Monographic Revision of the American Genus Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) Author Orozco, Jesús Molecular Ecology and Systematics Group Department of Botany and Department of Zoology and Entomology Rhodes University Grahamstown, SOUTH AFRICA 6140 text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2012 mo 11 2012-12-20 66 1 182 journal article 10.1649/0010-066X-66.mo4.1 1938-4394 4907222 Euphoria fulgida Species-Group (Appendix 3: Plate 1s–y ) Species in this group are distinguished by having a shiny surface, greenish to violaceous coloration, impunctate scutellum, males with antennal club longer than stem, sides of abdomen weakly to strongly ridged, mesotarsal length sexually dimorphic (as long as or longer than mesotibiae in males, shorter in females), abdomen of males at middle with weak to deep, medial, longitudinal depression, and distinctive male genitalia. All species in this group are of northern distribution, being present in the United States and northern and central Mexico . Composition. There are three species included in this group: E . fulgida (F.), E . limbalis Fall , and E . monticola Bates. K EY TO THE SPECIES OF THE FULGIDA SPECIES- G ROUP 1. Body unicolored, entirely dark green or violaceous ( Fig. 17a, d ). Abdominal sternites laterally rounded or weakly ridged ............. ........................ E . monticola Bates (p. 45) 1′. Body bright green, yellowish green, or reddish, frequently bicolored. Abdominal sternites strongly ridged laterally.......................2 2. Antennal club shorter than length of head in males. Pronotum at middle with small punctures, giving pronotum a polished appearance ( Fig. 15a, d, e ) ........... E . fulgida (F.) (p. 42) 2′. Antennal club as long as or longer than length of head in males. Pronotum at middle with moderate-sized punctures, giving pronotum a coarse appearance ( Fig. 16a, d, e ) ................ ................................ E . limbalis Fall (p. 44) CLAVE PARA LAS ESPECIES DEL GRUPO FULGIDA 1. Cuerpo unicoloreado, enteramente verde oscuro o violáceo ( Fig. 17a, d ). Esternitos abdominales redondeados lateralmente o ligeramente aquillados ...................................... E . monticola Bates (p. 45) 1′. Cuerpo verde brillante, verde-amarillento o rojizo, frecuentemente bicoloreado. Esternitos abdominales fuertemente aquillados.............2 2. Maza antenal de los machos más corta que la longitud de la cabeza. Pronoto medialmente con punteaduras pequeñas, dándole una apariencia pulida ( Fig. 15a, d, e ) ..... E . fulgida (F.) (p. 42) 2′. Maza antenal de las machos tan o más larga que la longitud de la cabeza.Pronoto medialmente con punteaduras medianas, dándole una apariencia rugosa ( Fig. 16a, d, e )...... E . limbalis Fall (p. 44)