Corynoneura Winnertz from East Asia, with a systematic review of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae) Author Fu, Yue Author Saether, Ole A. Author Wang, Xinhua text Zootaxa 2009 2287 1 44 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191288 351d5342-2f03-40b4-85b9-2f3508205d3b 1175-5326 191288 Corynoneura arctica Kieffer Corynoneura arctica Kieffer, 1923 : 4 ; Hirvenoja & Hirvenoja 1988 : 219 ; Makarchenko & Makarchenko 2006 : 152 . Material examined : P. R. CHINA : Tianjin City, Nankai University, 39°8'N , 117°12'E , alt. 2–5 m , sweep net, 5 males , 20.iv.1986 , Xinhua Wang; Tianjin City, Wuqing County, Dahuangpu wetland area, 39°3'N , 117°3'E , alt. 5 m , sweep net, 24 males , 26.iv.2005 , Xinhua Wang. Diagnostic characters . The species can be separated from other members of the genus by antenna with 10 flagellomeres, sternapodeme inverted V-shaped to U-shaped, and undeveloped inferior volsella. Addition to description. Chinese specimens had the following measurements: Total length 1.28–1.80, 1.36 mm . Wing length 1.00–1.25, 1.10 mm . Antenna with 10 flagellomeres; AR 0.77–1.1, 1.0. Apex of hind tibia with one weakly hooked seta near spur. Sternapodeme inverted V-shaped, attachment point with phallapodeme placed in caudal third of lateral sternapodeme and directed caudally, phallapodeme 85–90, 88 µm long, strongly curved with projection for joint with sternapodeme placed prelateral, and not extending beyond posterior margin of tergite IX. Gonocoxite 80–128, 100 µm long, with 4–6 setae apically. Gonostylus apically curved, with high basal lobe on inner margin. Distribution. Austria , Finland , France , Germany , Great Britain , Norway , Portugal , Spain , Switzerland , Russia including Novaya Zemlya and Russian Far East, Northern China , Canada , USA ( Oliver et al . 1990 , Saether & Spies 2004 ).