New Genera And Species Of Myrtaceae-Feeding Phylinae From Australia, And The Description Of A New Species Of Restiophylus (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) Michael D. Schwartz Christiane Weirauch Author Schwartz, Michael D. Author Weirauch, Christiane Author Schuh, Randall T. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2018 2018-10-31 2018 424 1 161 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090-424.1.1 0003-0090 5410298 Melaleucaphylus sheathianae , new species Figures 9G , 12 , map 4, plates 4, 23, table 1 DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished by generally yellowish tan coloration with dark on head, antennae, and hemelytral membrane, with reddish orange markings on mesoscutum, scutellum, and cuneus. Endosomal structure in this species and M. kaputar unique within genus, dorsal strap conspicuously bifurcate with strongly divergent apical spines. In M. sheathianae anterior spine long and posterior spine narrow and directed posteriorly; in M. kaputar entire endosoma smaller and dorsal strap anterior spine short and posterior spine somewhat thick and directed to right side. Antennal segment 2 pale medially with dark base and apex, whereas entirely black in M . sheathianae . The two species with allopatric distributions. DESCRIPTION: MALE: Mean total length 3.96, mean pronotum width 1.48. COLORATION (pl. 4): Generally pale dusky yellow to tan with variable dark markings; head with diffuse brown markings; frons with wide lateral stripes, sometimes entire frons dark, clypeus entirely; antennal segment 1 black, 2 dark tan, darker distally; mesoscutum orange yellow, scutellum cream colored with pale triangular orange mark medially, paracuneus and cuneus diffusely pink to red, membrane hyaline; large cell with two distinctive black marks, large one at apex, small one on distal interior margin; tibiae without dark spots at base of spines; entire tarsus or only tarsal segment 3 black; phallotheca black; sometimes dark markings on ventral margin and dorsal edge of mesosternum, pygophore dorsoproximally, and parameres. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 4): Shining; dorsum with moderately dense, curved, reclining black simple setae; thoracic venter and coxae with erect black setae; tibiae with black spines. STRUC- TURE: Labium reaching to apex of mesocoxa. Pretarsus : Claws moderately large, slightly curved, with narrow bases; parempodia setiform, relatively long, parallel, apices sharp; pulvilli relatively long, height short, reaching from base to angle of claw (fig. 9G). GENITALIA (fig. 12D, pl. 23A–J): Pygophore: Large, broadly conical, with slight dorsal subbasal prominence each side; paramere insertions without tubercles or discrete patches of bristles. Endosoma: Distal one-half with torsion, twisted to left side; ventral strap bifurcate at base of proximal secondary gonopore process, apices of ventral strap level with base of secondary gonopore—anterior apex broadly rounded; posterior apex with large pointed spur, not protruding beyond curvature of ventral strap; dorsal strap bifurcate at base of secondary gonopore, divided into pair of sharply pointed apical spines—large anterior spine extending distad of secondary gonopore 3 × length of secondary gonopore; small posterior spine narrow, with sinuate margins, directed away from apex of anterior spine and extending distad of secondary gonopore slightly more than length of secondary gonopore. Secondary gonopore : Well sclerotized, located medially; aperture open on ventroanterior surface, proximal edge with large, well-sclerotized lanceolate process, distal edge with microspiculate membranous patch on lateral surface; interstrap region with extremely thin, wavy gonopore sclerite, reaching from proximal end of secondary gonopore to bifurcation of endosomal straps. Phallotheca: Large, attenuate apical region with undulate margins and posterior and anterior dorsal crestshaped flanges; aperture on anteroventral surface, long, narrow, more broadly open at apex. Parameres: Left paramere : Posterior margin and shoulder region between posterior and anterior processes slightly elongate, otherwise typically phyline; posterior process of moderate length, straight, gently attenuate from unexpanded base, apex small, rounded. Right paramere : Subrectangular, moderately elongate with short distal region and small rounded apex. FIG. 12. Melaleucaphylus sheathianae , AMNH _PBI 00370823. Scanning electron micrographs. A. Head and pronotum, lateral view. B. Detail of pronotal setae, dorsal view. C. Thoracic pleuron, lateral view, showing metathoracic spiracle opening, metathoracic scent-gland auricle, and evaporatory area. D. Pygophore, left paramere, phallotheca, apical spines of dorsal endosomal strap, lateral view. Abbreviations: endo , endosoma; lp , left paramere; mttsp , metathoracic spiracle; phl , phallotheca; rp , right paramere; sgaur , scent gland auricle; sgev , scent gland evaporatory area. FEMALE (pl. 4): Coloration as in male; differing from male as in generic description; mean total length 4.49, mean pronotum width 1.61. GENITALIA (pl. 23K–O): Posterior margin of sternite 7: Bearing elongate triangular projection. Vestibular sclerites: Large, J-shaped coiled tube projecting from right paramedial side of ventral labiate plate; in dorsal view extending just anteriad of anterior margin of and within middle of right sclerotized ring; vestibulum well sclerotized, continuous, strongly sclerotized from posterior margin of ventral labiate plate, reaching first gonapophyses. First gonapophyses : Pair of expanded symmetrical triangular basal sclerites abutting ventral portion of right vestibular sclerite. Ventral labiate plate : Right portion forming almost entire vestibulum, anteroventral extension relatively long; surface of ventral labiate plate ventral to sclerotized rings microspicu- late. Dorsal labiate plate: Relatively large, subhexagonal; posteroventral edge folded. Sclerotized rings : Large, subovoid, margins narrow, separated by one-half width of ring, lateral margin of ring angled, reaching lateral margin of dorsal labiate plate. Posteromedial region : Sunken microspiculate invaginated plate, divided on midline with overlapping slightly tumid posterior margins. Intersegmental process : Large, strongly triangular; apical margin entire; anterior surface microspiculate, posterior surface well sclerotized, merged with dorsoposterior portion of posterior wall. Posterior wall: Large, deep, well sclerotized. Interramal sclerites : With broad, vertical, posteriorly directed medial prominence; ventrolateral regions with obvious sclerotized subrectangular extensions. Interramal lobes : Dorsolateral region strongly sclerotized, with microspiculate surface, entire, anterior surface microspiculate; well sclerotized, wedge shaped; interramal sclerites widely separated and placed on ventrolateral margins, posterodorsal; portion membranous, with pair of widely separated, tumid, microspiculate interramal lobes projecting anteriorly into genital chamber; midline of wall strongly sclerotized, moderately projecting posteriad. ETYMOLOGY: Named for its occurrence on Melaleuca sheathiana . HOSTS: Recorded from Melaleuca sheathiana (pl. 40A, B) and M. teuthidoides (pl. 40C) ( Myrtaceae : Melaleuceae ). DISTRIBUTION (map 4): Known from three collection events in southern portion of Goldfields- Esperance region, Western Australia , within the southwest interzone phytogeographic subregion. HOLOTYPE : AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : 11 km N of Coolgardie–Esperance Hiway on Kambalda Road, 31.25231 ° S 121.5899 ° E , 320 m , 18 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh , G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Melaleuca sheathiana W. Fitzg. (Myrtaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05671396, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00371350) ( WAMP ). PARATYPES : AUSTRALIA : Western Australia : 11 km N of Coolgardie-Esperance Hiway on Kambalda Road, 31.25231 ° S 121.5899 ° E , 320 m , 18 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh , G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, Melaleuca sheathiana W. Fitzg. (Myrtaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05671396, 893 (00091642–00091665, 00091689–00091702, 00370796–00370823, 00371974, 00372075, 00372036–00372054, 00087297, 00087497), 55♀ (00091666–00091688, 00370864, 00370897–00370913, 00371977, 00371979, 00372055–00372065, 00087298) ( AM ), 523 (00129399–00129411, 00371339–00371349, 00371351–00371362, 00371381, 00371382, 00129516–00129518, 00129445–00129454, 00129586), 39♀ (00371316–00371319, 00371335, 00129412–00129416, 00129519–00129530, 00129455–00129471) ( AMNH ), 33 (00371375– 00371377), 3♀ (00371323–00371325) ( ANIC ), 33 (00371372–00371374), 3♀ (00371326–00371328) ( CNC ), 33 (00371366–00371368), 3♀ (00371332– 00371334) ( UCR ), 33 (00371363–00371365), 3♀ (00371336–00371338) ( UNSW ), 33 (00371369– 00371371), 3♀ (00371329–00371331) ( USNM ), 323 (00370865–00370896), 40♀ (00370824– 00370863) ( WAMP ), 33 (00371378–00371380), 3♀ (00371320–00371322) ( ZISP ). 33.3 km S of Norseman, 32.46461 ° S 121.6778 ° E , 300 m , 19 Nov 1999 , R.T. Schuh , G. Cassis, and R. Silveira, 93 (00089118–00089120, 00089122–00089126, 00089128), Melaleuca sheathiana W. Fitzg. (Myrtaceae) , det. Field ID, 1♀ (00393474), Melaleuca sheathiana W. Fitzg. (Myrtaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05671396, 203 (00370914–00370931, 00089121, 00089127), 25♀ (00370932–00370943, 00089129–00089141) ( AM ). 91.4 km SE of Southern Cross, 31.97145 ° S 119.287 ° E , 375 m , 04 Dec 1997 , Schuh , Cassis, Brailovsky, Asquith, Melaleuca teuthidoides Barlow (Myrtaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05054834, 43 (00372132, 00372133, 00087108, 00088009), 12♀ (00372135–00372145, 00087109) ( AM ), 143 (00130807–00130820), 15♀ (00130821–00130835) ( AMNH ). ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUS- TRALIA: Western Australia : 91.4 km SE of Southern Cross, 31.97145 ° S 119.287 ° E , 375 m , 04 Dec 1997 , Schuh , Cassis, Brailovsky, Asquith, Melaleuca teuthidoides Barlow (Myrtaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH 05054834, 1 nymph (00372134) (AM).