New species of Eucinetus and Noteucinetus from Australia (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea: Eucinetidae) Author Lawrence, John F. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-09-10 4668 2 151 182 journal article 25557 10.11646/zootaxa.4668.2.1 f59e1e92-ed51-43e7-8a5b-6b12f19b37e2 1175-5326 3415013 DDEB92E2-3F1B-463F-B68C-4C3E282279FF Eucinetus brindabellae sp. nov. ( Figs 5–8 , 41 , 54, 67 , 76, 79 , 94, 97–98 , 123, 130 ) Diagnosis. This species differs from E. lorien , E. nebulosus , E. similis and E. tropicus in having a short, broad metanepisternum and sharply acute scutellar shield and in lacking a notched inner eye margin and hind wings. It differs from E. minutus in its larger size (greater than 2.0 mm), more elongate body and lighter colour, from E. dorrigo in having the apical antennomere less than twice as long as wide, the apical maxillary palpomere gradually narrowed apically with aciculate tip in center and parameres not outwardly bowed. From E. tasmaniae , it differs in having the apical antennomere more than 1.6 times as long as wide, the third antennomere distinctly shorter than the fourth, the sides of the elytra more strongly curved, the upper surfaces more distinctly curved in lateral view and the colour somewhat darker. Description Length: 2.00–2.20 (2.10 ± 0.07) mm; body 1.71–1.84 (1.76) times as long as combined elytral width; greatest depth 0.62–0.68 (0.65) times combined elytral width. Colour of pronotum reddish-brown, scutellar shield and elytra yellowish-brown, head and pterothorax dark brown, abdomen usually somewhat lighter, legs dark brown, antennae and palps yellow. Head 0.79 times as long as wide; distance across eyes 1.39 times distance between them; inner margin of eye not notched. Labrum 0.67 times as long as wide; sides moderately curved, apex slightly emarginate. Antenna about 1.86 times as long as head width behind eyes; 3rd antennomere 1.04 times as long as 4th; antenomere 11 1.45 times as long as 10, 1.67 times as long as wide and irregularly, broadly rounded at apex. Mandibular mola reduced. Galea and lacinia about equal in width; galea widest at middle, narrowed apically. Apical maxillary palpomere subulate, 2.63 times as long as wide, with aciculate tip short and off centre. Apical labial palpomere subulate, with long aciculate tip. Pronotum 0.39–0.47 (0.42) times as long as wide; prosternal process narrowly rounded at apex. Scutellar shield 0.20 times as wide as pronotum, and 0.73 times as long as wide and apically acute. Elytra 1.40–1.50 (1.43) times as long as combined width and 3.87–475 (4.38) times as long as pronotum; elytral punctation and vestiture as in Fig. 79 . Hind wings absent. Metanepisternum 0.73 times as long as mesepimeron, roughly triangular with curved, asymmetrical mesal and lateral edges and apex with distinct notch. Metacoxal plate with outer edge about 3.0 times as long as posterior edge, which is shallowly emarginate. Outer (acute) mesotibial spur in male 0.58 times as long as first mesotarsomere, inner one about equal in length, parallelsided with a blunt, cleft apex. Parameres at about middle slightly wide than penis at same point, each one barely curved mesally and broadly rounded at apex; penis with sides gradually converging to subacute apex, extending to a point well before parameral apices. Types: Holotype , ♁: “ 35.22 S 148.50 E Blundells Ck. 3km E of Piccadilly Circus , 850m , ACT Oct. 1985 , Weir, Lawrence, Johnson” ( ANIC type #25-067872). Paratypes . ACT : Blundell’s Creek ( 35°22’S , 148°50’E ), 21.xii.1988 , ex rotten log, J. Lawrence , W. Dressler , M. Hansen (1, ANIC ) ; Blundell’s Creek , 3 km E of Piccadilly Circus ( 35°22’S , 148°50’E ), 850m , i–x.1985, flight intercept window/ trough trap , T. Weir , J. Lawrence , M. Johnson (22, ANIC , QMB ) ; Blundell’s Creek , 3 km E of Piccadilly Circus ( 35°22’S , 148°50’E ), ii–ix.1984, flight intercept window/ trough trap , T. Weir , J. Lawrence , M. Johnson (7, ANIC ) ; Blundell’s Creek , 3 km E of Piccadilly Circus ( 35°22’S , 148°50’E ), vi.1984 , ANIC Berlesate 1000, open forest, T. Weir , J. Lawrence , M. Johnson (2, ANIC ) ; Blundell’s Creek Rd. , Brindabella Ra. , 1.ix.1984 , ANIC Berl. 1009, leaf litter, J. F. Lawrence (1, ANIC ) ; Mt. Aggie , 3 km N, 1–21.ii.1979 , gutter trap , D. Rentz (4, ANIC ) ; Mt. Gingera , 1 km N ( 35°33’S , 148°47’E ), 18.ii.1981 , ANIC Berlesate 699, moss, A. A. Calder (2, ANIC ) ; Piccadilly Circus ( 35°22’S , 148°48’E ), 1240m , i–xii.1984, flight intercept window/ trough trap , T. Weir , J. Lawrence , M. Johnson (34, ANIC , QMB , MVM . FMNH ) ; Wombat Creek , 6 km NE of Piccadilly Circus ( 35°19’S , 148°51’E ), 750m , i–ix.1985, flight intercept window/ trough trap , T. Weir , J. Lawrence , M. Johnson (16, ANIC ) ; Wombat Creek , 6 km NE of Piccadilly Circus ( 35°19’S , 148°51’E ), 750m , I , xii.1984 , flight intercept window/ trough trap , T. Weir , J. Lawrence , M. Johnson (2, ANIC ) ; Wood’s Res. , 19.viii.1984 , ANIC Berlesate 1008, fungi and pine litter, J. F. Lawrence (2, ANIC ) . Distribution. holotype and paratype specimens were all found in the ACT, but the species is likely to occur in adjacent portions of NSW and VIC. Biology. Specimens collected primarily in flight intercept window/trough traps, but also in rotten wood, moss and forest litter. Etymology. Derived from the name of the Brindabella Range in the ACT.