Notes on species of the genus Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Chlaeniini) from four agro-climatic zones of Rajasthan, with description of two new species Author Chanu, N. Yaiphabi Author Swaminathan, R. text Zootaxa 2017 4237 3 545 566 journal article 36373 10.11646/zootaxa.4237.3.5 352d3a1f-32d6-421d-95b0-128849820ffd 1175-5326 344753 6BF0EED4-4C66-464C-A0A1-4A934F5294FF Chlaenius ( Callistoides ) malachinus (Motschulsky, 1865) ( Fig. 5 , 19 , 33 , 47 , 62 , 80, 81 & 105 ) Diagnosis. Testaceous spot on subapical region of elytron, starts from suture and extends till interval 2, elytral intervals uniformly punctate pubescent; pronotum testaceous with a black rectangular band medially, densely punctate pubescent; median tooth of mentum bifid; labrum truncate at apex; apical segment of maxillary and labial palpi sub-cylindrical; median lobe of aedeagus dilated, apical lamella truncate at apex. Description. BL = 6.02 mm , HW= 1.18 mm , PL= 1.06 mm , PW= 1.68 mm , EL= 3.82 mm , EW= 2.46 mm Head dark metallic green; pronotum testaceous with a black longitudinal rectangular band medially; elytra black with a testaceous spot at apical region. Labrum, 1st antennomere, maxillary and labial palpi, prosternum including proepisternum, foreleg, all parts of mid and hind leg except coxae (which are dark brown) brownish yellow; 2nd and half of 3rd antennomere, mandibles light brown, remaining half of 3rd antennomere dark brown; 4th to last antennomere black; ventral sternites except prosternites fuscous. Whole head surface densely uniformly punctate and pubescent, punctures confluent. Labrum and clypeus almost truncate at apex. Apical segment of maxillary and labial palpi sub-cylindrical, truncate at apex; penultimate segment of labial palpi plurisetose. Median tooth of mentum bifid. Pronotum quadrate, rounded along lateral sides, basal margin wider than apical margin. Surface uniformly and densely punctate pubescent (setiferous punctures). Median line visible almost reaching extremities. Lateral margins explanate, more towards base and slightly curved. Basal fovea shallow. Near lateral margins a series of bigger punctures run from apex to base. Elytra striate punctate, intervals uniformly punctate pubescent; elytral intervals almost flat; testaceous spot on apical region of elytron, starts from suture and extends through interval 2. Prosternum finely punctate, proepisternum punctate with short hairs, prosternal process finely bordered. Mesosternum confluently punctate and mesepisternum punctate with short hairs. Metasternum punctate with fine short hairs medially, laterally and mesepisternum confluently punctate with fine short hairs. Epipleura confluently punctate. Aedeagus stout; median lobe dilated, tapers towards apex; lamella truncate at apex, length of apical portion long. Material examined. Total 211 specimens. 1♂ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 18.vii.2014 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♀ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 19.vii.2014 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♂ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 06.viii.2014 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♂ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 06.ix.2015 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♂ & 1♀ , RARI , Durgapura , Jaipur , Rajasthan , India / 21.ix.2015 , Coll. R. Swaminathan ; 1♀ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♀ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 25.vii.2016 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♀ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 26.vii.2016 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 1♂ , RCA Campus , Udaipur , Rajasthan , India / 14.ix.2016 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 5♂ & 4♀ , NRCSS , Ajmer , Rajasthan , India / 25.ix.2016 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 2♂ , NRCSS , Ajmer , Rajasthan , India / 25.ix.2016 , Coll. R. Swaminathan ; 2♀ , NRCSS , Ajmer , Rajasthan , India / 25.ix.2016 , Coll. R. Nagar ; 12♂ & 14♀ , NRCSS , Ajmer , Rajasthan , India / 26.ix.2016 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 3♀ , NRCSS , Ajmer , Rajasthan , India / 26.ix.2016 , Coll. R. Nagar ; 66♂ & 79♀ , ARS, Bhilwara , Rajasthan , India / 27.ix.2016 , Coll. N.Y. Chanu ; 8♂ & 2♀ , ARS, Bhilwara , Rajasthan , India / 27.ix.2016 , Coll. R. Swaminathan ; 2♂ & 2♀ , ARS, Bhilwara , Rajasthan , India / 27.ix.2016 , Coll. R. Nagar.