New Brazilian Tafaliscina increase the diversity of this Neotropical cricket clade (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae: Paroecanthini) Author Campos, Lucas Denadai de Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, rua do Matão, travessa 14, n. 101, CEP: 05508 - 090, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP (Brazil) lcdenadai @ gmail. com (corresponding author) Author Souza-Dias, Pedro G. B. Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil) Author Nihei, Silvio Shigueo Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, rua do Matão, travessa 14, n. 101, CEP: 05508 - 090, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP (Brazil) text Zoosystema 2020 2020-07-07 42 19 331 353 journal article 21526 10.5252/zoosystema2020v42a19 c7880314-66e6-4f8e-8ffe-ff13cbb6a9a3 1638-9387 3937633 Veredatrypa Campos n. gen. D435704C-E23E-4D57-9451-9548E90C8758 TYPE SPECIES. — Veredatrypa rosai n. gen, n. sp. SPECIES INCLUDED. — Veredatrypa rosai n. gen., n. sp. ; Veredatrypa seca n. gen., n. sp. ; Veredatrypa fusca n. gen., n. sp. ETYMOLOGY. — Named after “Grande Sertão: Veredas”, a novel written by the Brazilian novelist João Guimarães Rosa. Grande Sertão: Veredas (in English, translated as The Devil to Pay in the Backlands) is one of the masterpieces of Brazilian literature and one of the most important novels in Portuguese language literature due to its style and complexity. Grande Sertão: Veredas is also a Brazilian National Park that protects a large fragment of Brazilian Cerrado, including wetlands areas known as “veredas”. That Park is located in the same area where the novel happened and is the type-locality of this new genus. DISTRIBUTION. — This genus is recorded for Brazilian open forests as the Cerrado and Caatinga, in States of Minas Gerais , Goiás and Ceará . DIAGNOSIS. —The genus is separated from the other genera of Tafaliscina by the following characters: median ocelli very reduced, almost no discernible; DD with longitudinal lateral bands from cephalic to caudal margin. Male: metanotum with two pairs of projections, with cluster of bristles (absent in V. seca n. gen., n. sp. ). FWs with anal vein area slightly bulged dorsally, stridulatory file surrounded by strong sclerotization, hv anterior region strongly sclerotized. Male genitalia: MLophi triangular, with a pointed apex; LLophi very short or absent; EctF strongly sclerotized, wide anteriorly, thin posteriorly, going along MLophi, apex folding dorsally, connecting to the apex of MLophi; endophallic apodeme bifid. Female: ovipositor short than cerci, with two lateral protuberances in dorsal and ventral views. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla distal half constricted, without furrow ventrally. DESCRIPTION General morphology Body. Size small to medium, slender in dorsal view, with yellowish pubescence, except on FWs and hindwings. Head. Occiput and vertex slightly pubescent ( Figs 2A ; 5A ; 8A ). Three ocelli, nearly aligned in frontal view, the median very small, almost no discernible; lateral ocelli large, rounded ( Figs 2C ; 5C ; 8C ). Fastigium longer than wide, with two lateral rows of bristles. Antennal scape longer than wide ( Figs 2C ; 5C ; 8C ); antennae lightly colored with sparse dark antennomeres. Maxillary palpi pubescent, articles 3-5 almost same sized, article 5 clavate ( Figs 2B, C ; 5B, C ; 8B; C ). Pronotum. DD slightly wider than long, with sparse bristles as well as bristles on cephalic and caudal margins; two longitudinal lateral bands from cephalic to caudal margins; two median maculae aligned, one close to cephalic margin, other central to DD. LL ventro-cephalic angle rounded, ventrocaudal angle gradually ascendant; without bristles on ventral margin ( Figs 2A, J ; 5A ; 8A; H ). Wings. FWs covering hindwings, not covering last tergites of abdomen ( Figs 2A, J ; 5A ; 8A, H ). Abdomen. Abdominal tergites less pubescent and darker than pronotum DD. Legs. Legs I and II pubescent; TI and TII with two ventral spurs, one dorsal (except V. seca n. gen., n. sp. with two ventral and two dorsal spurs same-sized on TII); TI with oval outer tympanum, without inner tympanum.TIII subapical spurs 5/4, with two spines between them, the apical spine smaller than the distal, with five spines above the most basal subapical spur; apical spurs 3/3, longer on inner face; inner spurs: dorsal longest (iad), median slightly shorter (iam), ventral smaller (iav) (iad>iam>iav) ( Figs 2H ; 5H ); outer apical spurs: median longest (oam), dorsal slightly shorter (oad), ventral smaller (oav) (oam>oad>oav) ( Figs 2I ; 8I ). Basitarsus with three outer spines in line, same-sized; one inner spine ( Figs 2H, I ; 5H, I ). Male Metanotum with two pairs of projections, one pair median, the other pair close to the distal margin of metanotum; with two clusters of bristles, one pair pointing to anterior margin of metanotum, another pair pointing to posterior margin of metanotum ( Figs 2E ; 8E ); metanotal structures lacking in V. seca n. gen., n. sp. ( Fig. 5E ). FWs covering 2/3 of abdomen, right FW dorsal field pigmented, left FW dorsal field transparent; two dark spots close to FWs insertion; anal vein area slightly bulged dorsally; stridulatory file present, slightly curved, surrounded by a strong sclerotization on right FW (less sclerotized on V. fusca n. gen., n. sp. ); harp crossed by 2-4 diagonal veins, veins anterior region strongly sclerotized; mirror wider than long, divided in the middle by one transverse vein; chords 1 and 2 elongated, connected anteriorly, separated from chord 3; mirror divided on the middle; apical field reduced ( Figs 2A, D ; 5A, D ; 8A, D ); lateral field with 15- 18 diagonal parallel veins ( Figs 2B ; 5B ; 8B ). Supra anal plate pubescent, constricted medially, posterior margin rounded ( Figs 2F ; 5F ; 8F ); subgenital plate pubescent, slightly longer than wide, posterior border rounded ( Figs 2G ; 5G ; 8G ). A B FIG. 1. — Veredatrypa rosai n. gen., n. sp. living habitus: A , adult female; B , adult male. Male genitalia ( Figs 3 A-C; 4; 6; 7; 9A-C; 10) Elongated, slightly upcurved in lateral view. Pseudepiphallus: pseudepiphallic sclerite, posterior region constricted forming MLophi, triangular, with a pointed apex (not so constricted in V. seca n. gen., n. sp. ), LLophi very reduced or absent; posterior margin of MLophi bearing membranes laterally (visible in ventral view); R elongated, two times longer than pseudepiphallic sclerite, almost connected anteriorly. PsP well sclerotized, upcurved, posterior half two times wider than anterior half in ventral view. Ectophallic invagination: EctAp elongated, thin; ectophallic arc not complete medially; EctF strongly sclerotized, wide anteriorly, thin posteriorly, going along MLophi, apex folding dorsally, connecting to the apex of MLophi; ventral projections of ectophallic invagination elongated, almost as long as EctAp. Endophallus: EndSc small; endophallic apodeme bifid. Female Body larger than male; FWs covering half of abdomen, with parallel veins ( Figs 2K ; 8H ). Supra anal plate pubescent, wider than long, distal margin rounded ( Figs 2L ; 8I ). Subgenital plate less pubescent than supra anal plate, almost as long as wide, distal margin concave ( Figs 2M ; 8J ). Ovipositor shorter than cerci, flattened dorso-ventrally, slightly upcurved, apex thinner, with two protuberances laterally in dorsal and ventral views ( Figs 2K, L ; 8I, J ). Female genitalia ( Figs 3 D-F; 9D-F) Copulatory papilla longer than wide, slightly curved downwards in lateral view, distal half constricted, without furrow ventrally.