Legume additions to the flora of China Author Jiang, Kai-Wen 0000-0002-5917-1846 Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation in Southwest China, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Yunnan 650224, China & Ningbo Botanical Garden, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315201, China & kevinchiangensis @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5917 - 1846 kevinchiangensis@gmail.com Author Tian, Bin 0000-0003-2325-724X Key Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation in Southwest China, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming, Yunnan 650224, China & tianbin @ swfu. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2325 - 724 X tianbin@swfu.edu.cn Author Pan, Bo 0000-0002-0038-9664 Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China & Center of Conservation Biology, Core Botanical Gardens, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China & pb @ xtbg. org. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0038 - 9664 pb@xtbg.org.cn text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-01-25 532 1 1 21 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.532.1.1 29eea189-3044-4057-89dc-827632b79068 1179-3163 5900839 . Pueraria bella Prain (1898: 288) . Type :— MYANMAR : Kachin , mountains near Myitkyina, King’s collectors (Shaik Mokim) s. n. ( holotype CAL, isotypes CAL, K). Fig. 7. Description: —Woody climbers, ca. 10 m . Old stems quadrangular, 10 cm across or more; young branches terete, nearly glabrous or somewhat pubescent. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate; stipules linear, dorsifixed, caducous; petiole ribbed, grooved above, nearly glabrous, (6–) 7–13 cm , with rachis (1.5–) 2–3 cm ; leaflets long elliptic with lateral ones conspicuously oblique, (8–)13–18 × 3.5–8 cm , long-acuminate at apex, broadly cuneate to rounded-cuneate at base, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, lateral veins 5–7 pairs, prominent below; petiolules 5–6 mm ; stipels subequal to petiolules. Inflorescence an axillary pseudoraceme, unbranched or with one branch, 22–29 cm , rachis obviously nodose, 3 flowers per node; bracts 4 per node; bracteoles 2 per flower, caducous, broadly ovate, ca. 2 × 2 mm , striate, short-hairy on both surfaces, obtuse to acute at apex. Pedicel ca. 6 mm . Calyx campanulate, short velvety pubescent on both surfaces; tube 4–6 mm ; lobes 4, obtuse, 3–4 mm , nearly equal in length, the upper lobe slightly emarginate at apex, the lower one more acute than other lobes. Corolla bicolored; standard orbicular-ovate, white to light purple, with a yellow patch and purple ring at the center, 14–17 × 11 mm , emarginate at apex, auriculate, with a short claw ca. 2 mm ; wing petals oblanceolate, bluish purple, ca. 18 mm , with a basal claw ca. 5 mm , auricle incurved, ca. 2.5 mm ; keel petals oblong, white to light purple, ca. 18 mm , with a basal claw ca. 5 mm , auricle obscure. Stamens monadelphous, ca. 18 mm ; with vexillary one fused with staminal sheath only in the middle part; anthers uniform, basifixed. Ovary elongate, shortly adpressed pubescent, ca. 16 mm ; style short, upcurved, ca. 3 mm ; stigma capitate. Pod oblong, 3.5–8× 1.5 cm , flat, glabrous, winged along both sutures. Seeds reniform. FIGURE. Pueraria bella Prain A. Flowering branch. B. Stem. C. (a) Flower; (b) Adaxial surface of a standard; (c) Abaxial surface of a standard; (d) Wings; (e) Keels; (f) Pistil; (g) Stamens; (h) Calyx; (i) Unmature pod; (j) Bracteoles. Photographs by Zhu-Qiu Song. Scale bar = 1 cm . Distribution and habitat: Pueraria bella is distributed in China ( Yunnan Province ), India and Myanmar . It grows in tropical montane forests at elevations between 200–1000 m above sea level. Phenology: —Flowering in July to September; fruiting in October to December. Chinese name: —The Chinese name of Pueraria bella is here given as 双ḏƀ , in which “ 双ḏ ” refers to the wings along both sutures of the pods, while “ ƀ ” is the Chinese common name for Pueraria . The pod is described for the first time, and is unique among all the Pueraria species. Conservation status: —When revised Pueraria , van der Maesen (1985) only traced four gatherings collected from India and Myanmar . In the present work, we traced four more gatherings collected from China and Myanmar . As stated by van der Maesen (1985) , P. bella is rare, and the number of known gatherings is still very small. Following IUCN (2019) , here we consider the conservation status of P. bella is Vulnerable [VU, C a(i)] . Specimens examined:— CHINA . Yunnan : Luxi, Xuangang to Jiangdong, roadside, alt. 1089 m , 17 th Jul. 2013 , H. J. Dong, Z. H. Wang, G. X. Hu & Y. P. Chen LX-Z-251 (KUN). Ruili, Longchuan River, 14 th Feb. 2011 , S . S . Zhou 11389 (HITBC). Yingjiang, Geduo, alt. 980 m , 29 th Aug. 1980 , Anonymous collector 319 (SWFC). MYANMAR . Tenasserim Division : Tavoy District, Area within a radius of 12 miles from Paungdaw, alt. 800 ft. , Oct. 1961 , J. Keenan, U. T. Aung and R. H. Rule 1818 (A). Discussion:Wu (1995) recognized eight species and two varieties of the genus Pueraria in China , while Wu & Thulin (2010) recognized ten species and two varieties in China . However, the molecular phylogenetic study by Egan et al. (2016) showed that Pueraria s. lat. is polyphyletic, and thus the taxa with basifixed stipules were transferred to Haymondia A. N. Egan & B. Pan bis (2015: 212), Neustanthus Bentham (1852: 234) , Teyleria Backer (1939: 107) , and Toxicopueraria A. N. Egan & B. Pan bis (2015: 214) by Egan & Pan (2015) . Together with Pan et al. (2015) and the present study, there are eight species and two varieties of Pueraria s. str. distributed in China . An updated key is given below.