Five new Oriental species of the genus Ichneumon LINNAEUS (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae) Author Riedel, Matthias text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2023 55 1 47 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10788089 0253-116X 10788089 Ichneumon leucogigas var. australis HEINRICH , 1965 , new ♁ M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Laos , Hua Phan Prov. , Phon-Pan, Umg. Ort Ban Saleui, N 20°13´30´´ E 103°59´26´´ , 1350-1900 m , 1♀ 21-22.iv.2010 , 1 ♀ 28.iv.2010 , 1♁ 7-8.v.2010 , 1 ♀ 14-15.v.2010 , 1♁ 6.v.2011 , 3♁♁ 25-26.iv.2012 , 2♁♁ 2-3.v.2012 , leg. C. Holzschuh & natives (Linz and coll. RIEDEL ). R e m a r k s: ♁: Flagellum with 40 flagellomeres. Tyloids on flagellomeres 9-17. Hind femur slender, 4.5 × longer than wide, with very scattered punctures in basal 1/3 and ventral 1/2. Postpetiolus with some transverse rugae basally and fine longitudinal aciculation apically. The available ♁♁ differ from Ichneumon leucogigas s.str. by: 2nd to 4th tergites with posterolateral ivory spots, 5 th to 7 th tergites completely black. Coloration otherwise as described for I. leucogigas ( HEINRICH 1965: 82-83 ) . D i s t r i b u t i o n: Known from Myanmar , new record for Laos .