexually dimorphic. They distinguished from the genus Tarika , also by the sexual dimorphism of the species of this genus ( Singh & Joshi, 2013 ). Pseudokataha rungsi ( Toulgöet, 1960 ) bears a certain resemblance to species of the genus Pelosia (Hübner, [1819]) , especially Pelosia obtusa (Herrich-Schäffer, 1852) , with which it shares habitat and flight season. In fact, the rungsi specimens captured for the first time in Greece were described as Pelosia hellenica Derra & Hacker, 1983 . Male genitalia. Uncus cylindrical, short and robust; valvae ovoid; saccular process slender and slightly curved at the end; clasper absent; sacculus narrow and elongated. Aedeagus very large in comparison with the rest of the genitalia, with a large and sharp end sclerotised cornutus, which is several times longer than the diameter of the aedeagus; vesica tubular, with a large number of small cornuti. Female genitalia. Anal papillae prominent, sclerotised; lamellae postvaginalis and antevaginales absent or inconspicuous; ductus bursae long, narrow and membranous; corpus bursa ovoid, with two small signum and a large appendix or process in the upper part, globular, membranous and somewhat smaller than the corpus bursa, whence the ductus seminalis emerges; a slightly sclerotised area on the reverse of the upper part of the corpus bursa. Derivatio nominis. false Katha . Molecular data. A single species of this genus has been analysed ( Pseudokatha rungsi ). Molecular results presented below for this species also apply to the genus. Taxa included. Pseudokatha rungsi ( Toulgoët, 1960 ) comb. nov.