Typification and taxonomical notes on the names published by Roberto de Visiani and Josif Pančić in Plantae Serbicae Rariores aut Novae-Decas II Author Clementi, Moreno Author Anačkov, Goran Author Miola, Antonella Author Vukojičić, Snežana text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-08-26 224 1 29 44 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.224.1.2 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.224.1.2 1179-3163 13636599 Hieracium marmoreum Visiani & Pančić (1865: 468) ( Fig. 4 ) Lectotype (designated here):— SERBIA . In rupestrib[us] calcareis M [ali?][ons?]. Vukan S [erbia] A [ustralis], Jul [io] 1863, J . Pančić s.n. ( PAD barcode H0023200 !). Additional specimens examined :— SERBIA . In rupestrib[us] calcareis ad Gornjak Serbi[ia] austr[alis], Jul[io] [1]861 J . Pančić s.n. (PAD-23199!); SERBIA . In rupestrib[us] calcareis M [ons] Rtanj C [irculi] Aleksinac [ensis], Jun[io] [1]854 ( PAD barcode H 0023198!); SERBIA . E seminib[us] in [illegible] cult[um], s.d., Pančić s.n. ( PAD barcode H 0023195!); [ SERBIA ] s.l., s.d., s.c. s.n . ( PAD barcode H 0023196!) Note :—The specimen selected as lectotype bears two labels. The original one, by Pančić, bears the name “ H. marmoreum Panc. in litt. ad Schultz”. Indeed, Pančić wrote, in a letter to Visiani ( 4 January 1863 ), that he had asked an opinion to Schultz Bipontinus on this species before publication. This label also bears the signature of the famous monographer of Hieracium , Casimir Arvet-Touvet (1841–1911), who confirmed the identification. The second label is by another expert on this genus, Saverio Belli (1852–1919), and it reads “Questo è il vero Hieracium marmoreum Panc. Vis. etc. ben differente da quello così determinato e pubblicato da Janka e che sta pure in questo foglio teca” (i.e. “This is the true H. marmoreum Panc. Vis. etc. quite different from the one thus determinated and published by Janka that is also present in this sheet file”). This specimen is compatible with the protologue, well conserved, and was considered by two experts as representative of the concept of H. marmoreum ; therefore we do not hesitate to designate it as a type. The name is generally accepted (e.g. Euro+Med 2015, Niketić 2014 ).