A review of the millipedes (Diplopoda) of Namibia, with identification keys and descriptions of two new genera and five new species Author Vohland, Katrin Author Hamer, Michelle text African Invertebrates 2013 2013-06-30 54 1 251 251 journal article 2305-2562 6B95969B-485A-4E3F-9FBE-4F992A5F2DC5 Kartinikus australis Attems, 1914 Figs 50, 51 Kartinikus australis : Attems 1914 a : 127–128 , figs 135, 136; 1928: 342; 1934 a : 193; 1950: 216; Kraus 1958: 67; Schubart 1966: 98; Krabbe 1982: 154 ; Hamer 1998: 50. Charactopygus frequens : Attems 1938: 256–258 , figs 26, 27; 1950: 216. Epistreptus (Epistreptus) australis : Attems 1950: 216 . Scaphiostreptus freqens : Attems 1950: 229 . Epistreptus australis : Attems 1953: 117 . Diagnosis: Paraprocts with a broad bulge. Tip of slender solenomere broadened, with a wide process ( Fig. 50 ). Figs 50, 51. Kartinikus australis Attems , ♂: (50) oral view of gonopod; (51) gnathochilarium.Abbreviations: (fp) femoral process, (h) hypostomum, (l) lamella lingualis, (lc) lateral conus on lateral lamella, (ll) lateral lamella of gonocoxite, (m) mentum, (ml) median lamella of gonocoxite, (pb) prebasilare, (s) solenomere, (st) stipes, (tl) tarsal lobe. Scale bar = 1 mm. Description: Head : Presbasilare of gnathochilarium incised ( Fig. 51 , pb ), without cardines. Antenna relatively stout. Legs : Pads of legs seem to be surrounded by faint bulge. Gonopods : Median lamella of telocoxite shorter than lateral lamella; the latter with horizontal and apically narrowed lateral conus ( Fig. 50 , lc ). Femoral process originating proximal to knee in the gonocoel ( Fig. 50 , fp ). Tip of slender solenomere broadened, with a broad process ( Fig. 50 , s ). Holotype (examined): NAMIBIA : ‘ South West Africa’ ( ZMHB 1460 ). Distribution: The type locality is simply labelled as “South West Africa”. The species has been recorded from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Attems 1935) and Ruanda ( Krabbe 1982 ). Schubart (1966) doubted whether K. australis really occurs in Namibia and it has not been recorded in the country since the type material was collected. Remark: The only congener is Kartinikus colonus Attems, 1914 , from Cameroon .