From hell's heart I stab at thee! A determined approach towards a monophyletic Pteromalidae and reclassification of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) Author Burks, Roger Department of Entomology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA Author Mitroiu, Mircea-Dan Faculty of Biology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Author Fusu, Lucian Faculty of Biology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Author Heraty, John M. Department of Entomology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA Author Jansta, Petr Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic & Department of Entomology, State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany Author Heydon, Steve Bohart Museum of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA, 95616, USA Author Papilloud, Natalie Dale-Skey Insects Division, Natural History Museum, London, UK Author Peters, Ralph S. Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change, Bonn, Germany Author Tselikh, Ekaterina V. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Author Woolley, James B. Department of Entomology, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA Author van Noort, Simon Research and Exhibitions Department, South African Museum, Iziko Museums of South Africa, PO Box 61, Cape Town 8000 South Africa & Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa Author Baur, Hannes Department of Invertebrates, Natural History Museum Bern, Bern, Switzerland & Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Author Cruaud, Astrid CBGP, INRAE, CIRAD, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France Author Darling, Christopher Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON, M 5 S 2 C 6, Canada & Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, M 5 S 1 A 1, Canada Author Haas, Michael Department of Entomology, State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany Author Hanson, Paul Escuela de Biologia, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Jose 11501 - 2060, Costa Rica Author Krogmann, Lars Department of Entomology, State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany & Institute of Biology, Biological Systematics (190 n) University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany Author Rasplus, Jean-Yves CBGP, INRAE, CIRAD, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2022 2022-12-20 94 13 88 journal article 1314-2607-94-13 6CB807239A47403FABEC9AF8AE7F417F ADCFB8021287566FB2D7E8A8711D5CAE Pteromalini Termolampini Boucek , 1961 new synonymy. Type genus: Termolampa Boucek , 1961. Discussion. The previously recognized tribe Termolampini new syn. is abolished here, because it can only be distinguished from other Pteromalini using features that define the genus, and because it seems to be a derived genus within Pteromalini , instead of the sister group of another tribe or set of tribes in Pteromalinae . To resolve previous confusion, Boucekina Szelenyi new placement and Morodora Gahan new placement belong here according to their morphological resemblance to other Pteromalini , respectively Neanica Erdos and Perniphora Ruschka. The complete list of genera of Pteromalini are listed in Appendix I, based on molecules and/or morphology. At present the tribe is not diagnosed, because it is the remainder of Pteromalinae excluding Otitesellini . The vast remaining number of genera in Pteromalini makes it unwieldy, and future analysis will be needed to break it up into useful natural tribes that can be more easily diagnosed.