Review of the Blastobasinae of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Blastobasidae) Author Adamski, David text Zootaxa 2013 3618 1 1 223 journal article 39040 10.11646/zootaxa.3618.1.1 d2a7d193-4512-4565-a56e-49034dcf6101 1175-5326 247396 B548B139-E8D9-4F10-956E-E0001E6C7586 Pigritia dido Adamski , new species ( Figs. 46 , 237–238 , 274 , 410 , Map 52) Diagnosis.— Pigritia dido possesses the following unique combination of characters: a short labial palpus; uncus and gnathos present; a basally hinged and acutely curved apical process of the ventral part of the valva; a large, subcircular proximal flange supplanting nearly 1/2 of the inner surface of the valva; and a phallus and sclerite of phallus that are shorter than the valva. Many of these characters are shared with other Pigrita , however, no other congener possesses this combination. Description.—Head: Scales on vertex and frontoclypeus grayish brown tipped with white. Labial palpus diminutive in male, extending about 1/2 distance between ventral margin of frontoclypeus and antennal base from a depression on ventral part of frontoclypeus; labial palpus extending upwards to a point slightly below antennal bases in female. Outer and inner surfaces of labial palpus with segments 1–2 grayish brown intermixed with white scales along apical margins, segment 3 grayish brown with a short, white apical part. Antennal scape with scales grayish brown tipped with white, pecten grayish brown, flagellum brown basally gradually brightening apically. Proboscis with grayish-brown scales tipped with white. Thorax: Tegula with basal 1/3 with grayish-brown scales tipped with white; apical 2/3 with pale grayish-brown scales tipped with white; mesonotum with basal 1/5 with grayish-brown scales tipped with white; apical 4/5 with pale grayish-brown scales tipped with white. Legs with grayish-brown scales tipped with white intermixed with white scales near midsegments and apical margins of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing ( Fig. 410 ): Length 4.0–5.5 mm (n = 19), grayish brown scales tipped with white intermixed with grayish-brown and white scales; base gradually darkening to about 1/3, adjacent to a narrow, transversely-curved, white band; apical 2/3 darker than base; cell with three faint spots, one near middle, two on apical end along crossvein; marginal spots faint or absent. Undersurface brown. Venation ( Fig. 46 ) with M2, M3, and CuA1 arising from a common point on distoposterior part of cell; cubital veins divergent from bases with CuA1 and CuA2 straight. Hindwing: Translucent pale brown gradually darkening to apex. Venation ( Fig. 46 ) with anterior part of cell closed, posterior part of crossvein weak; cubitus 3-branched with all veins arising submarginally. Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Figs. 237–238 ): Uncus near parallelsided throughout most of length, narrowly rounded apically, straight, sparsely setose, shorter than width of anal opening. Gnathos, anteriorly directed thin band; ventroposterior margin entire. Sockets of tergal setae not extending beyond midlength of tegumen. Valva divided; ventral part broadly rounded basally, widening to middle, narrowing to base of large, inwardly curved, apical process; apical process hinged, acutely curved inward near 2/3, setose on outer surface, planate on inner surface, with protuberant setose ridge at base; dorsal part with apical portion of costa extending dorsolaterally, forming setose digitate process; process widened at base, gradually narrowing apically; basal ridge of digitate process absent; proximal flange, subcircular, large, supplanting nearly 1/2 inner surface of valva, sparsely microtrichiate on dorsal 1/2, densely setose on ventral 1/2, with two parallel rows of setae along dorsal margin; apical margin entire. Juxta divided, forming two large triangular plates. Vinculum semicircular. Phallus and sclerite of phallus shorter than valva, phallus straight, parallelsided; sclerite of phallus acutely curved basally; anellus parallelsided from a wide base, broadly rounded apically, emarginate mesially, setose. Female Genitalia ( Fig. 274 ): Apophyses posteriores 2 1/ 2X longer than apophyses anteriores. Ostium bursae within membrane near to posterior end of seventh segment, between to globose lateral lobes; each lobe with circular microtrichiate area on apical end; narrow duct connecting ductus seminalis and anterior part of ductus bursae from shared point; eighth tergum with darkly pigmented mesial longitudinal streak. Posterior margin of seventh sternum straight. Ductus bursae 1 1/ 5X longer than apophyses posteriores; with narrow, spinulate band on anterior 1/2. Corpus bursae ovoid, spinulate; signum, thin spinate process, arising from an angular base. Holotype , 3, “ COSTA RICA : San Jos, Cuidad Colon, El Rodeo, 950 m , 21-VI-1998 , C19−22L, F, col. Kenji Nishida, “3 Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, USNM 83500 [green label]. Deposited in USNM. Paratypes ( 2 3, 16 ƤƤ): same label as holotype except, “Ƥ Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, USNM 83501, “Ƥ Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, USNM 83502, “Ƥ Wing Slide by D. Adamski, USNM 83503 [ 18 in USNM]. Distribution (Map 52). Pigritia dido is known from one collecting site on the western most part of the Cordillera de Talamanca in south-central Costa Rica . Etymology. The specific epithet dido is chosen in honor of Dido , founder of Carthage, daughter of Belus of Tyre, and sister of Pygmalion.