Checklist of Cerambycidae, Disteniidae and Vesperidae (Coleoptera) primary types of the Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil Author Monné, Miguel A. Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Author Casari, Sônia A. Author Monné, Marcela L. text Zootaxa 2017 4249 1 1 104 journal article 33323 10.5281/zenodo.439474 cad3930d-1dea-4aa6-92e2-80e38a71a4ce 1175-5326 439474 CC1EED25-5AD3-45FC-A6FF-481605B322C6 RHINOTRAGINI Thomson, 1861 363. Agaone punctilla Martins & Santos-Silva, 2010: 404 , figs 1, 23– 28 Holotype male : Brazil , Espírito Santo : Santa Teresa , XII.1946 , R. Arlé. 364. Chariergodes anceps (Melzer, 1927) Ommata anceps Melzer, 1927b : 563 Lectotype : Brazil , Minas Gerais : Passa Quatro (Fazenda dos Campos, 1500 m ), 25.XII.1920 , J.F.Zikán. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 365. Chrysaethe globulicollis ( Melzer, 1935 ) Ommata ( Chrysaethe ) globulicollis Melzer, 1935 : 181 Holotype female: Brazil , Santa Catarina : Corupá , XII.1933 , A. Maller. 366. Clepitoides thomasi Santos-Silva, Clarke & Martins, 2013 : 411 , fig. 5 Holotype male: Brazil , Santa Catarina : Seara (Nova Teutonia), XII.1935 , B. Pohl. 367. Eclipta bipunctata (Melzer, 1934) Ommata (Eclipta) bipunctata Melzer, 1934b : 219 , pl. 15, fig. 12 Lectotype : Brazil , Santa Catarina : Mafra , XII.1931 , A. Maller. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 368. Eclipta birai Bezark, Botero, Galileo, Lingafelter, Monné, M.L., Monné, M.A., Morris, Napp, Nearns, Santos-Silva, Skillman, Tavakilian, Thomas & Wappes, 2015 : 66 , figs 1–4 Holotype female: Brazil , São Paulo : Guarulhos , 02.XI.1942 , F.S. Pereira. 369. Eclipta nigriventris (Melzer, 1934) Ommata ( Eclipta ) nigriventris Melzer, 1934b : 218 , pl. 15, fig. 11 Holotype male : Brazil , Santa Catarina : Mafra , A. Maller. 370. Eclipta signaticollis ( Melzer, 1922 ) Ommata ( Eclipta ) signaticollis Melzer, 1922 : 6 Lectotype : Brazil , Minas Gerais : Passa Quatro, 14. XI.1916 , E. Jaeger. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 371. Eclipta socia (Melzer, 1934) Ommata ( Eclipta ) socia Melzer, 1934b : 217 , pl. 15, fig. 8 Holotype male : Brazil , Santa Catarina : Mafra , XII.1931 , A. Maller. 372. Ecliptoides hogani Martins, Santos-Silva & Clarke, 2012: 494 , figs 18, 19 Holotype male: Brazil , Santa Catarina : Anita Garibaldi , XI.1950 , R. von Diringshofen. 373. Ecliptoides quadrivittatus ( Melzer, 1922 ) Odontocera quadrivittata Melzer, 1922 : 9 Holotype male: Brazil , Minas Gerais : Passa Quatro , XI.1915 , E. Jaeger. 374. Ecliptoides schmidi Martins, Santos-Silva & Clarke, 2012: 487 , figs 10– 12 Holotype male : Brazil , Espírito Santo : Baixo Guandú , X.1971 , P.C. Elias. 375. Ecliptoides tavakiliani Martins, Santos-Silva & Clarke, 2012: 491 , figs 16, 17 Holotype female: Brazil , Rondônia : Porto Velho ( Rio Madeira ), 17–30.VI.2011 , R.R. Silva. 376. Ecliptoides vicinus (Melzer, 1927) Ommata ( Eclipta ) vicina Melzer, 1927b : 564 Lectotype male: Brazil , Minas Gerais : Passa Quatro , 24.X.1916 , E. Jaeger. 377. Ecliptophanes bucki (Melzer, 1934) Ommata ( Ecliptophanes ) bucki Melzer, 1934b : 219 , pl. 15, fig. 13 Holotype female : Brazil , Rio Grande do Sul : Porto Alegre , 25. II.1931 , Padre Pio Buck. 378. Ecliptophanes laticornis ( Melzer, 1922 ) Ommata (?) laticornis Melzer, 1922 : 7 Lectotype male: Brazil , São Paulo : São Paulo (Bosque da Saúde), 03.XII.1916 , J. Melzer. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 379. Epimelitta penicillata Casari & Santos-Silva, 2016 : 379 , figs 33–40 Holotype male: Brazil , Rio Grande do Sul : Porto Alegre (Jardim Botânico), 21.XI.1994 , A. Franceschini. 380. Epimelitta prodigiosa Casari & Santos-Silva, 2016 : 372 , figs 1–32 Holotype male: Brazil , São Paulo : Peruibe , 27–29.IX.1984 , Expedição MZSP . 381. Epipoda vanini Clarke, 2014 : 388 , figs 4A, 4B Holotype female: Brazil , Pará : Serra Norte , 11–14.VIII.1984 , I.G. Fefoca. 382. Erratamelitta eliasi Clarke, 2016 : 26, fig. 34 Holotype male: Brazil , Espírito Santo : Baixo Guandú , X.1971 , P.C. Elias. 383. Ischasioides berkovi Martins, Santos-Silva & Clarke, 2012b: 511 , fig. 9 Holotype female: Brazil , Espírito Santo : Alegre (Fazenda Jerusalém), 28.IX.1912 , J.F. Zikán. 384. Lygrocharis neivai Melzer, 1927b : 567 Lectotype female: Brazil , Paraná : Fazendinha perto do Rio Negro , 13. XII.1924 , M. Witte. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 385. Lygrocharis nigripennis Mendes, 1938a : 117 , figs 2, 6 Holotype male: Brazil , Santa Catarina : Nova Teutonia , XI.1937 , F. Plaumann. 386. Neophygopoda agdae Martins, Galileo & Santos-Silva, 2015: 280 , figs 27– 30 Holotype female : Brazil , Bahia : Aracatu (Fazenda Lagoa do Tamburi), 14°30.961’S , 41°27.512’W ), 11. IV.2013 , A.S. Ferreira. 387. Neoregostoma erythrocallum (Lane, 1940) Oregostoma erythrocallum Lane, 1940a : 1 Holotype female: Brazil , Goiás : Leopoldo Bulhões , XI.1935 , R. Spitz. 388. Odontocera albitarsis Melzer, 1922 : 9 Holotype female: Brazil , Minas Gerais : Passa Quatro , XI.1915 , E. Jaeger. 389. Odontocera flavirostris Melzer, 1930 : 195 , pl. 16, fig. 12 Holotype female: Brazil , Espírito Santo : Santa Teresa , 13.XI.1918 , O. Conde. 390. Odontocera gracilis var. perplexa Melzer, 1922 : 9 Lectotype female: Brazil , São Paulo (Saúde), 13.I.1916 , J. Melzer. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 391. Odontocera malleri Melzer, 1934b : 221 , pl. 16, fig. 15 Holotype male: Brazil , Santa Catarina : Mafra , XII.1931 , A. Maller. 392. Odontocera zikani Melzer, 1927b : 565 Lectotype : Brazil , Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaia, ( 700 m ), 28.XI.1925 , J.F. Zikán. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 393. Ommata nigricollis Santos-Silva, Martins & Clarke, 2010 : 602 , figs 7, 8 Holotype male : Brazil , Espírito Santo : Santa Teresa , 12.X.1964 , C. Elias. 394. Oxylymma pallida Santos-Silva, Bezark & Martins, 2012 : 76 , figs 23–25 Holotype male: Brazil , Rondônia : Ouro Preto do Oeste , 25–28.III.1985 , F.F. Ramos. 395. Ommata ( Phoenissa ) bipartita var. basinotata Melzer, 1934b : 215 , pl. 14, fig. 5 Holotype male: Brazil, São Paulo: Amparo, 1931, P. Reck. Junior synonym of Oregostoma bipartitum (Bates, 1873) 396. Paraeclipta flavipes ( Melzer, 1922 ) Ommata ( Eclipta ) flavipes Melzer, 1922 : 6 Lectotype : Brazil , Minas Gerais : Passa Quatro, XI.1915 , E. Jaeger. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. 397. Pyrpotyra albitarsis (Galileo & Martins, 2010) Ommata ( Ommata ) albitarsis Galileo & Martins, 2010a: 7 , fig. 6. Holotype female: Brazil , Rondônia : Porto Velho (Parque Ecológico), 03.VIII.2008 . 398. Rashelapso schmidi Clarke, Martins & Santos-Silva, 2012: 257 , fig. 4 Holotype male: Brazil , Mato Grosso : Utiariti ( Rio Papagaio ), 01–12.XI.1966 , Lenko & Pereira. 399. Rhinotragus dorsiger var. amparensis Melzer, 1930 : 194 , pl. 16, fig. 9 Holotype male: Brazil, São Paulo: Amparo, E. Navarro de Andrade. Junior synonym of Rhinotragus dorsiger Germar, 1824 400. Rhinotragus dorsiger var. collaris Melzer, 1930 : 193 , pl. 16, fig. 7 Lectotype female: Brazil , Espírito Santo : Rio Itabapoana, 18.XI.1908 , J. F. Zikán. The specimen is herein designated as the lectotype in order to stabilize the taxonomy and facilitate further identification of this species. Junior synonym of Rhinotragus dorsiger Germar, 1824 401. Rhinotragus dorsiger var. vittatus Melzer, 1930 : 194 , pl. 16, fig. 8 Holotype female: Brazil, São Paulo: Amparo, E. Navarro de Andrade. Junior synonym of Rhinotragus dorsiger Germar, 1824 402. Rhinotragus zikani Melzer, 1930 : 194 , pl. 16, fig. 11 Holotype female: Brazil , Amazonas : São Gabriel, Alto Rio Negro , 18.XI.1927 , J.F. Zikán. Junior synonym of Rhinotragus lucasii Thomson, 1861 403. Rhopalessa demissa (Melzer, 1934) Ommata ( Rhopalessa ) demissa Melzer, 1934b : 215 , pl. 14, fig. 6 Holotype male : Brazil , Santa Catarina : Mafra , XII.1931 , A. Maller. 404. Stultutragus tippmanni Santos-Silva, Bezark & Martins, 2012 : 73 , figs 12– 14 Holotype male : Brazil , São Paulo : São Paulo (Saúde), 05.I.1918 , J. Melzer. 405. Stultutragus ventriguttatus Santos-Silva. Bezark & Martins, 2012 : 74 , figs 15– 17 Holotype female : Brazil , Minas Gerais : Catas Altas (Serra do Caraça ), 05.XII.1972 , Expedição Museu de Zoologia.