New species of Eucinetus and Noteucinetus from Australia (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea: Eucinetidae) Author Lawrence, John F. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-09-10 4668 2 151 182 journal article 25557 10.11646/zootaxa.4668.2.1 f59e1e92-ed51-43e7-8a5b-6b12f19b37e2 1175-5326 3415013 DDEB92E2-3F1B-463F-B68C-4C3E282279FF Noteucinetus victoriae sp. nov. ( Figs 32–33 , 37–38 , 66, 69 , 90, 102 , 108 , 119, 125 , 140–141 ) Diagnosis. This species differs from N. ornatus in its larger size (length greater than 1.4 mm ), more elongate body (more than 1.4 times combined elytral width), darker elytra (mostly dark brown or black), mesotibia in both sexes with two spurs, one of which in male is apically widened and cleft, and free portion of a paramere narrow and parallel-sided. The yellowish-brown head and pronotum and the dark brown or black elytra with a reddish sutural stripe separates this species from all other described Noteucinetus , and the single metatibial spur also separates it from N. nunni Bullians & Leschen. Description. Length 1.45–1.65 (1.55 ± 0.06) mm; body 1.42–1.57 (1.47) times as long as combined elytral width; greatest depth 0.73–0.78 (0.75) times elytral width. Colour of head and pronotum yellow to yellowishbrown; elytra primarily dark brown to black, sometimes with red along suture; undersurfaces reddish-brown anteriorly and dark brown posteriorly; legs yellowish-brown; antennae and palps yellow. Head 0.90 times as long as wide; distance across eyes 1.32 times distance between them; inner eye margin without notch. Labrum 0.65 times as long as wide, broadly more or less evenly rounded apically, but with a median prominence cleft at middle. Antenna about 1.4 times as long as head width behind eyes; 3rd antennomere 0.81 times as long as 4th; 11th antennomere 1.32 times as long as 10th, 1.80 times as long as wide and narrowly rounded at apex. Mandibular mola well developed. Galea subequal in width to lacinia at midpoint, widest at middle with sides irregularly converging to narrowly rounded apex. Apical maxillary palpomere 1.57 times as long as wide, with broadly, obliquely truncate apex. Apical labial palpomere 1.87 times as long as wide, more or less fusiform with moderately broadly rounded apex. Pronotum 0.29–0.37 (0.34) times as long as wide; prosternal process expanded and truncate at apex. Scutellar shield 0.3 times as wide as pronotum and 0.55 times as long as wide at base, with narrowly acute apex. Elytra 1.19–1.30 (1.24) times as long as wide and 4.71–6.50 (5.35) times as long as pronotum. Elytral punctation and vestiture as in Fig. 90 . Metanepisternum 0.73 times as long as mesepimeron, 1.91 times as long as wide, asymmetrically quadrate with all edges straight, the anterior one slightly oblique and the posterior one strongly oblique. Hind wing reduced and flap-like. Mesotibia in female with two acute spurs, one about 0.45 times as long as first mesotarsomere and the other slightly shorter; male with acute spur about as long as in female and a modified spur arising at an angle, slightly shorter, thicker and widened at apex, with a small articulated piece arising from within a cleft. Metatibia with one acute spur 0.75 times as long as first metatarsome. Parameres with apical free sections very narrow with narrowly rounded apex bearing several setae; connecting membrane located well away from apices. Penis slightly, gradually narrowed to subapex, then more strongly narrowed to subacute apex with median cleft, extending well beyond parameral apices. Types: Holotype , ♁: “ 37.41S 145.44E , VIC, Acheron Gap , 750m , NE of Warburton , 813, 17 Jan.-9 Feb.1987 , A. Newton & M. Thayer / Noth . cunn .- Euc . regnans , pyrethin fogging fungusy logs / ANIC image” ( ANIC type #25-067883). Paratypes . VIC: Acheron Gap, nr. Warburton, 28–30.iv.1978 , Nothofagus lttter, S. & J. Peck (20, ANIC, CMN); Acheron Gap, NE of Warburton ( 37°41’S , 145°44’E ), 750m , 813, 27.i–9.ii.1987 , Nothofagus cunninghami - Eucalyptus regnans , pyrethrum fogging fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (33, ANIC, FMNH, MVM, NZAC, QMB); Baw Baw Alpine Res., 0.7 km NE Neulynes Mill ( 37°51’S , 146°15’E ). 1035m , 930, Eucalyptus delecatensis forest w/ Nothofagus cunninghami , 26.ii.1993 , pyrethrum fogging old large Euc. logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (4, ANIC, FMNH); Baw Baw Alpine Res., 1.2 km NE Neulynes Mill ( 37°51’S , 146°15’E ). 1145m , 816, wet sclerophyll, Nothofagus cunninghami , 29.i–10.ii.1987 , FMHD #87-240, Berlesate leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (4, ANIC); Baw Baw Alpine Res., 1.2 km NE Neulynes Mill ( 37°51’S , 146°15’E ). 1145m , 816, wet sclerophyll, Nothofagus cunninghami , 29.i–10.ii.1987 , pyrethrum fogging old fungusy logs, Newton, M. Thayer (4, ANIC); Ben Cairn, northeast slope, NW Warburton ( 37°43’S , 145°37’E ), 960m , 820, wet sclerophyll, Nothofagus cunninghami , 30.i–11.ii.1987 , pyrethrum fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (6, ANIC, FMNH); Bulga N. P., 550m , 17.v.1978 , log litter & fungi, S. & J. Peck (1, ANIC); Cement Creek, N of Warburton ( 37°43’S , 145°42’E ), 670m . 812, 26.i–11.ii.1987 , Eucalyptus regnans - Nothofagus cunninghami , pyrethrum fogging fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (11, ANIC, FMNH); Cement Creek, Warburton, 10–17.i.1980 , Nothofagus cunninghami etc., flood bebris, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Cumberland Scenic Res., SW Cambarville, Cora Lynn Falls ( 37°34’S , 145°53’E ), 880m , 824, Eucalyptus regnans , Nothofagus cunninghami , 5.ii.1987 , pyrrethrum fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Lake Mt. Alpine Res., E Marysville, Gerraty;s ( 37°31’S , 145°52’E ), 1330m , 823, wet sclerophyll forest, 5.ii.1987 , FMHD #87-256, berlesate leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Mt. Donna Buang, 1200m , 11–17.i.1980 , Eucalyptus - Nothofagus forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer (5, ANIC, FMNH); Mt. Donna Buang, N of Warburton ( 37°43’S , 145°41’E ), 1200m , 810, wet sclerop[hyll, Nothofagus cunninghami , 26.i–11.ii.1987 , FMHD #87-216, Berlesate leaf & log litter, A. Newton, M. Thayer (5, ANIC); Tanjil Bren, 6.1 km ESE ( 37°50’S , 146°12’E ), 590m , 818, wet sclerophyll forest, 29.i–10.ii.1987 , pyrethrum fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (5, ANIC); Tarra-Bulga N. P., Grand Ridge Rd. at Traralgon-Balook Rd. ( 38°25’S , 146°34’E ), 690m , 928, ridge top open Eucalyptus - Acacia forest, 13–25.ii.1993 , FMHD #93-90, ex window trap, A. Newton, M. Thayer (3, ANIC); Tarra-Bulga N. P., Tarra Valley near picnic area ( 38°27’S , 146°32’E ), 340m , 928, cool temperate rainforest, 13–25.ii.1993 , FMHD #93-87, ex window trap, A. Newton, M. Thayer (1, ANIC); Tarra Valley N. P. 450m , 17.v.1978 , under bark & in fungi, S. & J. Peck (6, ANIC); Warburton, Acheron Way, 495m , 11–16.i.1980 , 2 nd growth forest, berlesed from leaf litter, A. Newton,. M. Thayer (2, ANIC); Warburton, 2.2 km N on Acheron Way ( 37°44’S , 145°43’E ), 320m , 931, Eucalyptus regnans forest w/ Acacia dealbata , 15.ii.1993 , pyrethrum fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (6, ANIC); Warburton, 2.2 km N on Acheron Way ( 37°44’S , 145°43’E ), 320m , 931, Eucalyptus regnans forest w/ Acacia dealbata , 27.ii.1993 , pyrethrum fogging old fungusy logs, A. Newton, M. Thayer (3, ANIC); Wilson’s Promontory N. P., Lilly Pilly Tr., 14.v.1978 , Eugenia litter, S. & J. Peck (6, ANIC). FIGURES 1–12. Habitus: 1, Eucinetus bicolor sp. nov. (2.50 mm): dorsal; 2, same, lateral; 3, E. bicolorellus sp. nov. (1.90 mm): dorsal; 4, same, lateral; 5, E. brindabellae sp. nov. , female (2.10 mm): dorsal; 6, same, lateral; 7, E. brindabellae sp. nov. , male (2.10 mm): dorsal; 8, same, posterodorsal; 9, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , female (1.80 mm): dorsal; 10, same, lateral; 11, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , male (1.90 mm): dorsal; 12, same, posterodorsal. FIGURES 13–23. Habitus: 13, Eucinetus limitaris sp. nov. , male (2.45 mm): dorsal; 14, same, lateral; 15, E. lorien sp. nov. , female (2.70 mm): dorsal; 16, same, lateral. 17, E. minutus sp. nov. , female, (1.70 mm): dorsal; 18, same, lateral; 19, E. minutus sp. nov. , male (1.80 mm): dorsal; 20, E. similis sp. nov. , female (2.90 mm): dorsal; 21, E. similis sp. nov. , male (3.20 mm): dorsal; 22. same, lateral; 23, E. protibialis sp. nov. , male (2.10 mm), dorsal. FIGURES 24–33. Habitus: 24, E. nebulosus sp. nov. , sex? (2.30 mm): dorsal; 25, same, lateral; 26, E. tasmaniae sp. nov. , male (2.00 mm): dorsal; 27, same, lateral; 28, E. tropicus sp. nov. , female (2.10 mm): dorsal; 29, same, lateral; 30, Noteucinetus ornatus sp. nov. , male (1.4 mm), dorsal; 31, same, lateral; 32, N. victoriae sp. nov. , male (1.6 mm), dorsal; 33, same, lateral. FIGURES 34–51. Morphological details: 34–35, right side of head, dorsal: 34, Eucinetus nebulosus sp. nov. , showing eye notch; 35. E. bicolor sp. nov. , with lack of eye notch; 36, E. lorien sp. nov. , antennomeres 1–6; 37, Noteucinetus victoriae sp. nov. , antennomeres 5–11; 38, same, antennomeres 10–11; 39–51, Eucinetus spp., antennomere 11: 39, E. bicolorellus sp. nov. ; 40, E. bicolor sp. nov. ; 41, E. brindabellae sp. nov. ; 42, E. dorrigo sp. nov. ; 43, E. limitaris sp. nov. ; 44, E. protibialis sp. nov. ; 45, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 46, E. minutus sp. nov. ; 47, E. lorien sp. nov. (NSW); 48, E. lorien sp. nov. (northern QLD); 49, E. similis sp. nov. ; 50, E. tasmaniae sp. nov. ; 51, E. tropicus sp. nov. FIGURES 52–72. Morphological details: 52–66, apical maxillary palpomere: 52, Eucinetus bicolor sp. nov. ; 53, E. bicolorellus sp. nov. ; 54, E. brindabellae sp. nov. ; 55, E. dorrigo sp. nov. ; 56, E. limitaris sp. nov. ; 57, E.ucinetus lorien sp. nov. (northern QLD); 58, E. lorien sp. nov. (NSW); 59, E. minutus sp. nov. ; 60, Noteucinetus ornatus sp. nov. ; 61, E. protibialis sp. nov. ; 62, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 63, E. similis sp. nov. ; 64, E. tasmaniae sp. nov. ; 65, E. tropicus sp. nov. ; 66, Noteucinetus victoriae sp. nov. ; 67–69, apical labial palpomere: 67, E. brindabellae sp. nov. ; 68, N. ornatus sp. nov. ; 69, N. victoriae sp. nov. ; 70–72, maxilla: 70, E. dorrigo sp. nov. ; 71, E. lorien sp. nov. ; 72, E. protibialis sp. nov. FIGURES 73–88. Morphological details: 73–75, mentum and prementum: 73, E. lorien sp. nov. (northern QLD); 74, E. bicolor sp. nov. ; 75, E. protibialis sp. nov. ; 76, E. brindabellae sp. nov. , elytral interlocking device; 77–88, Eucinetus spp., portion of elytral surface (100×): 77, E. bicolor sp. nov. ; 78, E. bicolorellus sp. nov. ; 79, E. brindabellae sp. nov. ; 80, E. dorrigo sp. nov. ; 81, E. limitaris sp. nov. ; 82, E. lorien sp. nov. (NSW); 83, E. minutus sp. nov. ; 84, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 85, E. tropicus sp. nov. ; 86, E. protibialis sp. nov. ; 87, E. similis sp. nov. ; 88, E. tasmaniae sp. nov. FIGURES 89–103. Morphological details: 89–90, Noteucinetus spp., portion of elytral surface: 89, N. ornatus sp. nov. ; 90, N. victoriae sp. nov. ; 91, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , pterothorax with mid legs removed; 92, E. protibialis sp. nov. , protibia and tarsus; 93, N. victoriae sp. nov. , metacoxae and metendosternite; 94, E. brindabellae sp. nov. , metendosternite; 95–96, metanepisternum: 95, E. bicolor sp. nov. ; 96, E. lorien sp. nov. ; 97–98, E. brindabellae sp. nov. , metacoxal plate: 97, base, showing interlocking device; 98, apex; 99, E. protibialis sp. nov. , apex of protarsus; 100, E. tropicus sp. nov. , scutellar shield; 101–102, mesoventrite: 101, E. brindabellae sp. nov. ; 102, N. victoriae sp. nov. ; 103, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , scutellar shield. FIGURES 104–118. Morphological details: 104–108, mesotibial apex of male: 104, Eucinetus bicolor sp. nov. ; 105, E. bicolorellus sp. nov. ; 106, E. limitaris sp. nov. ; 107, E. protibialis sp. nov. ; 108, Noteucinetus victoriae sp. nov. ; 109–112, mesopretarsal claws: 109, E. lorien sp. nov. ; 110, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 111, E. similis sp. nov. ; 112, E. tropicus sp. nov. ; 113, E. nebulosus sp. nov. , male abdominal ventrites 1–5; 114–115, male abdominal sternite IX: 114, E. tropicus sp. nov. ; 115, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , apex; 116–117, male abdominal sternite VIII: 116, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 117, E. lorien sp. nov. ; 118, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , male abdominal sternite IX, base. FIGURES 119–132. Morphological details: 119, Noteucinetus victoriae sp. nov. , male abdominal sternites VIII and partly concealed IX; 120, N. ornatus sp. nov. , male abdominal sternite IX; 121, Eucinetus bicolorellus sp. nov. , mandible, ventral; 122, E. limitaris sp. nov. , male abdominal tergite X; 123, E. brindabellae sp. nov. , labrum; 124, E. nebulosus sp. nov. , mandible, ventral; 125–127, labrum: 125, N. victoriae sp. nov. ; 126, N. ornatus sp. nov. ; 127, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 128–132, aedeagal apex: 128, E. bicolor sp. nov. ; 129, E. bicolorellus sp. nov. ; 130, E. brindabellae sp. nov. ; 131, E. limitaris sp. nov. ; 132, E. lorien sp. nov. (northern QLD). FIGURES 133–148. Morphological details: 133–140, aedeagal apex: 133, Eucinetus lorien sp. nov. (NSW); 134, E. similis sp. nov. ; 135, E. tropicus sp. nov. ; 136, E. tasmaniae sp. nov. ; 137, E. protibialis sp. nov. ; 138, E. minutus sp. nov. ; 139, E. nebulosus sp. nov. ; 140, Noteucinetus victoriae sp. nov. ; 141, N. victoriae sp. nov. , left parameral apex; 142, N. ornatus sp. nov. , apices of parameres and penis; 143–147, E. dorrigo sp. nov. , aedeagus: 143, parameral apices; 144, parameral bases; 145, penile apex, dorsal; 146, penile base, dorsal; 147, penile base, lateral; 148, N. ornatus sp. nov. , aedeagal phallobase and parameral bases. Distribution. Known only from eastern VIC but probably occurs in montane regions of NSW or the ACT. Biology. This species was most often collected by pyrethrum fogging, but a number of specimens were collected by hand under bark of logs, in berlesates of sifted log and leaf litter, and in flight intercept/trough traps. Etymology. Derived from the state of Victoria .