A revision of the New World genus Penniverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) Author Webb, Donald W. Author Metz, Mark A. text Zootaxa 2008 1720 1 45 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181100 da5ea603-40bd-4b71-9fd7-852a6a4ed260 1175-5326 181100 Insulatitan longipes (Loew) , comb. nov. longipes Loew (1869: 8 male desc.), Kröber (1911 : 499 male key, 500 fem. key, 506 add. desc.; 1913:31 listing; 1928:6 dist., 10 male key, 11 fem. key, 17 desc., Fig. 12 male ant., 56 add. desc., dist.) ( Psilocephala ); Irwin and Webb (1992:88, comb. change, checklist) ( Penniverpa ). Type locality Cuba . Holotype female in MCZ. New combination. romaynae Metz and Irwin (2000:986 Fig. 28 phylog., 987 Fig. 29 male abd., 988 Fig. 35 fem. abd., 989 key, 992 Figs. 46– 47 male 993 Fig. 54 male genit., 994 Fig. 58 male genit., 995 male desc., 996 Figs. 62– 63 male genit., 997 dist.). Type locality Bahamas , Man O War Cay. Holotype male in CNC (MEI 079660). New synonym. Psilocephala longipes (Loew) was placed in combination with Penniverpa by Irwin & Webb (1992) without any justification, but the distribution listed for the species in that article suggests that they were examining a heterogeneous assemblage of species. A re-examination of the holotype led us to conclude that it was a species of Insulatitan . The female holotype of P. longipes Loew is similar to females of Insulatitan in having the scutellum with two pair of marginal macrosetae; ocellar tubercle almost flush with frons, at least anteriorly; frons without pile, only silver, shiny pubescence present; height of frons at least two times width of frons at level of antennae; wing membranes pale brown with the margins of veins darkened; and tergite 4 of the female abdomen lacking pubescence (as in Fig. 35 Metz and Irwin 2000 ). In addition, female paratypes of Insulatitan romaynae Metz & Irwin were compared to the holotype female of Psilocephala longipes (Loew) and were determined to be conspecific.