Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. Author Smith, F. text 1858 British Museum London book 8127 C86CFDBF-61D9-48EE-9C2E-325FC0462B10 47. Ponera linearis . B.M. Worker. Length 2 1/2 lines.-Black: smooth, shining, and thinly covered with a pale downy pile; the antennae, mandibles and legs ferruginous, their apex acute, their inner margin not toothed or serrated; the clypeus triangular, the sides oblique, forming an acute edge down the middle. Thorax elongate, the sides nearly parallel, or very slightly swollen anteriorly; the apex of the metathorax obliquely truncate. Abdomen oblong-ovate, the apex pale rufo-testaceous, the node of the abdomen incrassate, rounded in front and truncate behind. Male. Length 2 lines.-Obscure rufo-testaceous, or sometimes pale rufo-testaceous; the antennae and legs pale testaceous; the thorax oblong-ovate; the wings hyaline, with the nervures pale testaceous-yellow; the abdomen and also the node of the peduncle of the same form as in the worker. Hab. Brazil; Santarem. The males and workers of this species were taken from the nest by Mr. H. W. Bates.