Review and revision of Australian Germalus Stål, with new genera and further new species of Australian Geocorinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Geocoridae) Author Malipatil, M. B. Author Blacket, M. J. text Zootaxa 2013 3746 2 257 300 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3746.2.3 112d8c10-eade-4f43-9f8d-3f8042ec2fd2 1175-5326 248936 86A7ED83-1A8E-4227-9BD6-5949E57C392F Germalus australis Malipatil , sp. nov. ( Figs. 27–44 ) Type specimens: Holotype male, South Australia , Lake Eyre N. Campbell Causeway, Sulphur Pen., 29. Oct.1966 , G.F. Gross, in SAM. Paratypes 8 males , 3 females , same data as holotype , one pair dissected, all in SAM. Other specimens: Because of the large number of specimens examined (a few thousand), the number of male and female specimens for each sample has been omitted from the collecting data. There are numerous additional specimens housed in various collections in Australia and overseas that have not been examined or included here. QUEENSLAND: Cunnamulla caravan park, at light around toilet block, 27.xii.1973 , GF Gross Cunnamulla, x.1941 , N Geary, in AM; Dynevor Lakes, 88 km W Eulo, 28 05S 144 12E , 27.ix.1991 , G Daniels & GV Maynard, in ANIC; Emerald, on cotton, 28.xi.1978 , G.K.Waite, QDPI. AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY: Cotter River, 7.xii.1962 , DK McAlpine, in AM. NEW SOUTH WALES : Darling River bank, 32 km SSW of Bourke, at light, 26.xii.1973 , GF Gross, in SAM; Gol Gol, on grapevines, 27.xi.1997 , M Ward, same except 11.xii.1997 , in VAIC; Leeton, on apple blossom, 4.x.1995 , D James, in ASCU; Orange, 10.xi.1988 , M Rover, in ASCU; 20 km SE of Mendooran, 31 55 S 149 19E , on flowers of Leptospermum , 8.xi.1995 , A&G Sundholm, in ANIC; Lawson, Blue Mountains, 16.xi.1962 , DK McAlpine, in AM; Cowra, 29.ii.1940 , CR Wallace, in AM; Breeza, 12.xii.1978 , N Forrester, in ASCU; Eviowie, 60 ml [ 96 km ] N of Broken Hill, ix.1962 , HO Fletcher, in AM. VICTORIA: Cape Otway, 29.xi.1966 , A Neboiss, in MV; Harcourt, on Acacia , x.1991 , D Williams, in VAIC; Mitta River, Dartmouth Survey, 30.xi.1973 , in MV. SOUTH AUSTRALIA : Frome River crossing of Birdsville Track near Marree, at light, 25.x.1966 , GF Gross; Binberrie Hill, Boolcoomata Stn, 24.ix.1962 , P Aitken; Belair, 30.x.1961 , RY Southcott; Lake Eyre N, alive on salt surface, Madigan Gulf, 29.x.1966 , GF Gross; Lake Eyre N, Prescott Point, Madigan Gulf, 26.x–2.xi.1968 , FJ Mitchell; Mt Davies, at light, 11.xi.1963 , P Aitken & NB Tindale; Near Victory Well, Everard Pk Stn, 3.xi.1970 , GF Gross; Everard Pk Stn E of homestead, on Crotalaria sp., 3.xi.1970 , T Houston; 4 ml [ 6.4 km ] SW Maynard’s Bore, Everard Pk Stn, beating Grevillea sp., 6.xi.1970 , GF Gross; 4 ml [ 6.4 km ] SW Maynard’s Bore, Everard Pk Stn, 5.xi.1970 , E Matthews; Madigan Gulf, Sulphur Pen., L. Eyre N, at light, 7.xi.1966 , GF Gross; Sulphur Pen, Madigan Gulf, L. Eyre N, 30.x.1966 , GF Gross; Olympic Dam site, 2–5.xi.1987 , EG Matthews & C. Watts; Kalumurrina Water Hole, at light, 25.xi.1964 , P Aitken; Margaret River, 10 km SE Coward Springs, sweeping, 3.xii.1974 , JA Herridge; 56 km N Maralinga, in mulga habitat, 14.ii.1971 , GF Gross [note a large number of nymphs also collected]; W tip of Petermann Range, at light, 30.x.1963 , P Aitken & NB Tindale; Chambers Gorge, sweeping Acacia , 8.x.1961 , P Aitken; Wirrealpa, 8.x.1961 , P Aitken; Near Aroona Dam on Winday Creek 10 km SW Copley, at light, 24.xi.1975 , GF Gross & V. Potezny; Musgrave River, 25 ml [ 40 km ] Bore, at MV light, 12.ii.1966 , P.Aitken & NB Tindale; Mt Remarkable nr Melrose, sweeping mixed undergrowth in Cucalyptus forest, 17.xi.1971 , JJH Szent-Ivany; Marryat Ck, on main road, at light, 21.xi.1963 , P Aitken & NB Tindale; Teatree Gully, on Pimela sp., 10.x.1960 , RV Southcott; Near Pirie, 17.viii.1953 , GF Gross; N of Mabel Creek, 25.x.1953 , NB Tindale; Belair, by sweeping Nat Park, 22.x.1965 , BK Hubbard & N McFarland; Wallaroo, Nth beach, sweeping flowering ti-tree, 31.i.1964 , GF Gross; Parachilna, Flinders Range, Nat Hist Exp; Melrose, AM Lea; 48 km W Emu Junction, Great Victoria Desert, beating, 8.x.1976 , JA Herridge; Marree Picnic Ground, sweeping grass, 1.xi.1955 , ET Giles; Binberrie Hill, Boolcoomata Stn, 24.ix.1962 , P Aitken; all in SAM. Pine Dams on Myrtle Springs Station, 24 ml [ 38 km ] WNW Leigh Creek, , RO Chalmers, in AM. WESTERN AUSTRALIA : Gill Pinnacle, Mural Crescent, at light, 3–7.xi.1963 , P Aitken & NB Tindale; Norseman, sweeping tea-tree scrub, 1.xii.1960 , P Aitken; Marble Bar, 31.i.1972 , GR Jones; Kalgoorlie, 30.xi.1960 , P Aitken; Flora Valley Station, 12.x.1953 , NB Tindale; Pilgangoora, Pilbara, 5.v.1953 , NB Tindale; Warren River, WD Dodd; all in SAM. 3–4 km E of Giles weather station, 25 0 2 S , 128.18E , 15.i.1990 , TF Houston & MS Harvey; North Rankin Platform, 140 km off NW mainland, 19.i.1986 , S Keeling; 25 km SW of Tangadee Homestead, 24.25S 118.56E , 22.viii.1984 , TF Houston & BP Hanich; 2 km WSW Muggan RH 156 km SW Warburton, 2700S 125 19E , 13–14.ix.1982 , B Hanich & TF Houston; East Side of Lake Throssell, 27.33S 124.18E , 13.ix.1982 , B Hanich & TF Houston; 25 km E of New Yamarna HS 28.10S 123.41E , 21.ix.1982 , B Hanich & TF Houston; 8 km WSW Manunda RH 130 km SW Warburton, 26.53S 125.35E , 14–15.ix.1982 , B Hanich & TF Houston; Wubin, 18.i.1964 , LN McKenna; Nullagine, 19–20.i.1974 , AM & MJ Douglas; Moorine Rock, 21–22.x.1978 , RP McMillan; Jurien Bay, 12.xii.1962 , AM Douglas; Broome, vi.1990 , RP McMillan; Burrecoppin, 4.xi.1949 , C Jenkins; Giles, 20.vii.1967 , KT Richards; Roberts Range, 24.vii.1967 , KT Richards; Woolgangie, 13.ii.1974 , KT Richards; Blue Bush, Carnarvon, leg AS 2.ix.53 , “ Germalus humeralis GGE Scudder det. 1957; Glenfield dist., Geraldton, ix.1972 , N McFarland; all in WADA. 6 ml [ 9.6 km ] W of Carnarvon, 19.xi.1945 , GP Whitley, ” Germalus pallidus ” det. GGE Scudder, 1958, in AM. NORTHERN TERRITORY: Ross River, 5 km SSW of Lover Ck Stn, 16.x.1960 , B Dally; 8 km E of Jervois, 7.xii.1960 , B Dally; 1.6 km S of Mt Mann , at light, 2.x.1963 , P Aitken & NB Tindale; Ayers Rock, xi.1980 , H Mincham; all in SAM. Description. This species is generally and superficially similar to G. victoriae , but differs from it in the fine punctation and some colouring as follows. Colouration : Generally pale ochraceous ( Fig. 27 ); 4th antennal segment and median line on clypeus dark; pronotum without a distinct fuscous spot on each humeral angle ( Fig. 28 ). Measurements : are of holotype male, paratype female, followed by ranges of 5 male and 5 female non-type specimens measured within round brackets. FIGURES 27–29. Germalus australis , dorsal view: 27a, (female, Geraldton WA) and b (male, Gol Gol NSW, Figs 27b– 29), habitus; 28, head, pronotum and scutellum enlarged; 29, head enlarged. FIGURES 3034. Germalus australis , female: 30, abdominal dorsum; 31, abdominal venter; 32, spermatheca; 33, 34, ovipositor. FIGURES 3544. Germalus australis , male: 35, abdominal dorsum; 36, abdominal venter; 37, pygophore, dorsal view; 38–40, aedeagus, ventral, lateral and dorsal views; 41, ejaculatory reservoir, enlarged; 42–44 paramere, different views. Body ( Fig. 27 ): Length including wings 4.73, 5.06 (4.69–5.06); maximum width 1.79, 1.92 (1.67–1.90). Head : Length of head 0.70, 0.76 (0.57–0.66); width across eyes 1.44, 1.46 (1.33–1.42); interocular space 0.80, 0.85 (0.73–0.85); interocellar space 0.34, 0.41 0.34–0.36); eye-ocellar space 0.18, 0.20 (0.18–0.20); eye length 0.46, 0.46 (0.41–0.46); eye width 0.27, 0.26 (0.24–0.27); Labium extending to hind coxae, length of segments: I 0.62, 0.64 (0.50–0.59); II 0.59, 0.57 (0.55–0.59); III 0.57, 0.60 (0.55–0.55); IV 0.48, 0.48 (0.48–0.48). Antennae, length of segments: I 0.29, 0.29 (0.27–0.32); II 0.62, 0.69 (0.57–0.60); III 0.46, 0.48 (0.41–0.41); IV 0.57, 0.59 (0.50–0.57). Thorax : Punctures on pronotum weak. Pronotum median length 0.98, 1.08 (0.92–1.06); width at posterior margin 1.54, 1.63 (1.40–1.56). Scutellum length 0.62, 0.64 (0.59–0.69); width 0.78, 0.85 (0.71–0.80). Hemelytra with clavus hyaline glasslike in distal 2/3, with sparse punctures in inner and outer rows, these rows distinct only near basal area, otherwise punctures very weak and indistinct ( Fig. 27 ). Length of hemelytra 3.31, 3.60 (3.31– 3.62); length of corium 2.30, 2.53 (2.16–2.20); claval commissure 0.37, 0.37 (0.34–0.39); membrane width 1.25, 1.28 (1.30–1.34). Abdomen : Terga impunctate and lightly sclerotized ( Figs. 30 & 35 ), venter shining, impunctate. Female genitalia : Spermatheca ( Fig. 32 ) saccoid, bulb sclerotised and almost conical in shape, with a flange near base sclerotised and unevenly expanded; duct part behind flange wide but gradually narrowing to a uniformly thin tube with 8–10 coils, basal part of duct narrow. Ovipositor as in Figs. 33 & 34 . Male genitalia : Generally as in G. victoriae ( Figs. 37–44 ). Distribution. All Australian states and territories except Tasmania, more commonly in arid areas. Notes. Germalus australis can be distinguished from the closely related G. victoriae by a combination of characters, including the generally pale ochraceous body; the pronotum lacking distinct fuscous spots on humeral angles; the punctures on pronotum, clavus, and corium being generally weaker and less distinct ( Figs. 27, 28 ); and the relatively more anteriorly narrowed pronotum (relatively less narrowed and almost parallel-sided in G. victoriae ). This species exhibits considerable variation in colour markings, even within specimens from one series or locality. In some specimens the head, pronotum, and scutellum are almost uniformly stramineous to pale ochraceous. The punctures on pronotum are variable: in some specimens they are more conspicuous particularly around the calli and on the anterior lobe than on the posterior lobe, where they are indistinct. In Gill Pinnacle (Western Australia ) specimens, the eyes are entirely dark reddish-brown. Roberts Range (WA) specimens are generally slightly darker dorsally on the head and pronotum, and the pronotal punctures are prominent. Some specimens ( e.g., Blue Mountains, NSW) have the dorsum of the abdomen (under hemelytra) with more extensive fuscous patches between segments and laterally on each tergum, but the pattern varies considerably within one series. In some specimens ( e.g., Gol Gol, NSW, 4 October 1995 ), the dark spots on the femora are distinct. The male genitalia characters also exhibit some variation. For example, the length of the gonoporal process in NT specimens is short, about 6 coils, but the coils are loose and thin as in a typical G. victoriae .