Review of the tribe Amorphopini (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Metrodorinae): Pygmy moss-lichen tetrigids from the Amazon rainforest Author Cadena-Castaneda, Oscar J. Universidad INCCA de Colombia. Grupo en Ecologia Evolutiva y Biogeografia Tropical ECOBIT, Bogota, Colombia. & Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas. Grupo de Investigacion en Artropodos " Kumangui ", Bogota, Colombia. Author Silva, Daniela Santos Martins Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas e da Saude, Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV) - campus Rio Paranaiba, 38810 - 000, Rio Paranaiba - MG, Brazil. Author Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello Laboratorio de Entomologia Sistematica, Urbana e Forense. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA), CEP 69060 - 001, Manaus, AM, Brazil. Author Pereira, Marcelo Ribeiro Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas e da Saude, Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV) - campus Rio Paranaiba, 38810 - 000, Rio Paranaiba - MG, Brazil. Author Domenico, Fernando Campos De Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), 04263 - 000, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil. Author Sperber, Carlos Frankl Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), 04263 - 000, Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil. text Journal of Orthoptera Research 2020 29 1 45 62 journal article 1937-2426-1-45 647877CDF0434952841920D0F18EA28C 1D3609CADB1D568ABC40741E117DB0B1 Eomorphopus Hancock, 1907 Type species Eomorphopus antennatus ( Bolivar , 1887). Description Body moderately depressed dorsoventrally (Figs 4A , 5A ), granulate and moderately rugose. Eyes slightly conical with a flattened base; vertex narrowed forward, truncate anteriorly, not advancing beyond the eyes; frontal costa with a narrow scutellum between the antennae and moderately sulcate (Figs 4D , 5D ), lateral lobes outwardly dilated below, the posterior angles oblong (Figs 4C , 5C , 6D ) or acute (Figs 8D , 9D ). Tegmina sublanceolate and wings surpassing the pronotum apex (Figs 4A , 8A ). Fore femur strongly carinate, but not entirely clypeate (Figs 6E , 8E , 9E ); mid femur flattened, margins above sub-straight, below strongly foliaceo-expanded, often sinuate toward the apices (Figs 6F , 8F , 9F ); antegenicular tooth of hind femur developed; the first and third articles of the hind tarsi equal in length. Fig. 4. Eomorphopus granulatus (female lectotype) A. Lateral left habitus; B. Lateral right habitus; C. Dorsal view; D. Head details in frontal view; and E. Labels. Scale bars: 5 mm. Fig. 5. Eomorphopus granulatus (male paralectotype) A. Lateral left habitus; B. Lateral right habitus; C. Dorsal view; D. Head details in frontal view; and E. Labels. Scale bars: 5 mm. Fig. 6. Eomorphopus granulatus (male not a type) A. Habitus in lateral view; B. Frons; C. Head, lateral lobes of pronotum and tegmina in lateral view; D. Habitus in dorsal view; E. Fore-femur; F. Mid-femur; G. Terminalia in ventral view; and H. In lateral view. Comments. - For a long time, Eomorphopus species were described as Amorphopus , except for E. purpurascens , which was originally described as Acrydium purpurascens by Olivier (1791) and is still almost unknown, without photos and with scant morphological information. Additionally, some of the available morphological information on E. purpurascens is non-traditional, such as the description of the coloration used by Oliver (1791). Characteristics of this kind can be lost over time (e.g., wings with purplish coloration). Furthermore, the type species was not defined in the original description and the depository is unknown. The distribution is known only for Trinidad Island ( Olivier 1791 ). For that reason, we propose as nomen dubius this species, and Eomorphopus only contains two valid species: E. granulosus and E. antennatus . Behavioral notes The Brazilian specimens were collected in lowland floodplains in areas of the Solimoes River and non-flooding ombrophilous forests (Terra Firme). They are commonly found in litter on the ground and occasionally on trunks of fallen trees. They are usually found in the same environment with other pygmy grasshoppers, such as Scaria ( Cadena-Castaneda et al. 2019 ). They are easily unnerved and usually jump when approached.