A revision of the treehopper genus Bubalopa Stål illuminates the systematics of Hyphinoini (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Membracidae) Author Flórez-V, Camilo 0000-0002-6091-8150 Grupo Biología CES, Colecciones Biológicas de la Universidad CES, Calle 10 A No. 22 - 04, Medellín-Antioquia, Colombia. kmilofv @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6091 - 8150 & Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvannia State University, 501 ASI Building, University Park, PA, USA, 16802. kmilofv@gmail.com Author Evangelista, Olivia CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT, Australia, 2601. text Zootaxa 2021 2021-10-18 5052 4 529 551 journal article 3371 10.11646/zootaxa.5052.4.4 70001fcf-fff4-4a71-b7ee-5be2044c7ccc 1175-5326 5577275 31302322-45CF-424E-ACA8-1065B6513066 Bubalopa iguaque Flórez-V and Evangelista sp. nov. ( Figs. 9A–D , 10 ) Diagnosis: Overall coloration rusty brown, variegated with ochraceous yellow, body strongly pubescent. Suprahumeral horns subtriangular, robust, nearly horizontal, distinct round protrusion at base, orientation formula: 25º (frontal), 45º (dorsal); posterior process with marked dorsal hump, dorsal outline sinuous, descending in curve toward apex. FIGURE 9. Holotype of Bubalopa iguaque Flórez-V and Evangelista sp. nov. : A) Frontal view. B) Dorsal view. C) Lateral view. D) Frontolateral view. Bubalopa obscuricornis Stål, 1869 : E) Frontal view. F) Dorsal view. G) Lateral view. H) Frontolateral view. FIGURE 10. Male of Bubalopa iguaque Flórez-V and Evangelista sp. nov. Abdomen: A) Dorsolateral view, B) ventral view, C) lateral view, D) pygofer. E) Subgenital plate in ventral view. Aedeagus: F) lateral view, G) caudal view, H) anterior view. Parameres: I) Lateral view, J) dorsal view. Description: HOLOTYPE MALE . Color: Rusty brown; head, pronotum, femora and tibia variegated ochraceous yellow. Eyes silver with dark brown patches. Median carina, suprahumeral horns’ carina and lateral margins of pronotum slightly darker, spotted ochraceous yellow, more evidently on dorsal view. Forewings rusty brown, coriaceous area brownish yellow and opaque. Thoracic sternites and coxae dark brown, posterior margins yellow. Surface: Head, pronotum, legs and forewings with dense silvery pubescence; seta adjacent to each punctation in head and pronotum. Head: Subtriangular, supraantennal ledges with distinct indentation before middle, near eyes; frontoclypeus’ anterior 1/2 semicircular, posterior 1/2 triangular, apex slightly round. Thorax: Suprahumeral horns robust, subtriangular, nearly horizontal, 1.5–2× as long as wide, small budge on external surface at base of horns’ lateral carina, orientation formula: 25º (frontal), 45º (dorsal); suprahumeral horns’ carina distinctly marked, horn’s dorsal carina reaching median carina on anterior 1/3. Pronotal posterior process with dorsal hump past humeral angles, dorsal outline sinuous, descending in curve towards apex. Forewings distinctly reticulate with several supernumerary crossveins from apical 2/5. Abdomen: Terga III–VI with a pair of oval dorsal pits (scars), decreasing in size in posterior segments. Apodeme broad, finger-like, reaching posterior margin of segment IV, apex clavate in lateral view ( Fig. 10C ). Genitalia : Lateral plate fused with pygofer. Dorsal margin of subgenital plates sinuous, nearly undulate, as seen in lateral view. Parameres hook-shaped, relatively slender, shank broader at middle, bend and point triangular. Aedeagus U-shaped, posterior arm slender with teeth along anterior surface. Female and nymphs unknown. Measurements: Male (n=1, mm): Body length: 8.7; forewing length: 7.67; pronotal length: 7.88; pronotum height: 2.61; pronotal width: 2.93; head width: 2.91; vertex width: 2.08; vertex length: 1.54. Etymology: The epithet ‘iguaque’ (noun in apposition) refers to the name of the type-locality near the Iguaque lagoon, which was an important religious and cultural sanctuary for the indigenous people ‘Muiscas’, and they referred to this area as the “heart of the world”. Biology: The specimen was collected in a Malaise trap. Distribution: COLOMBIA : Boyacá : Villa de Leyva (SFF Iguaque – 5º25‘N 73º27‘W , 2855 masl ) ( Fig. 11 ). Coordinates on original label do not match with the locality SFF Iguaque. However, Mamarramas is a locality inside the SFF [Flora and Fauna Sanctuary] Iguaque. Examined Material: Holotype male from COLOMBIA : Boyacá : Villa de Leyva : “Col Boyacá SFF / Iguaque Cabaña Mamarramas / 5º25‘N 73º27‘W 2855m / Dic. 21 – Jan 07/2003 M. 1072/ R. Reina leg.” ( ICN ). Remarks: The holotype was collected at a higher elevation than other Bubalopa species ( 2800 masl ). Bubalopa iguaque sp. nov. is unique in having a rusty brown, densely punctate and pubescent body, stout and coarsely margined suprahumeral horns, and pronotal posterior process with a dorsal hump. The abdominal pits are smaller than those in B. furcata , and an additional scar can be observed on tergum VI, although it is much less distinct, nearly vestigial. The male genitalia also exhibits unique features such as the shape of the parameres and the subgenital plate in lateral view. The abdominal apodeme is greatly enlarged, both in terms of width and length, and extends to the posterior margin of segment IV.